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Postdoc版 - 【上海年薪百万工作招聘】帮朋友找的,祝好运!
国家公派J1博士(基金委资助)想用AT先工作,豁免问题,谢谢各位i!学校之间H1b transfer的gap问题
帮朋友贴一个postdoc的招聘信息(感兴趣的直接联系Dr. Avanaki)问个问题,OPT转J1的RFE
J1 waiver后准备换H1b,学校需要credentials evaluationj-1访问2个月,房租美国报销,要交30%税?
Postdocs at Brookhaven: Establishing a Living Wage[zz]J1 想去另外一个学校,怎么办手续
关于找博士后的一个对比急问 j-1的acdemic training time 能不能在校外打工
美国科学杂志:92%博士后认为,学术界关系网是关键(key) (转载)请问LANL的Director's Postdoctoral Fellows
话题: director话题: project话题: process话题: chemical
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30
帮朋友在美国找人才,朋友说是年薪百万的工作。有兴趣的请联系我: docsun@163.
Company Profile: 国内排名前列新药、原料药研发集团; 美国上市企业
工作一:Executive Director
工作二:Chemical Engineering Director
工作一:Executive Director
Position: Executive Director
Location :Shanghai,China
Department: Process Research Development (PRD)
Direct Report Line: VP
Subordinate: Director I&II Associate Director I&II Assistant Director
Group Leader I&II
Major Responsibilities: I Projects
1. Manage all projects of responsible department, set project priority and
delivery timelines.
2. Properly allocate resources to all project teams, and make adjustments
whenever is needed to ensure that every project meets delivery timeline.
3. Provide guidance to project leaders and ensure that they fully
understand the project plan.
When the delivery timeline of a project is impacted, immediately adjust the
project plan and communicate with the customer. Propose solutions to ensure
the success of the project.
4. Summarize project management experience and document it as work
standard and best
practice. Continuously and constantly make improvement to these work
standard and best practice according to customer needs. Provide training to
subordinates so that they understand
these work standard and best practice and apply them in their work.
5. Be responsible for the product quality delivered by the department.
II Communication
1. Communicate with the customer, including writing project proposal,
organizing teleconference with the customer, reviewing and updating reports
of ongoing projects, setting project priority and preparing project final
2. Communicate with the customer in a timely manner and ensure customer
satisfaction. The average annual score of customer survey is not less than B
, and try to be A.
III Management
1. Set vision to the department and make long-term, medium-term and short-
term goals. To achieve the goals, make strategic planning and resources
2. Establish and improve the workflow of the department. Bring the
operating costs of the
department under budget and improve the work efficiency.
3. Hire new staff. Provide subordinates adequate professional and safety
trainings and conduct annual performance review on them.
4. Achieve annual department revenue target.
IV Regulatory
1. Ensure all staff receive proper trainings, be developed and coached to
comply with company and department policies, especially IP protection policy.
2. Ensure the personal safety of the staff and the safety of your labs.
Establish and implement lab
SOP, and investigate any lab accident and propose solutions to prevent the
reoccurrence of such event.
Basic Qualifications:
1. PhD in organic chemistry or equivalent degree.
2. Must be proficient in organic chemistry, process R&D and GMP regulations.
3. Must have working experiences in late stage process development and
preferably with QbD
4. Excellent in presentation and communication in English.
5. More than 15 years or above experience in organic synthesis or process R
&D; more than 5 years or above project management experience; more than 7
years or above work experience after PhD graduation; more than 15 years or
above work experience after Master Degree graduation.
6. Demonstrate ability in problem solving, communications, project
management and coordination, and team building.
工作二:Chemical Engineering Director
Position: Chemical Engineering Director
Report to: VP of Research Manufacturing
1. Establish chemical engineering capability and capacity to support process
scale up and commercialization.
a..API solid state engineering
b..Flow chemistry process
c..Process analytical technology
d..Process scale up modeling
e..Commercial process engineering design.
f..Equipment design, evaluation and selection.
g..Process safety.
2. Establish a state of the art pharmaceutical manufacturing technology
platform through introduction advanced technologies.
a..Identify practical and suitable advanced technologies.
b. Evaluation and selection of equipment and instruments.
c.Concept design of new equipment for production.
3. Build and manage high performance chemical engineering team to support
manufacturing activities and business growth.
1..Ph.D in chemical engineering with 5 years pharmaceutical industry
experience, or master degree in chemical engineering with at least 10 years
pharmaceutical industry experience.
2. Proficiency in English.
3.Experience and expertise with pharmaceutical manufacturing technology.
发帖数: 30
发帖数: 20182
发帖数: 7716

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: 最近博后的行情真好
1 (共1页)
请问LANL的Director's Postdoctoral Fellows关于选postdoc的问题
有人用j-1 academic training 在校外工作?这两个怎么选呢
求助:早毕业还是去牛组继续读PhD美国科学杂志:92%博士后认为,学术界关系网是关键(key) (转载)
国家公派J1博士(基金委资助)想用AT先工作,豁免问题,谢谢各位i!学校之间H1b transfer的gap问题
帮朋友贴一个postdoc的招聘信息(感兴趣的直接联系Dr. Avanaki)问个问题,OPT转J1的RFE
J1 waiver后准备换H1b,学校需要credentials evaluationj-1访问2个月,房租美国报销,要交30%税?
Postdocs at Brookhaven: Establishing a Living Wage[zz]J1 想去另外一个学校,怎么办手续
话题: director话题: project话题: process话题: chemical