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Programming版 - internal refer 俩个职位
My company is hiring! (转载)真神,原来amazon cloud的底层就是soa架构
寻part time的工作(system engineer, devops or SRE)Cloudera pitches Hadoop for everything. Really?
大家公司里kafka是dev弄还是ops折腾感觉所谓的cloud hosting 就是个joke
怎么efficiently实现next_combination?请问,现在 云服务的主要提供者都有哪些? (转载)
问一道HIVE题 关于EfficiencyAmazon, Microsoft Tighten Grip On Cloud Market
windows 7 automation tool for newbie: bat, cygwin or python真神,据说python是给初学者学的,对此你怎么看?
how to input password for build automation using python ?[bssd]来,我们从高级一点的公司结构层面讨论语言的选择
any cloud computing daniu? some baozi for help.开源经济学
话题: experience话题: our话题: johnson话题: devops话题: engineer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 31
有兴趣发给f******[email protected]. 在纽约。
In addition to building out new product enhancements to help scale our
technology, this person will also be working to support our ever-growing
client roster of some of the largest retailers like CVS.com, Wal-Mart,
Johnson & Johnson and L’Oreal.
You will lead and develop e-commerce Subscription Platform with some of the
biggest brands in the world, impacting the lives of millions of users
You will manage, code, mentor, play ping-pong, write some tests, grab a
drink, play Dominon and collaborate with an awesome group of highly
passionate engineers
You will lead a team of awesome engineers, working in an agile environment
and constantly teach us how to be more innovative and efficient
You are first and foremost an Engineer, your code is both art and beauty,
architected towards scalability and re-use
You have led team(s) before of different skill levels and know when to be a
cheerleader, coach or a player
You optimize towards code quality over delivery and know how to balance
between both and your clients
Proven team player and a natural leader
Back-end Python or Django experience is required
Leading/working with offshore teams
Front-end JS, CSS, AJAX experience
Previous e-commerce experience
Start-up and SaaS experience strongly preferred
As our first DevOps Engineer you will be working on scaling and automating
our platform to support our ever-growing client roster of some of the
largest retailers like CVS.com, Wal-Mart, Johnson & Johnson and L’Oreal.
You will design and build our continuous delivery environment
You will manage our cloud deployment & configuration across production,
staging, and dev/test environment servers
You will become a portal of knowledge by participating in research and
reflecting on your findings to communicate efficiencies, best practices and
potential pitfalls/drawbacks to better our craft each day
You will code, play ping-pong, write some tests, grab a drink and
collaborate with an awesome group of highly passionate engineers
3+ years working as DevOps Engineer or similar capacity managing cloud/
private or hybrid environments
Python experience
MongoDB or MySQL admin experience
Managing Rackspace hosted environments
Previous eCommerce experience
Start-up and SaaS experience strongly preferred
1 (共1页)
开源经济学问一道HIVE题 关于Efficiency
大神王垠 PySonar2 开源,世界最先进python静态分析windows 7 automation tool for newbie: bat, cygwin or python
关于 Python DevOps 的几个问题how to input password for build automation using python ?
scala project 告一段落,转战ruby/chef/node.jsany cloud computing daniu? some baozi for help.
My company is hiring! (转载)真神,原来amazon cloud的底层就是soa架构
寻part time的工作(system engineer, devops or SRE)Cloudera pitches Hadoop for everything. Really?
大家公司里kafka是dev弄还是ops折腾感觉所谓的cloud hosting 就是个joke
怎么efficiently实现next_combination?请问,现在 云服务的主要提供者都有哪些? (转载)
话题: experience话题: our话题: johnson话题: devops话题: engineer