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Pics版 - 令人神往的堪察加半岛 (转载)
再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)
秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)
堪察加的小狐狸Re: 【NPS活动】这些年我们一起去的国家公园
冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)堪察加的小狐狸
湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)堪察加半岛火山喷发
聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)堪察加半岛火山精彩图集
海鹰和三文鱼 (转载)堪察加的狐狸和大熊
话题: wild话题: foxes话题: nature话题: reserve话题: snow
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
Incessant rains, crazy winds of Kamchatka, sleeping in damp sleeping bags,
gnats and wool lice are inevitable companions of people working in the
Kronotsky natural reserve. But there is the other side in their work: they
see the most beautiful sunsets and daybreaks, their paths go along
picturesque passes and behind scenic waterfalls where people usually don’t
get. They are often the witnesses of the most private moments of wild nature.
Exploring virgin lands.
Animals usually don’t care about people.
Wild horses near a volcano.
Volcanic ash comes from the local volcanoes from time to time. It makes snow
and animals look grey and dirty. This hare clears its legs of the ash.
Hare footprints in the snow grey of ash.
People often try to find human features in animals, wild or domestic. In
this picture a bear seems to admire the evening lake. In fact, it is sitting
in a food coma, overeaten itself with salmon. It can’t eat anymore, it is
even difficult to move, and fish still swims in the lake. The bear observes
fish with satisfaction and happiness in its eyes.
Such little bear cubs were born under the snow layer a month ago and now
they already gambol on green spring grass.
Foxes feel when spring is coming. They began to clear their holes of snow it
is an indication that mating season is not far off. The holes located in a
good place can serve several generations of foxes. This one is known for
about 100 years. Now it is about a meter of thick snow for this fox to clear
pretty hard work.
All in all there are about 160 discovered fox holes in the nature reserve.
Fox hole is a secure shelter bears, wolves, lynxes can’t get inside these
complicated constructions with underground passes.
Foxes are not afraid of people here, this one slept right beneath the window.
Some rivers are covered with ice in winter, the waters of some are still
Wild deer antlers.
The moon and volcano at dawn.
Small hut by the river.
When one moves to live among wild nature, one gets to understanding that 2/3
of city life skills are of no use here. Simple things become vital: set the
saw, start your snowmobile that stopped in the middle of snowy landscape,
not to get lost in the wild nature.
After every snowstorm you have to clear your path to the firewood.
The are no problems with water supply, the Kronotsky nature reserve is full
of rivers and lakes. This river flows from the crystal lake Kronotsky.
Thanks to the efforts of foxes the electric cable was changed to “armoured
” one , that cannot be bitten through.
The heat comes from brick wood stove. It is very delicate and a bit cracked
because of the earthquakes but is the best heating device in the nature
Electricity is produced by a diesel generator and soon solar batteries will
be installed as well.
A mink plays the master in the shed.
Red friend.
This tree is called stone birch, it grew already here when Kamchatka
peninsula was just discovered. Hundreds of tourists come to admire the tree
nowadays. Bears also like to hang about the tree.
Scientists live separately in the reserve. They got used to it and cope with
their job very well. However, sometimes they visit one another when they
need some chat or help. Like have someone’s hair cut.
Haircut process.
发帖数: 29495


【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: Incessant rains, crazy winds of Kamchatka, sleeping in damp sleeping bags,
: gnats and wool lice are inevitable companions of people working in the
: Kronotsky natural reserve. But there is the other side in their work: they
: see the most beautiful sunsets and daybreaks, their paths go along
: picturesque passes and behind scenic waterfalls where people usually don’t
: get. They are often the witnesses of the most private moments of wild nature.
: Exploring virgin lands.
: Animals usually don’t care about people.
: Wild horses near a volcano.
: Volcanic ash comes from the local volcanoes from time to time. It makes snow

1 (共1页)
堪察加雪景里的大熊湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)
狐狸养殖场聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)
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再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)
秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)
堪察加的小狐狸Re: 【NPS活动】这些年我们一起去的国家公园
冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)堪察加的小狐狸
话题: wild话题: foxes话题: nature话题: reserve话题: snow