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Pics版 - 再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)
令人神往的堪察加半岛 (转载)很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)
秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)just saw a hawk killing a gray squirrel
堪察加的小狐狸国家地理:旋钮尾壁虎做防御状 (转载)
冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)
聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)毛子的堪察加半岛
海鹰和三文鱼 (转载)堪察加半岛火山喷发
俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)堪察加半岛火山精彩图集
话题: tail话题: foxes话题: reserve话题: nature话题: kamchatka
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 再来一组堪察加半岛照片
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 4 15:21:42 2012, 美东)
We are back to Kronotsky Nature Reserve, a unique place where one could
admire untouched nature of Kamchatka. The last eruption of this still active
volcano took place in 1923. Today the crater is sealed with large boulders.
Presence of few people who live in the reserve can be traced by little
houses standing among virgin nature. The huts hide themselves this way only
the roof can bee seen on the surface.
These huts make the tourist zone of the natural reserve. One is also hidden
in the snow.
This one is having fluffy guests.
Evening by a volcano.
Kamchatka is the world of genies.
Sea monsters.
Swan winter.
Foxes are not afraid of people here, they do their daily business and don’t
pay attention to two-legged creatures. The most interesting part in foxes’
behavior is the tail. They need it for many different things:
Sail tail to move faster.
Pillow tail.
Tail as an elevation rudder.
For balancing on two legs.
As an attack banner.
Additional supporting point.
Pennant tail Everything is mine here.
Glutton is a very cautious animal and it is not as easy to shoot as foxes.
It’s active mostly at night, so these pictures are very valuable and
pleasant for their proud author.
发帖数: 29495


【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 再来一组堪察加半岛照片
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 4 15:21:42 2012, 美东)
: We are back to Kronotsky Nature Reserve, a unique place where one could
: admire untouched nature of Kamchatka. The last eruption of this still active
: volcano took place in 1923. Today the crater is sealed with large boulders.
: Presence of few people who live in the reserve can be traced by little
: houses standing among virgin nature. The huts hide themselves this way only
: the roof can bee seen on the surface.

1 (共1页)
堪察加的狐狸和大熊聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)
堪察加雪景里的大熊海鹰和三文鱼 (转载)
同样的领土争端 为什么政府的态度如此不同? 信源:无孔博客|编辑:2010-09-22| 网址:http://www.popyard.org 抄送朋友|打印保留 【八阕】一个劳动人民群众喜俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)
令人神往的堪察加半岛 (转载)很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)
秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)just saw a hawk killing a gray squirrel
堪察加的小狐狸国家地理:旋钮尾壁虎做防御状 (转载)
冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)
话题: tail话题: foxes话题: reserve话题: nature话题: kamchatka