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Pics版 - 养蜂人写真! (转载)
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Alexander水下摄影新作----海月水母蜜蜂播花粉 为加农年贡献17亿
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话题: bees话题: bee话题: honey话题: his话题: alexander
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 养蜂人写真!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 6 21:09:47 2012, 美东)
In Soviet times people ate much of honey and loved it much. After the fall
of the USSR only the rich could afford the product. And now it can be said
that bee-keeping in Kazakhstan is experienced a new birth.
Bee-keeping in Kazakhstan was developed in 1986 when bees were taken here
from Kiev. Our hero Alexander has been engaged in the industry since 1985.
His son and grandson help him a lot and are willing to continue the family
tradition. The National Unity of Beekeepers organizes regular seminars,
exhibitions and training trips abroad. Thus, Alexander and his colleges have
visited Israel recently.
In Israel they found out that their amount of bee families is too small. And
if before the trip Alexander wanted to cut the number of bees, he changed
his mind after he came come and did quite the opposite.
He got acquainted with the expensive equipment in Israel and constructed a
honey extractor of his own that functions not worse.
It was found out that Alexander had enemies as somebody poisoned his bees.
That was a real stress for him and he even wanted to sell a house and quit
the place but changed his mind later and just arranged for video
His bees are grown high in the mountains. The air is very fresh here and is
filled with aromas of medicinal plants. That is why the honey made here is
especially good for health.
But mountainous bees are angrier than those living low-country.
There is one guard for every bee yard. Guards spend the whole summer at bee
yards. Their family members got used to that and often come to visit them.
It is not difficult to do the job. You just need to follow simple rules, not
to smoke and not to drink alcohol while at work.
Alexander’s grandson Ivan is 9 years old. He says he loves helping his
father and grandfather. Whenever they are asked to write assays at school he
writes a lot about honey, bees and his family members.
Bee families must be checked from time to time. They may need a new frame,
etc. Bee’s cells are intended for storing honey and growing offspring. When
there is enough honey, bees close the cell with wax.
If bees start building cells on their own, honey collection will be reduced
twice. That is why beekeepers use frames with artificial cells made of
natural wax.
A bee family totally depends on its queen. A healthy queen gives a good
offspring. A queen is several times larger than a usual bee. It is always
surrounded by other bees. A usual larval bee that gets royal jelly rich in
fats and proteins and with less sugar will be turned into a queen. A usual
bee may have offspring too but it will be sterile.
After birth a young queen mates with male bees. Male bees have no stringer,
their only function is mating. They are usually knocked out of a beehive in
winter and die.
Honey is collected in the end of June. One family can give 8-25 kg of honey
depending on how good they are taken care of.
Bees collect pollen. It is processed and used for feeding offspring. Its
composition is unique as it consists of vitamins, enzymes, glucose, fructose
, etc.
In winter a part of bees die. Dead bees are used to make a useful spirit
extract for treatment of joints.
They don’t use sugar in production of natural honey. The longer honey is
stored the more valuable it is. And don’t put honey into hot tea as it will
lose its beneficial qualities in this case.
发帖数: 29495

【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 养蜂人写真!
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Aug 6 21:09:47 2012, 美东)
: 很真实,很贴近。
: In Soviet times people ate much of honey and loved it much. After the fall
: of the USSR only the rich could afford the product. And now it can be said
: that bee-keeping in Kazakhstan is experienced a new birth.
: Bee-keeping in Kazakhstan was developed in 1986 when bees were taken here
: from Kiev. Our hero Alexander has been engaged in the industry since 1985.

发帖数: 123

【在 r*********e 的大作中提到】
: 作这一行,风险挺大
1 (共1页)
太奇妙了:30黄蜂屠灭3万蜜蜂 VS 众蜜蜂合力闷死黄蜂。zz (转载 (转载)精彩的水下摄影
太奇妙了:30黄蜂屠灭3万蜜蜂 VS 众蜜蜂合力闷死黄蜂。zz哈萨克斯坦南部自然风光和动物 (转载)
太奇妙了:30黄蜂屠灭3万蜜蜂 VS 众蜜蜂合力闷死黄蜂。zz (转载)这样的生日蛋糕你舍得吃吗? (转载)
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多姿多彩的哈萨克大草原! (转载)毛子的大炮仗 (转载)
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鸟瞰中亚美景 (转载)Honey 可以从国内托运带蜂蜜到美国么?
话题: bees话题: bee话题: honey话题: his话题: alexander