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Pics版 - 鸟瞰中亚美景 (转载)
质子-M火箭发射Shto Novovo (Chto Novogo): An Elegy for the Union (UK/Kyrgyzstan 2003)
多姿多彩的哈萨克大草原! (转载)纽约时报:中国静悄悄地深深侵入中亚的经济
养蜂人写真! (转载)这个说出场顺序临时变更感觉像钓鱼 (转载)
黑寡妇蜘蛛高清图! (转载)Glacial ice in August
俄罗斯卡-52武装直升机我也爬了South Sister和St Helens (转载)
前苏联的昂贵的“玩具” (转载)我也爬了South Sister和St Helens
三哥新航母多图 (转载)我也爬了South Sister和St Helens (转载)
话题: turgen话题: lake话题: here话题: fire话题: issyk
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15215
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 鸟瞰中亚美景
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 21 18:59:52 2012, 美东)
This summer was a hard time for the land of Kazakhstan. It brought various
incidents which ended with a terrible fire that destroyed one of the most
beautiful places of Central Asia mountain resort Medeo. Many zones are still
under the threat of fire. Planes kept flying over the region for all the
summer period and one journalist often joined them to collect some material
about the nature of south-east Kazakhstan and take photos of the region.
Some of them are presented in this post.
The Issyk river
Valley not far from the border with Kyrgyzstan.
National park Kulsai lakes.
The valley of the Turgen river resembles some place of the Himalayas.
Moraine lake
The same lake from the helicopter. Do you see the tent of researchers?
Glacier of youth next to the lake. They say it will fully melt in 50 years.
Some places are still untouched by humans. Here widely grows Tien-Shan fir.
People do not live here but poarchers are not rare. They not only destroy
the local fauna but also may cause a fire.
Fields of Asian buttercups (Ranúnculus).
Turgen mossy spruce.
Drink water
Glacial lake with an unusual color of the water. Probably it’s because of
algae growing there, which doesn’t happen often.
Helicopter-pilots take a risk when fly here. Atmospheric pressure drops
rapidly in the mountains, and mist can cover in minutes.
Medeo mountain resort.
Moraines permafrost formations.
Issyk lake.
Bartogaiskoye reservoir gateway.
Astrophysical Observatory
Near the Turgen river
Turgen mossy fir are considered to be relict and that is why are specially
There are many pastures here.
Kazakh city Kaskelen.
Ak-Tau mountains
Helicopter Mi-26 can lift 15 tons of water at once.
The place called Sorbulak even has its own ecosystem. For example, the place
has Dalmatian pelicans (Pelecanus crispus) which are included in Red List.
South shore of Balkhash lake.
Fire in reeds is very dangerous, it destroys the ecosystem.
Geometry on the fields.
And coming back to the civilization: here is an international airport of
Almaty from the height of three thousand meters. Quite a rare shot. We hope
we gonna come back soon.
发帖数: 237


【在 i*****s 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
: 发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
: 标 题: 鸟瞰中亚美景
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 21 18:59:52 2012, 美东)
: This summer was a hard time for the land of Kazakhstan. It brought various
: incidents which ended with a terrible fire that destroyed one of the most
: beautiful places of Central Asia mountain resort Medeo. Many zones are still
: under the threat of fire. Planes kept flying over the region for all the
: summer period and one journalist often joined them to collect some material
: about the nature of south-east Kazakhstan and take photos of the region.

发帖数: 237
1 (共1页)
IPO for Russian Helicopter前苏联的昂贵的“玩具” (转载)
Helicopters: High-Speed + Stealth三哥新航母多图 (转载)
质子-M火箭发射Shto Novovo (Chto Novogo): An Elegy for the Union (UK/Kyrgyzstan 2003)
多姿多彩的哈萨克大草原! (转载)纽约时报:中国静悄悄地深深侵入中亚的经济
养蜂人写真! (转载)这个说出场顺序临时变更感觉像钓鱼 (转载)
黑寡妇蜘蛛高清图! (转载)Glacial ice in August
话题: turgen话题: lake话题: here话题: fire话题: issyk