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Physics版 - Postdoc position in organic solar cells, photodetector, tra
postdoc position in organic solar cell, detector, and other (转载)问个材料方面的问题
抛砖引玉:讨论太阳能电池 (1)Scientists create world's first molecular transistor(zz)
浅谈-太阳能电池(2)Konstantin Novoselov带了个中国学生的求职信!!
Solar Cell 前途堪忧求审稿(review)机会-半导体/纳米/超导/凝聚态
关于招聘postdoc和学生的发贴要求how to measure absorption & photoluminescence for solar cell???
求审稿机会,求Review opportunityWhich website covers Solar Industry best?
5555~~~我恨死transistor了~~~请教: nano wire solar cell的效率比commercial的低很多为啥能 (转载)
话题: organic话题: group话题: postdoc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60
【 以下文字转载自 NanoST 讨论区 】
发信人: johnson1234 (johnson), 信区: NanoST
标 题: Postdoc position in organic solar cells, photodetector, tra
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 23 14:17:04 2011, 美东)
A postdoc position is immediate available in the research area of Organic so
lar cells, organic photodetector and organic field effect transistors in Hua
ng’s group in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering. Huang
’s group is an inspiring and fast growing group with established world-clas
s facility and equipment. The description of Huang group’s research can be
found in the group website:http://huanggroup.unl.edu
Successful candidates will have PhD degree in electric engineering, material
engineering, physics or chemistry, and are expected to have closely related
research experience, strong publication record, and self-motivated attitude
1 (共1页)
请教: nano wire solar cell的效率比commercial的低很多为啥能 (转载)这成果怎么没去发一篇nature????
How to improve Fill Factor of Solar cell?关于招聘postdoc和学生的发贴要求
寻审稿机会:Solar cell/PV/thin film deposition area求审稿机会,求Review opportunity
钙钛矿太阳能电池(perovskite solar cell)薄后职位招聘中 (转载)5555~~~我恨死transistor了~~~
postdoc position in organic solar cell, detector, and other (转载)问个材料方面的问题
抛砖引玉:讨论太阳能电池 (1)Scientists create world's first molecular transistor(zz)
浅谈-太阳能电池(2)Konstantin Novoselov带了个中国学生的求职信!!
Solar Cell 前途堪忧求审稿(review)机会-半导体/纳米/超导/凝聚态
话题: organic话题: group话题: postdoc