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话题: ipv6话题: chapter话题: your话题: addresses
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 143
中文名: 移植应用程序到IPv6
原名: Migrating Applications to IPv6
作者: Dan York
图书分类: 软件
资源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版/更新EPUB版本
出版社: O'Reilly
书号: 978-1-4493-0787-5
发行时间: 2011年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
If IPv6 is to be adopted on a large scale, the applications running on
desktop systems, laptops, and even mobile devices need to work just as well
with this protocol as they do with IPv4. This concise book takes you beyond
the network layer and helps you explore the issues you need to address if
you are to successfully migrate your apps to IPv6. It's ideal for
application developers, system/network architects, product managers, and
others involved in moving your network to IPv6.
Topics include:
Explore changes you need to make in your application's user interface
Make sure your application is retrieving correct information from DNS
Evaluate your app’s ability to store and process both IPv6 and IPv4
Determine if your app exposes or consumes APIs where there are IP address
format dependencies
Work with the network layer to ensure the transport of messages to and from
your app
Incorporate IPv6 testing into your plans, and use the correct IPv6 addresses
in your documentation
Chapter 1 User Interface Changes
Chapter 2 DNS Changes
Chapter 3 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Chapter 4 Storage of IP Addresses
Chapter 5 Transport Layer
Chapter 6 Documentation, Training, and Testing
Chapter 7 Resources and Next Steps
1 (共1页)
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Google员工给的api talk《Pro iOS Table Views》英文文字版/EPUB[PDF]
ipv6地址和ipv4地址不是同一个ip?《Working with Microsoft Office 365》英文文字版/EPUB[PDF]
《iOS 4 实战》英文文字版/更新源代码[PDF]如何从代码里向yarn动态提交一个spark job
《O'Reilly The Missing Manual 系列图书》英文文字版[PDF]c, socket 问题
《Clojure编程乐趣》英文文字版[PDF]【请教】在家里用2个router上网(一前一后)的问题 (转载)
话题: ipv6话题: chapter话题: your话题: addresses