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黑寡妇蜘蛛高清图! (转载)看一下这个例子, 也没省多少税
话题: spiders话题: black话题: dangerous话题: scorpions话题: widows
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发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 黑寡妇蜘蛛高清图!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 12 12:30:10 2012, 美东)
When some people hear the word spider, they go into hysterics, others even
have arachnophobia. Spiders are present in the mythology of many peoples and
treated as dangerous creatures which can possibly be explained by their
habit to hide in dark places and come from nowhere. This year people are
often bitten by spiders and specialists are very concerned about it. Today
we’ll look at the smallest and dangerous predators closer.
This year doctors of Kazakhstan have already rendered aid to 30 people
bitten by the black widow. Everyone was hospitalized with severe and
moderate poisoning. Last year only 16 people reported the same from April to
The best medicine in this case is antikarakurt serum made at the Tashkent
Bacteriological Institute but the Toxicology Center has no authorization to
acquire it. They administer intravenous injections of Novocaine, calcium
chloride and magnesium hydrogen sulfate. But the main thing is to make the
right diagnosis in time.
The man was sitting in his garden next to Almaty and felt like something had
scratched him on the leg. He did not pay attention to that. But soon sharp
pain in the abdomen appeared and headache was developed. He had nausea too.
He was taken to the hospital where it was diagnosed that the patient had
been bitten by the black widow.
Spiders seldom bite people, many of them are not capable of cutting human
skin. The majority of the species is not dangerous at all. Some of them can
bite if they consider themselves in danger. Scientists suppose that the
situation in Kazakhstan won’t be improved in future but will get worsened
Such an epidemics occur every 10-15 years. People saw spiders in the center
of the city. But what spiders can be considered dangerous?
By the word “spider” we actually mean arthropodas including scorpions,
camel spiders, etc.
Spiders eat only alive creatures. They capture their victim and poison it.
Several types of tarantulas inhabit Kazakhstan. It lives next to lakes and
rivers. Its bite is painful but does not lead to death.
It lives in holes that are 30-40 cm deep and is sensitive to everything that
happens on the surface.
Scorpions and alike usually hide from people and don’t try to attack them.
Black widows live among stones, in the dry garbage and holes inhabited by
Harmless agelena spiders are neighbors of black widows. Their webs are
located close to each other.
Black widows can be met in deserts.
Last year the nest was occupied by the black widow.
To prevent poison to spread along the human blood a person needs to have a
rest. Stay in a cold place, drink as much water as possible. During the
first minutes after the bite you need to put one match head to the affected
place, light the second match and put its head close to the first match. It
hurts but helps. A black widow’s teeth cut the human skin for 1 mm. If you
do what has been said the poison will be eliminated. But don’t forget to
ask your doctor for help in any case.
Thousands of spiders came from the eggs.
Female black widows are the most dangerous creatures as male spiders can’t
even cut the skin.
Spiders are active at night. The UV lamp can help find scorpions fast.
Scorpions’ bites are very painful and dangerous for those suffering from
allergy. But if it bites on the neck or heart area, the consequences will be
The female tarantula goes for a night walk and has dozens of small spiders
on her belly.
Caspian camel spiders are very mobile and go hunting mainly at night. Their
bites are not painful and leave no consequences.
Though some spiders are dangerous, they are still very useful creatures.
They destroy harmful insects and are often met by us because they belong to
one of the biggest population on our planet. Try not to disturb them and let
them live their life.
发帖数: 123
发帖数: 236
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话题: spiders话题: black话题: dangerous话题: scorpions话题: widows