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Pingpong版 - Secret of consistent RPB looping
USATT2011 能解释一下吗?
Las Vegas Day 1
Jingqg1979 VS passionpeng
Las Vegas Day 2
话题: rpb话题: spin话题: ball话题: looping话题: lifting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1565
Secret of consistent RPB looping
Until today, I figured out the secrets of consistent RPB.
The first, which I knew before, is the footwork to put you in correct
positions in correct timing.
The second, the most important one, I figured out today via practice today,
is the strong top spin. If I can put a lot of top spins on the backspin
balls, my RPB looping will be much more consistent.
Now, the question is how to put a lot of top spins via RPB. When looping
with RPB, if you feel a strong brushing on the skin of ball such like if the
ball’s skin were the same as a person’s fist, the person’s fist would
have been bleeding caused by the strong brushing. When I can produce the
strong brushing on the skin of the ball using RPB, the ball will have a
strong top spin loop.
My previous RPB looping has a factor, i.e., lifting forward factor due to
handling under-spin balls, which factor is wrong and which is the reason of
un-consistency because lifting will cause errors due to the different speed
and spin of the coming ball so that it is difficult to produce a perfect
lifting to counter the back-spin.
In stead, producing a strong brushing on the skin of the ball, will produce
the consistent looping of RPB.
发帖数: 1355


【在 U*******1 的大作中提到】
: Secret of consistent RPB looping
: Until today, I figured out the secrets of consistent RPB.
: The first, which I knew before, is the footwork to put you in correct
: positions in correct timing.
: The second, the most important one, I figured out today via practice today,
: is the strong top spin. If I can put a lot of top spins on the backspin
: balls, my RPB looping will be much more consistent.
: Now, the question is how to put a lot of top spins via RPB. When looping
: with RPB, if you feel a strong brushing on the skin of ball such like if the
: ball’s skin were the same as a person’s fist, the person’s fist would

发帖数: 1565
I 知 via 行 instead of hearding from someone.
In other words, I can do it now today first, and then share my exprience.

【在 b*****1 的大作中提到】
: 知易行难
: ,
: the

发帖数: 4729


【在 U*******1 的大作中提到】
: Secret of consistent RPB looping
: Until today, I figured out the secrets of consistent RPB.
: The first, which I knew before, is the footwork to put you in correct
: positions in correct timing.
: The second, the most important one, I figured out today via practice today,
: is the strong top spin. If I can put a lot of top spins on the backspin
: balls, my RPB looping will be much more consistent.
: Now, the question is how to put a lot of top spins via RPB. When looping
: with RPB, if you feel a strong brushing on the skin of ball such like if the
: ball’s skin were the same as a person’s fist, the person’s fist would

发帖数: 1565
Mostly the 拉球的稳定性 for returning serving balls.
For 连续拉的consistency: it becomes the footwork, and after the first loop
of an back-spin ball, it most likely top spin instead of backspin unless it
comes from a chopper.
Why 拉球的稳定性 is important: becasue the coming ball has different spins
and speeds.

【在 S*********r 的大作中提到】
: 你说的是连续拉的consistenCY还是拉球的稳定性?
: ,
: the

发帖数: 1565
For example, if you know that I will serve a backspin to your backhand, it
is difficult for you to know how spin it is.
When you cannot judge well how spin it is, two methods: one is passive chop,
another is loopping with strong spin and the strong spin will erase any
existing spin there (hopefully).
发帖数: 9003
发帖数: 290
发帖数: 1565
I cannot explain the 手型 and 准备动作 since it was not learned by a coach.
I just used it this way or that way for one year. Suddenly today, I found
that now, I can produce a strong 摩擦.
Of course, I need to push my left leg/foot to enhance the strength of 强摩擦.
Find a way and remember it.
This is like serving the ball. One coach told me that you just practice
serving, and suddenly you found one way of serving made a lot of spin and
then remember it.

【在 a*******o 的大作中提到】
: 手型,准备动作等细节都没讲,偶还是不知道如何能达到强摩擦阿。
发帖数: 1565
A little differnt is that how to produce 强摩擦.

【在 c**l 的大作中提到】
: 想起了教练常说的一句话,
: 每个球都要加保险,加保险就是摩擦。

Las Vegas Day 1
Jingqg1979 VS passionpeng
发帖数: 2457
Frankly, what you said is not secret at all.
发帖数: 2679
Second this.
Another note: if you are not sure the spin type and amount an incoming
ball carries, move the racket over the top of the ball and brace it thinly.
This is a robust way of dealing with hard-read mid/short serves with top
spin return.
On a side note, with no intention of disrespect, in general, I don't mind
reading English post, but if you insist posting in English, please try to
write in as correct and standard way both in grammar and usage as you can so
others can read and understand it better.

【在 P****S 的大作中提到】
: Frankly, what you said is not secret at all.
发帖数: 2457
Second this.

reading English post, but if you insist posting in English, please try to
write in as correct and standard way both in grammar and usage as you can so
others can read and understand it better.

【在 l******l 的大作中提到】
: Second this.
: Another note: if you are not sure the spin type and amount an incoming
: ball carries, move the racket over the top of the ball and brace it thinly.
: This is a robust way of dealing with hard-read mid/short serves with top
: spin return.
: On a side note, with no intention of disrespect, in general, I don't mind
: reading English post, but if you insist posting in English, please try to
: write in as correct and standard way both in grammar and usage as you can so
: others can read and understand it better.

发帖数: 771
It looks simple, but maybe not so simple as what you think, although i have
no doubt you have mastered it very well

【在 P****S 的大作中提到】
: Frankly, what you said is not secret at all.
发帖数: 1565
Good point.
BTW, bracing it thinly using RPB is not easy for many non-advanced players
of RPB.
For the forehand of penholders, it is easy to do bracing it thinly though.


【在 l******l 的大作中提到】
: Second this.
: Another note: if you are not sure the spin type and amount an incoming
: ball carries, move the racket over the top of the ball and brace it thinly.
: This is a robust way of dealing with hard-read mid/short serves with top
: spin return.
: On a side note, with no intention of disrespect, in general, I don't mind
: reading English post, but if you insist posting in English, please try to
: write in as correct and standard way both in grammar and usage as you can so
: others can read and understand it better.

发帖数: 619
The secret is hitting the ball with your intuition only, not the secret from
anybody else. A point of view developed from Bruce Lee.


【在 U*******1 的大作中提到】
: Secret of consistent RPB looping
: Until today, I figured out the secrets of consistent RPB.
: The first, which I knew before, is the footwork to put you in correct
: positions in correct timing.
: The second, the most important one, I figured out today via practice today,
: is the strong top spin. If I can put a lot of top spins on the backspin
: balls, my RPB looping will be much more consistent.
: Now, the question is how to put a lot of top spins via RPB. When looping
: with RPB, if you feel a strong brushing on the skin of ball such like if the
: ball’s skin were the same as a person’s fist, the person’s fist would

发帖数: 1578
"My previous RPB looping has a factor, i.e., lifting forward factor due to
handling under-spin balls, which factor is wrong and which is the reason of
un-consistency because lifting will cause errors due to the different speed
and spin of the coming ball so that it is difficult to produce a perfect
lifting to counter the back-spin."
发帖数: 1565
when looping backspin balls, some people try to lift the ball a little bit
to counter backspin. Lifting itself sometime works but it is difficult to
handle the balls with different spins and speeds: for example: if it is
heavy backspin, you need to lift more; if it is less backspin, you need to
lift less. But when you make a bad judgment by lifting more for less
backspin, the returned ball will go off the table or too high. The real
problem is that lifting is a bad habit. You should brash/brace the ball
instead of lifting the ball.


【在 h******r 的大作中提到】
: 能解释一下吗?
: "My previous RPB looping has a factor, i.e., lifting forward factor due to
: handling under-spin balls, which factor is wrong and which is the reason of
: un-consistency because lifting will cause errors due to the different speed
: and spin of the coming ball so that it is difficult to produce a perfect
: lifting to counter the back-spin."

发帖数: 1565
The difference of lifting and brash/brace is that brash/brace is much
thinner when hitting the skin of the ball.
发帖数: 1578

【在 U*******1 的大作中提到】
: when looping backspin balls, some people try to lift the ball a little bit
: to counter backspin. Lifting itself sometime works but it is difficult to
: handle the balls with different spins and speeds: for example: if it is
: heavy backspin, you need to lift more; if it is less backspin, you need to
: lift less. But when you make a bad judgment by lifting more for less
: backspin, the returned ball will go off the table or too high. The real
: problem is that lifting is a bad habit. You should brash/brace the ball
: instead of lifting the ball.
: of

1 (共1页)
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话题: rpb话题: spin话题: ball话题: looping话题: lifting