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Pingpong版 - ypeng: about your games
junkywind: Just my 2 cents.personal table tennis coach
switch from shakehand to penholder...十面埋伏
how to play against shakehand guys with medium pips on their backhand?这姑娘怎么叫的这么吓人
现在intel实力肯定在yahoo之上了吧New table tennis place: 123PingPong for training
直改横大概需要多少时间上手penholder or shakehand?
NND,准备开练乒乓了。As a penholder
话题: backhand话题: 横打话题: improve话题: ur话题: ken
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5654
among those 5 i saw from the video, u are the only one i never played
with, glad to see your style is the most similar one from mine, it
reminded myself of my games in 2000 (1750-1800 for a while)
in order to improve, your backhand is weakest, in order to get over 1900,
u need to improve your backhand. 3 ways:
1. run and do some weights, improve ur speed by a lot of HIIT. so that
ur game would like our THU team Lang, u can get his video from WMTT.
Looping from ur backhand will be your lethal weapon.
2. learn how to loop from reverse backhand, a good example is Ken Lin,
he improved from 1400s to 1900s by learning and mastering RBL.
3. learn from old guys, adding backhand LPs, learn either twiddle or just
backhand flip, some good examples: Gary Fang, Stanley Sun and myself.
发帖数: 5167

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: among those 5 i saw from the video, u are the only one i never played
: with, glad to see your style is the most similar one from mine, it
: reminded myself of my games in 2000 (1750-1800 for a while)
: in order to improve, your backhand is weakest, in order to get over 1900,
: u need to improve your backhand. 3 ways:
: 1. run and do some weights, improve ur speed by a lot of HIIT. so that
: ur game would like our THU team Lang, u can get his video from WMTT.
: Looping from ur backhand will be your lethal weapon.
: 2. learn how to loop from reverse backhand, a good example is Ken Lin,
: he improved from 1400s to 1900s by learning and mastering RBL.

发帖数: 5161

【在 y***g 的大作中提到】
: 太感谢了,我得慢慢消化
: 什么时候回来?

发帖数: 510
since i have been through those long process of overcoming my
own deadlock, good to see guys in my same style improve fast,
i used to improve with Gary at the same time.. he reached over
发帖数: 5167

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: among those 5 i saw from the video, u are the only one i never played
: with, glad to see your style is the most similar one from mine, it
: reminded myself of my games in 2000 (1750-1800 for a while)
: in order to improve, your backhand is weakest, in order to get over 1900,
: u need to improve your backhand. 3 ways:
: 1. run and do some weights, improve ur speed by a lot of HIIT. so that
: ur game would like our THU team Lang, u can get his video from WMTT.
: Looping from ur backhand will be your lethal weapon.
: 2. learn how to loop from reverse backhand, a good example is Ken Lin,
: he improved from 1400s to 1900s by learning and mastering RBL.

发帖数: 5654

ur forehand is a lot more consistent, i saw even very high ball in
ur backhand, u still push back.
横打 can't be easily learned by yourself, even the famous Erwin
(used to be over 2300+, now 2100+) started to learn 横打 from Jiaqi,
Butterfly Bryce or Bryce FX(softer) is a good choice.
When i played Erwin, he tried to warm up 横打 a lot, but rarely used
it in real matches.
The best player who is using 横打 is Ken Lin, who used 横打 full-time
like Wang Hao does, i would suggest you ask him about who is his
coach and how he could improve 500+ points in a few years.
A common shortcomings for penholders are pushing too much, sometimes
we have no choice if the pushes are on our backhand, So
Lang would step around and loop back
Ken would easily 横打 back
Gary would cut it back using his backhand LP and get ready to use his
forehand to attack.

【在 y***g 的大作中提到】
: 总体来说,我的进攻是我的弱项。如果我能防得住,一般就不攻球(如跟Boeing打球)。
: 一年前,我的正手更弱(反手还可以加力推)。经过一段训练(纯自学),在步伐到位
: 时,对起下旋还是有一定把握。但连续性有待提高(需提高步伐,和打上旋训练)。现
: 在发球抢攻是我主要得分手段。
: 我练过横打,打的成分远大于摩擦。有段时间打得还不错,由于我目前刻意练正手,横
: 打在比赛中用得很少,横打的意识也不够。以后会加强反手拉球训练。我的反面胶皮很
: 旧,有什么牌子推荐?
: 我感觉我还跑得动,所以没想过长胶。赫赫
: 有机会跟你这位高手学习学习?

发帖数: 5167

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: )。
: ur forehand is a lot more consistent, i saw even very high ball in
: ur backhand, u still push back.
: 横打 can't be easily learned by yourself, even the famous Erwin
: (used to be over 2300+, now 2100+) started to learn 横打 from Jiaqi,
: Butterfly Bryce or Bryce FX(softer) is a good choice.
: When i played Erwin, he tried to warm up 横打 a lot, but rarely used
: it in real matches.
: The best player who is using 横打 is Ken Lin, who used 横打 full-time

发帖数: 5654
i never have had coaches before either.
when someone reaches certain level, improving his fitness level
would help, not just run fast, it is about core strength, the
climbing mountain is one of the good ways to improve, i consider
someone who can climb to mission peak within 75 min.s about 1800
level, 60 min.s about 2000, 90 min. is about 1500, within 50 min.s
would make it 2200+.
just tell the fact in bay area:
#1 way is hardest to achieve, hardest to maintain.
between #2 and #3, it seems there are more players in bay area
reached over 2000 using #3 including changing to shakehand with Lp
backhand like George Siu, Lao Zhao etc. Dan Lin is a good example too.
but #2 has more potential, that was the reason Erwin who used to
play LP backhand to 2300+ changed to smooth, but there are fewer
guys reached 2000+ by adding 横打.
Jiqqi and James Guo are good examples to reach over 2400+ by using
发帖数: 7311
ken lin 昨天输给steve zhang,就气走了,还有一场对NY 也没打。球品好象有问题
昨晚 NY一直用直拍,横打也很好。

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: i never have had coaches before either.
: when someone reaches certain level, improving his fitness level
: would help, not just run fast, it is about core strength, the
: power..
: climbing mountain is one of the good ways to improve, i consider
: someone who can climb to mission peak within 75 min.s about 1800
: level, 60 min.s about 2000, 90 min. is about 1500, within 50 min.s
: would make it 2200+.
: just tell the fact in bay area:
: #1 way is hardest to achieve, hardest to maintain.

发帖数: 23283
my best record of getting on the mission peak is 65 mins...

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: i never have had coaches before either.
: when someone reaches certain level, improving his fitness level
: would help, not just run fast, it is about core strength, the
: power..
: climbing mountain is one of the good ways to improve, i consider
: someone who can climb to mission peak within 75 min.s about 1800
: level, 60 min.s about 2000, 90 min. is about 1500, within 50 min.s
: would make it 2200+.
: just tell the fact in bay area:
: #1 way is hardest to achieve, hardest to maintain.

直改横大概需要多少时间上手personal table tennis coach
发帖数: 1150
I can climb mission peak within 50 mins, but I am only 1200. T_T

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: i never have had coaches before either.
: when someone reaches certain level, improving his fitness level
: would help, not just run fast, it is about core strength, the
: power..
: climbing mountain is one of the good ways to improve, i consider
: someone who can climb to mission peak within 75 min.s about 1800
: level, 60 min.s about 2000, 90 min. is about 1500, within 50 min.s
: would make it 2200+.
: just tell the fact in bay area:
: #1 way is hardest to achieve, hardest to maintain.

发帖数: 1150
not bad..

【在 Q**J 的大作中提到】
: my best record of getting on the mission peak is 65 mins...
: haha

发帖数: 23283
it means u have a chance to get into 2000++

【在 b*******e 的大作中提到】
: I can climb mission peak within 50 mins, but I am only 1200. T_T
发帖数: 5654

Steve has the drive to get to our team I, i guess, did he add a
smooth or short pips side?
From the limited contact i had with Ken, he is a nice person.
NY used to be a penholder until he reached his penholder limit
almost 1900, before he swiched to shakehand. He maybe likes to
learn 横打 in order to teach 横打 students:-)
One unique case: one HK 2100+ shakehand changed to penholder
in order to learm 横打.

【在 b****g 的大作中提到】
: ken lin 昨天输给steve zhang,就气走了,还有一场对NY 也没打。球品好象有问题
: 昨晚 NY一直用直拍,横打也很好。

发帖数: 5654

that is very impressive for a lady! Cheers.

【在 Q**J 的大作中提到】
: my best record of getting on the mission peak is 65 mins...
: haha

发帖数: 8834
that's bs
i need 120 minutes to get to mp
so what, i'm still over 2000+, and i don't use LP
and when i do run, i only run like half a mile or a mile at most , 2 times a week at most and i was 2200+ with this little side training
i don't even do any physical trainings ( a few push-ups here and there at most)
发帖数: 5654

for TT, fitness level can give you a bonus, make you 100-200 points
higher. Of course the basic skills are most important.
Mission peak is about 2.3 miles long, and 2100 feet elevation, it is
not easy at all to climb within one hour.
It is a good idea to climb it at least once a week if u live close by.
i used to do that when i lived in MV.

【在 b*******e 的大作中提到】
: I can climb mission peak within 50 mins, but I am only 1200. T_T
发帖数: 5654

i mean fitness level 2000...
if ur TT skills are 1700 level but ur fitness level is 2000+, that
would help u to play TT in 1750-1850..

【在 Q**J 的大作中提到】
: it means u have a chance to get into 2000++
发帖数: 23283

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: i mean fitness level 2000...
: if ur TT skills are 1700 level but ur fitness level is 2000+, that
: would help u to play TT in 1750-1850..

发帖数: 1150
yeah, that means my skill level even lower than 1200.. need to work hard on
my TT skills.

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: i mean fitness level 2000...
: if ur TT skills are 1700 level but ur fitness level is 2000+, that
: would help u to play TT in 1750-1850..

发帖数: 5654
next time, who can accompany me to climb mission peak within say:
70 min.s from parking lot to the top, no cheating, i am willing
to play TT with him/her for 2 hours:-)
1 (共1页)
As a penholder现在intel实力肯定在yahoo之上了吧
Maggie Tian 身体训练视频NND,准备开练乒乓了。
junkywind: Just my 2 cents.personal table tennis coach
switch from shakehand to penholder...十面埋伏
how to play against shakehand guys with medium pips on their backhand?这姑娘怎么叫的这么吓人
话题: backhand话题: 横打话题: improve话题: ur话题: ken