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Postdoc版 - Postdoc Position
PhD Scholarship and Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) in Geotechnical Engineering
Postdoc/PhD Positions in Biophysics and Biofunctional Photo (转载)
求审稿机会!光电探测,Photodetector, APD, Lidar方面的。
new postdoc/PhD RA position available at Univ of Michigan.
One postdoctoral position and One junior scientist position are available immediately
讨论一下:薄厚的老板选择问题 (转载)
Opening: Res. Assoc. / Res. Asst. Prof.
Postdoc 是后娘的孩子
话题: research话题: smart话题: mit话题: iii话题: singapore
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9258
Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre
SMART is a major research enterprise established by the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) in partnership with the National Research
Foundation of Singapore (NRF). SMART serves as an intellectual hub for
international research collaborations, not only between MIT and Singapore,
but also involving researchers from the region and beyond. At SMART, we
identify and carry out research on critical problems of societal importance.
SMART is a magnet attracting and anchoring global research talent, while
simultaneously instilling and promoting a culture of translational research
and entrepreneurship in Singapore. Five interdisciplinary research groups (
IRGs) have been established to date: BioSystems and Micromechanics (BioSym),
Centre for Environmental Sensing and Modeling (CENSAM), Future Urban
Mobility (FM), Infectious Diseases (ID) and Low Energy Electronics Systems (
There is an opening for Postdoctoral Associate in the area of on-chip
photonic interconnect design. The new III-V fabrication technology enables
the integration of CMOS with III-V photonic device in one die providing the
opportunity for photonic interconnect with high performance and power
efficiency. The goal here is to explore the novel design of III-V LED based
photonic network-on-chip and optimize its performance. Simulation platform
and synthesis flow will be built to analyze the design and perform automatic
parameter optimization.
You have the opportunity to work with PI from MIT, NTU and NUS, as well as a
larger group of researchers in the Low Energy Electronics System (LEES)
Program. You are expected to work independently and meet regularly with the
project PI, and to track the project progress and report your findings in
journals/conferences. The appointment is for a 2-year term in the first
instance, with possible renewal. There is a possibility that you will be
required to spend time at MIT for training if the situation warrants it.
You need to have a PhD in computer engineering, electrical engineering, or
related fields with good publication record. Experience with at least one of
the following fields is required: circuit design, on-chip interconnect
architecture, or electronic design automation (CAD). Knowledge with
optoelectronics, III-V device, LED is a plus.
Please send a cover letter and updated resume (highlighting your technical
expertise and related publications) to Asst. Prof. Wei Zhang (zhangwei@ntu. and Prof. Li-Shiuan Peh (p*[email protected]). Position is available
immediately until filled.
For more information regarding LEES in SMART, refer to:
1 (共1页)
Postdoc 是后娘的孩子
TWO postdoctoral fellow positions in biomedical optics, Singapore
postdoc和research staff是不是一回事?
Research Fellow position in the Experimental Fluid Mechanics (NTU, Singapore)
Post-Doctoral Position in the Area of Combustion (NTU, Singapore)
postdotor position at NTU@singapore
Post-doctoral researcher position in biomedical optics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
[转载]浅析北美中国老板中的变态者 (转载)
Optical coherence tomography 这个方向如何?
话题: research话题: smart话题: mit话题: iii话题: singapore