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Pingpong版 - anyone knows Kent Leung here?
another fast improved adult in bay area如果这次清华不能拿冠军
NND,准备开练乒乓了。ypeng: about your games
初到湾区,找不到组织,大家能给些建议不?Andrew Liu
新人来请教[视频] 大勺对色火
话题: he话题: kent话题: his话题: leung话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5654
a legend, like Peter Chen, passed away from cancer... so sad, i have known
him since 1996, exchanged one racket with him in the Summer of 09...
i saw his HK high school reunion picture, he looked at least 10 years
younger than his classmates, i thought he could live to 90s but passed
away at 76.
发帖数: 3986
How is Mister (I don't remember) in Foster City? He should be close to 90.
发帖数: 5654
the eldest in FC is Mr Liu, 86 y.o., he is Hunanese, went to Wuhan Univ.,
then went to Taiwan for an engineering project at the end of 1948, could
not return back to China. He never saw his parents again afterwards. How
sad it is...
But his elder sister in 90s, younger sister in 80s still live in Wuhan.

【在 u***t 的大作中提到】
: How is Mister (I don't remember) in Foster City? He should be close to 90.
发帖数: 5654
发帖数: 5654
When i first played Kent, he used short pips, then he stopped by
FC club, i saw he switched to LPs..
He won the bay area senior multi-sports games TT champion.
发帖数: 5654
this msg from Alameda club owner Dave:
Many of you already know that Kent Leung passed away this month. After
battling cancer for a number of years, he died at home with his family by
his side on March 15.
Often hindsight gives additional clarity to some of what we experience.
After hearing of Kent's passing, I had one of those "Now I get it." moments
and feel I should share it with you.
About 1 month before Kent passed away he dropped in to the club on a round
robin day, I think it was a Sunday. I was busy with doing club stuff and
told him that round robin had already started. He responded by saying that
he did not come for round robin, and that he would not be able to play any
more. He then explained that he was sick and had cancer. He spent some time
talking to people and asked about the whereabouts of some players who were
not there that day. When he left, I shook his hand and said that I would
pray for him. He said, "Thank You". His demeanor was very peaceful he did
not seem sad or worried at all.
At the time I did not recognize the significance of what Kent was saying, or
why he was there. I was thinking to myself, "Yea, I know chemo can really
take it out of you. I suppose he wont feel up to playing for a while."
I felt I should share this, since many of you at the club were Kent's
friends and I thought you should know that you and the club were important
enough to him that he took the time to drop in and say goodbye.
I found a Youtube video of Kent winning at the Bay Area Senior games and you
can view it here: http://www.alamedattc.org/index.html
You can find Kent's obituary and leave messages for his family by searching
for "Kent Leung" here: http://www.oakmontmortuary.com/index.cfm
发帖数: 3986
yeah I know him after watching the video clip.
Sad, he looks in 60s.
Well hope the departed joined others in peace now, where we are all destined
to be.
Life is so short, no one should be acting like an asshole who I argued with
发帖数: 9003


【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: a legend, like Peter Chen, passed away from cancer... so sad, i have known
: him since 1996, exchanged one racket with him in the Summer of 09...
: i saw his HK high school reunion picture, he looked at least 10 years
: younger than his classmates, i thought he could live to 90s but passed
: away at 76.

1 (共1页)
[视频] 大勺对色火NND,准备开练乒乓了。
考验大家乒乓眼光的时候到了. 给提提拉维尔估分陈九这是啥打法啊……
am i Bo?新人来请教
another fast improved adult in bay area如果这次清华不能拿冠军
话题: he话题: kent话题: his话题: leung话题: him