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话题: bears话题: lake话题: animals话题: kurilsk话题: people
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 很多很多的熊(图多慎入)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 2 01:49:15 2012, 美东)
Kurilsk lake is famous not only with its wonderful landscapes and
surrounding volcanoes, but also with the demographic situation of bears
which is very good as there are plenty of the animals here. This is where
one can get a clear understanding that a bear is not a fluffy toy but a
dangerous predator and doesn’t kill people only because there is an
abundance of tested and safe food around. As soon as the food is over, no
person can be saved.
Dogs of Kamchatka are very loyal to people and try to stay near them. Some
of them are even ready to supply tourists with rabbits so that they will
never die of hunger.
There only 6 sunny days a year on Kamchatka. The weather changes very fast.
The place inhabited by bears is surrounded with an electric fence to stop
the animals from attacking people. They stay on their territory and forget
about people. So, the fence can be a restricting factor until, for example,
there is a fight between the animals. In this case the one who tries to save
his life will overcome the obstacle easily and run wherever he wants to.
There is proverb saying than a hippo has bad sight but it is not its problem
due to the size of the animal.
A long row of bears busy with fishing is installed along the Kurilsk lake.
Around 9 animals were found at a small piece of land.
Do you think it is dangerous to be surrounded with the animals? Well, it all
depends on the mood of the bears. If the animal had a good dinner, it
prefers to get out of people’s way. However, there is a monument to the
famous Japanese photographer Michio Hoshino. A very sad story.
Black cubs often accompany “blonde” bears and vice versa.
There is a plenty of fish in the lake and bears are never hungry.
The dam stops the fish to go from the river to the open sea. Special people
count the amount of the fish and let some of it reach the sea.
Alaid’s Heart Island. According to the legend, a huge mountain Alaid closed
the sun from the rest of the mountains that kept complaining about the fact
all the time. Tired of the quarrels, the huge mountain abandoned the area
but left its heart there at the place of the lake that was formed instead.
The Kurilsk lake was formed 8-50 thousand years ago. It actually filled a
giant volcanic hole that was over 300 m deep and 12 km long.
A flash-nail of a cyber-bear.
Everybody who visited the place find it ideal. Only some tourists want
several modifications. They wish a couple of thermal springs were available
near the lake as the water is rather cold. And it would be nice if the bears
could ride a bicycle and play the accordion. Well, if these are the only
complaints, the place must really be ideal.
发帖数: 258
发帖数: 253

【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 很多很多的熊(图多慎入)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 2 01:49:15 2012, 美东)
: Kurilsk lake is famous not only with its wonderful landscapes and
: surrounding volcanoes, but also with the demographic situation of bears
: which is very good as there are plenty of the animals here. This is where
: one can get a clear understanding that a bear is not a fluffy toy but a
: dangerous predator and doesn’t kill people only because there is an
: abundance of tested and safe food around. As soon as the food is over, no

发帖数: 283
发帖数: 237

【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 很多很多的熊(图多慎入)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 2 01:49:15 2012, 美东)
: Kurilsk lake is famous not only with its wonderful landscapes and
: surrounding volcanoes, but also with the demographic situation of bears
: which is very good as there are plenty of the animals here. This is where
: one can get a clear understanding that a bear is not a fluffy toy but a
: dangerous predator and doesn’t kill people only because there is an
: abundance of tested and safe food around. As soon as the food is over, no

发帖数: 254
1 (共1页)
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话题: bears话题: lake话题: animals话题: kurilsk话题: people