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Psychology版 - 工业与组织心理学就业前景
再提I/O Vs HR[转载] 女孩说自己很变态,什么意思?
在读心理学的xdjm请进来,问几个问题,谢谢!job opportunity
在美国成为counsellor or psychotherapistjob:H1b bilingual master in Counseling/Social work/Psychology/special ED
Counseling Psychology我也来开始个话题吧。大家为什么会选择学心理学
Asiancat and Psychology please!心理学的phd program是不是一般都要面试阿?
再 Re: 在加拿大如何成为临床心理医生或者咨询师呢?纪念我们的朋友吴娟
(ZZ) Clinical, or counseling, or ... Phi有关防止自杀的网站和电话
话题: law话题: major话题: school话题: advice话题: being
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 134
发帖数: 134

What a pity ! No response! sigh!

【在 s*******g 的大作中提到】
: 来了美国后,选了这个专业,在国内学的是英语,对这个专业也不是特别的了解,现在
: 学了一年了,好像也找不到太多的感觉,不知道这个专业就业前景怎么样,眼看还有一
: 年多,硕士毕业了,心里也没个底、
: 想问问这里的哥哥姐姐,弟弟妹妹,这个专业的就业前景如何,我们国际学生在找工作
: 会不会比较麻烦·先谢谢大家了!

发帖数: 3446
I/O psychology is bad. Very bad prospect. No job, no money. You should
switch to something else, for example, law. Law school is expensive, but it'
s possible. Here's some realistic advice:
1. Mary a WSN in Computer Science or something hot, who's about to graduate
2. At same time, study and prepare for the entrance exam for law school
3. When WSN start working, apply for law school. He will pay the tuition.
4. Graduate from law school and get a job. Dump WSN or not, it's your call.
5. Profit...

【在 s*******g 的大作中提到】
: 来了美国后,选了这个专业,在国内学的是英语,对这个专业也不是特别的了解,现在
: 学了一年了,好像也找不到太多的感觉,不知道这个专业就业前景怎么样,眼看还有一
: 年多,硕士毕业了,心里也没个底、
: 想问问这里的哥哥姐姐,弟弟妹妹,这个专业的就业前景如何,我们国际学生在找工作
: 会不会比较麻烦·先谢谢大家了!

发帖数: 190
don't be mean...


【在 h*i 的大作中提到】
: I/O psychology is bad. Very bad prospect. No job, no money. You should
: switch to something else, for example, law. Law school is expensive, but it'
: s possible. Here's some realistic advice:
: 1. Mary a WSN in Computer Science or something hot, who's about to graduate
: 2. At same time, study and prepare for the entrance exam for law school
: 3. When WSN start working, apply for law school. He will pay the tuition.
: 4. Graduate from law school and get a job. Dump WSN or not, it's your call.
: 5. Profit...

发帖数: 3446
Sound career advice sounds like mean, but it's pragmatic. Being rational is the first step towards psychological well-being. Anyway, unlike some people here, I am actually trying to be helpful. Joking aside, the part about law school is pretty good advice for an English major. A few English major friends of mine have gone that path and they are very happy now. Incidentally, they all married CS guys and stay married. So, what I said is just being realistic rather than being mean.

【在 b*******d 的大作中提到】
: don't be mean...
: it'
: graduate

发帖数: 2155
Check the old posts on thsi board first.

【在 s*******g 的大作中提到】
: What a pity ! No response! sigh!

发帖数: 134

I am not a WSNV.

【在 h*i 的大作中提到】
: I/O psychology is bad. Very bad prospect. No job, no money. You should
: switch to something else, for example, law. Law school is expensive, but it'
: s possible. Here's some realistic advice:
: 1. Mary a WSN in Computer Science or something hot, who's about to graduate
: 2. At same time, study and prepare for the entrance exam for law school
: 3. When WSN start working, apply for law school. He will pay the tuition.
: 4. Graduate from law school and get a job. Dump WSN or not, it's your call.
: 5. Profit...

发帖数: 134

is the first step towards psychological well-being. Anyway, unlike some
people here, I am actually trying to be helpful. Joking aside, the part
about law school is pretty good advice for an English major. A few English
major friends of mine have gone that path and they are very happy now.
Incidentally, they all married CS guys and stay married. So, what I said is
just being realistic rather than being mean.
Your advice confuses me now. Headache!

【在 h*i 的大作中提到】
: Sound career advice sounds like mean, but it's pragmatic. Being rational is the first step towards psychological well-being. Anyway, unlike some people here, I am actually trying to be helpful. Joking aside, the part about law school is pretty good advice for an English major. A few English major friends of mine have gone that path and they are very happy now. Incidentally, they all married CS guys and stay married. So, what I said is just being realistic rather than being mean.
发帖数: 3446
Well, if this is confusing for you. Law school is definitely not for you. I/
O psychology won't work either. These will give you lot of headache. Hmm, I
think you are qualified to be the future governor of Alaska.


【在 s*******g 的大作中提到】
: is the first step towards psychological well-being. Anyway, unlike some
: people here, I am actually trying to be helpful. Joking aside, the part
: about law school is pretty good advice for an English major. A few English
: major friends of mine have gone that path and they are very happy now.
: Incidentally, they all married CS guys and stay married. So, what I said is
: just being realistic rather than being mean.
: Your advice confuses me now. Headache!

发帖数: 3446
Of course you are not. If you were, I won't be giving advice to you.

【在 s*******g 的大作中提到】
: is the first step towards psychological well-being. Anyway, unlike some
: people here, I am actually trying to be helpful. Joking aside, the part
: about law school is pretty good advice for an English major. A few English
: major friends of mine have gone that path and they are very happy now.
: Incidentally, they all married CS guys and stay married. So, what I said is
: just being realistic rather than being mean.
: Your advice confuses me now. Headache!

请教心理学的方向,SOCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL?[转载] 女孩说自己很变态,什么意思?
再 Re: 在加拿大如何成为临床心理医生或者咨询师呢?job opportunity
(ZZ) Clinical, or counseling, or ... Phijob:H1b bilingual master in Counseling/Social work/Psychology/special ED
发帖数: 134

while, how long will I finish the law degree?

【在 h*i 的大作中提到】
: Of course you are not. If you were, I won't be giving advice to you.
发帖数: 134

why are so so advocating law major??

【在 h*i 的大作中提到】
: Well, if this is confusing for you. Law school is definitely not for you. I/
: O psychology won't work either. These will give you lot of headache. Hmm, I
: think you are qualified to be the future governor of Alaska.
: is

发帖数: 22
surprised to see such comments....
I/O psy graduates may secure a very decent job in business schools if you
focus on such areas as leader-member exchange, transformational leadership,
servant leadership, organizational commitment & turnover, performance
appraisal, and so on...
i strongly suggest LZ to check the profile of those OBHR faculties in the
business school. you may find a significant portion of them are from I/O.
and i can tell ya that the start-up salary for an assistant prof in OBHR
发帖数: 22
btw, what i refer to is for those doctoral graduates
发帖数: 461
Well said.


【在 s**********m 的大作中提到】
: surprised to see such comments....
: I/O psy graduates may secure a very decent job in business schools if you
: focus on such areas as leader-member exchange, transformational leadership,
: servant leadership, organizational commitment & turnover, performance
: appraisal, and so on...
: i strongly suggest LZ to check the profile of those OBHR faculties in the
: business school. you may find a significant portion of them are from I/O.
: and i can tell ya that the start-up salary for an assistant prof in OBHR

发帖数: 461
Career Counseling can't be seperated from other counseling such as Marriage
and Family Counseling. You don't need to marry only CS major. Marry a person
who loves you and is willing and able to pay for your tuition. There are
other professionals with high income such as medical doctors and MBAs...
I guess it might be hard for a Master in I/O major to find a job. Because
Psychology is a major with so many U.S. Citizen as your competitors.
American like to choose it.
If you have interest, contact

【在 h*i 的大作中提到】
: Sound career advice sounds like mean, but it's pragmatic. Being rational is the first step towards psychological well-being. Anyway, unlike some people here, I am actually trying to be helpful. Joking aside, the part about law school is pretty good advice for an English major. A few English major friends of mine have gone that path and they are very happy now. Incidentally, they all married CS guys and stay married. So, what I said is just being realistic rather than being mean.
发帖数: 317
'psychology is a major with so many U.S. citizen'


【在 j******0 的大作中提到】
: Career Counseling can't be seperated from other counseling such as Marriage
: and Family Counseling. You don't need to marry only CS major. Marry a person
: who loves you and is willing and able to pay for your tuition. There are
: other professionals with high income such as medical doctors and MBAs...
: I guess it might be hard for a Master in I/O major to find a job. Because
: Psychology is a major with so many U.S. Citizen as your competitors.
: American like to choose it.
: If you have interest, contact

1 (共1页)
有关防止自杀的网站和电话Asiancat and Psychology please!
请问美国有没有心理辅导的公司?请教心理学的方向,SOCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL?
请教转专业读心理学硕士的问题再 Re: 在加拿大如何成为临床心理医生或者咨询师呢?
有在加州学/从事Counseling Psychology的吗(ZZ) Clinical, or counseling, or ... Phi
再提I/O Vs HR[转载] 女孩说自己很变态,什么意思?
在读心理学的xdjm请进来,问几个问题,谢谢!job opportunity
在美国成为counsellor or psychotherapistjob:H1b bilingual master in Counseling/Social work/Psychology/special ED
Counseling Psychology我也来开始个话题吧。大家为什么会选择学心理学
话题: law话题: major话题: school话题: advice话题: being