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Pics版 - 冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界 (转载)
秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)
令人神往的堪察加半岛 (转载)湖畔生活的棕熊们 (转载)
再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)龙卷风过后
海鹰和三文鱼 (转载)摄影师登上喷发火山拍岩浆河:澎湃的地狱之火
很多很多的熊(图多慎入) (转载)Re: Wild Girl Alaska
你见过这么多海狮吗? (转载)堪察加雪景里的大熊
聪明漂亮的海鹦鹉(Puffin)组图 (转载)堪察加的狐狸和大熊
话题: fish话题: bears话题: lake话题: kamchatka话题: red
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 5 16:47:09 2012, 美东)
About 8 thousand years ago, a powerful eruption caused sinking of the Earth
crust in the south of Kamchatka, forming a large lake with a maximum depth
of over 300 meters. Years later, the lake became home for the largest red
salmon run in the world.
Spawning at Kurile Lake begins in July and lasts till March.
Fish spawn at shallow waters and mountain rivers that fill the lake with
Abundance of fish makes bears fish and gain fat even in winter.
Young fish stays in the lake for the first two years of their life to go to
the Sea of Okhotsk. After that, it goes on a journey to the Pacific Ocean to
go back to the lake that gave it life at age five.
Entering fresh waters, red salmon stops eating and turns red. Its jaws
enlarge and a hump appears. Its last kilometers on the way home are the
hardest. It has to go up the river and sometimes crawl (literally) against
its belly at shallow waters! The final obstacle on their way is bears.
Shedding the eggs into a hole, the fish awaits for a male red salmon to
fertilize them. After the mission is fulfilled, the fish slowly dies
protecting the eggs from possible dangers.
Dead fish.
These are bears of Kamchatka and they are happy to see first snow.
The saying about that man who does the work and seven who take the pickings
would be perfect to describe what is going on here in Kamchatka. This is a
mother bear with a fish she has just caught.
And these are her children attentively watching her.
Once the fish is in her jaws, the bears rush to get a piece!
Sometimes baby bears participate in fishing too.
And sometimes, they succeed!
A hungry mother bear has to eat what remains after her children.
Very soon, these bears will go into hibernation.
This pillbox is supposed to protect the photographer from bears while taking
photographs of wild animals.
发帖数: 29495


【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 冬日里的堪察加 白色的世界
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 5 16:47:09 2012, 美东)
: About 8 thousand years ago, a powerful eruption caused sinking of the Earth
: crust in the south of Kamchatka, forming a large lake with a maximum depth
: of over 300 meters. Years later, the lake became home for the largest red
: salmon run in the world.
: Spawning at Kurile Lake begins in July and lasts till March.
: Fish spawn at shallow waters and mountain rivers that fill the lake with

1 (共1页)
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秋天的堪察加 最美的季节 (转载)俄罗斯2011年最佳自然摄影入围作品 (转载)
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再来一组堪察加半岛照片 (转载)龙卷风过后
话题: fish话题: bears话题: lake话题: kamchatka话题: red