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PsychoAnalysis版 - Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(7)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘 (序)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(7)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(1)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(9)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(6)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(10)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(10)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(完)
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A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(序)Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(0)
A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(2)Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(2)
A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(3)Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(3)
话题: people话题: why话题: 书摘话题: may
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10001
本文摘自The Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns, Chapter 9.
7. Passive aggressiveness.
People who procrastinate are often afraid to express negative feelings
openly and directly. You may avoid conflicts and deny that you're upset
because you think it's not "nice" to be angry. Your true feelings may come
oozing out indirectly. You may fail to return an RSVP for a party you don't
really want to go to, or you may "forget" to repay a debt because you're
annoyed with the person who lent you the money. Y
1 (共1页)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(3)Why People Procrastinate - 书摘 (完)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(4)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(序)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(5)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(2)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(8)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(3)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘 (序)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(7)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(1)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(9)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(6)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(10)
Why People Procrastinate - 书摘(10)A Prescription for Procrastinators-书摘(完)
话题: people话题: why话题: 书摘话题: may