

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Programming版 - counting signed triad in a large-scale graph?
good GUI for graph layout and flow?Source code for graph algorithms?
A Problem on MST请问分析code的工具
An interview question[合集] 问个算法问题
Weighted Graph Challenge 一道面试题大侠们说说C(C++)或Fortran比较Matlab到底优点在哪儿?
HW Question: Bipartite Graphsdefine an adjacent matrix for a graph
这个问题有什么好的解法(或现成code)吗?面题:copy directed graph
binary graph是什么?问问Boost library, 尤其是Boost Graph Library (BGL)
How to detect cycle with minimum space有什么好的软件可以创建call graph?
话题: triad话题: graph话题: signed话题: edges话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1112
What'll be the best algorithm for finding signed triad in large scale
graph, details as follows:
Given a graph with 1 million nodes and about 8 million edges (so, avg
degree is 8 ), 85% of the edges are marked as "+" and 15% as "-".
What will be the best algorithm or data structure involved to find
out the numbers of these 4 possible types of signed triad (a triangle
subgraph having 3 nodes and 3 edges) in this graph.
The four kinds of signed triad are:
发帖数: 1112

【在 v****s 的大作中提到】
: What'll be the best algorithm for finding signed triad in large scale
: graph, details as follows:
: Given a graph with 1 million nodes and about 8 million edges (so, avg
: degree is 8 ), 85% of the edges are marked as "+" and 15% as "-".
: What will be the best algorithm or data structure involved to find
: out the numbers of these 4 possible types of signed triad (a triangle
: subgraph having 3 nodes and 3 edges) in this graph.
: The four kinds of signed triad are:
: +++
: +--

1 (共1页)
有什么好的软件可以创建call graph?HW Question: Bipartite Graphs
[合集] huge map怎么算最短路径?这个问题有什么好的解法(或现成code)吗?
算法问题。binary graph是什么?
这个题目能否半小时完成coding?How to detect cycle with minimum space
good GUI for graph layout and flow?Source code for graph algorithms?
A Problem on MST请问分析code的工具
An interview question[合集] 问个算法问题
Weighted Graph Challenge 一道面试题大侠们说说C(C++)或Fortran比较Matlab到底优点在哪儿?
话题: triad话题: graph话题: signed话题: edges话题: what