

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
PsychoAnalysis版 - Re: 我再解剖一下心理世界巴
the book i m reading我是不是有社交恐惧症!!
第三步:仇恨与原谅(刘译) (转载)talking about your self body image, and has your view on your appearance changed
Re: Rating your self-esteem人生的意义到底何在啊
another chapter of Managing your mind请大家帮我解解我一直做的一种梦
我总是这样想there is no depression indeed
发几个术语及我的经历分享如何看待low self-esteem?
分享:《 you can heal your life》感觉总走不出怪圈
Long distance relationships - self help series(3)请大家帮帮我,要不要做手术,我快疯了。 (转载)
话题: your话题: remember话题: just话题: gf话题: over
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 911
Something maybe helpful for you: be yourself and you will always be in
hehe, got this from a lucky cookie during a chrismas and remember it.
You just need to make another gf and get married to boost your self-esteem and
self-confidence. Remember, bad relationship, most of time, is not what you
want and what you need to be responsible for. Just curse your ex-gf or forgive
her, that's it. Over.
Why always let your past haunting around you and so that you can't enjoy your
current and futur
发帖数: 117
呵呵,nothing wrong as long as you feel good. Apparently few people feel good
when they fail again and again and again. what you have to do now is to find
your problems, face them,and solve them. The world is realistic. You have to
follow rules of the game. Unreasonable or over-idealistic desire will not
bring any happiness. I am one perfect example to prove this.




【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: Something maybe helpful for you: be yourself and you will always be in
: fashion.
: hehe, got this from a lucky cookie during a chrismas and remember it.
: You just need to make another gf and get married to boost your self-esteem and
: self-confidence. Remember, bad relationship, most of time, is not what you
: want and what you need to be responsible for. Just curse your ex-gf or forgive
: her, that's it. Over.
: Why always let your past haunting around you and so that you can't enjoy your
: current and futur

1 (共1页)
请大家帮帮我,要不要做手术,我快疯了。 (转载)我总是这样想
谁能帮忙分析一下梦分享:《 you can heal your life》
有人和我一样可悲吗?出国后竟然因为长相自卑导致抑郁症Long distance relationships - self help series(3)
the book i m reading我是不是有社交恐惧症!!
第三步:仇恨与原谅(刘译) (转载)talking about your self body image, and has your view on your appearance changed
Re: Rating your self-esteem人生的意义到底何在啊
another chapter of Managing your mind请大家帮我解解我一直做的一种梦
话题: your话题: remember话题: just话题: gf话题: over