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Purdue版 - 第6 届中美比较文学研讨会(2013年5月1-4日)
出租Avenue North一個房間哪个同学科普下尹湛锤杀韩国姐妹花的案子
[通知] Purdue 版举办投票:版面是否改名为“普渡众生”[公告] Purdue 版的投票结果
[通知] Purdue 版举办投票:版名先在主流大概都是用普渡了吧
普度还是不要娱乐自己了,叫什么普渡众生,简直是滑天下之大稽[purdue 征文]我和bbs
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坚决支持本版改名给常年往返Purdue Chicago的大家建个群~嗯~~
话题: purdue话题: literature话题: 8226话题: center话题: stewart
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 99
The 6th Sino-American Comparative Literature Symposium: Comparative
Literature, Religion, and Society
May 1–4, 2013
Purdue University
Registration FREE
发帖数: 99
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Panel #1 Keynote with responses- Stewart Center 310 10:00-11:15 a.m.
Moderator – Angelica Duran (Purdue)
• Cosmopolitanism and World Literature in China / Wang Ning (Tsinghua)
• Response #1: Soul Searching in Contemporary Chinese Literature and
Society / Fenggang Yang (Purdue)
• Response #2: Ways of Reading, Ways of Being in Religious Literature
Angelica Duran, Purdue
Panel #2 The Textual Traces of Religions and Societies - Stewart Center 310
12:30-1:45 p.m.
Moderator –Charles Ross (Purdue)
• Shen Nong and the Alembic Body in Myth / Keith Dickson (Purdue)
• Justice and Divine Intervention in The Journey to the West and The
Pilgrim's Progress / Bing Yan (Washington)
• Is Dream of the Red Chamber a “Fiction of Enlightenment”? A Tale
of Two Readers / Daniel Hsieh (Purdue)
Panel #3 Reading America - Stewart Center 310 2:00-3:15 p.m.
Moderator –Charles Ross (Purdue)
• Ralph Ellison as a Cultural Critic: A Chinese Perspective /Tan
Huijuan (Zhejiang )
• Crossing the Boundary:John Updike’s America and Mo Yan’s China
Yingjian Guo (Minzu)
• Choice and Coercion: Abortion in Faulkner’s The Wild Palms and Mo
Yan’s Frog / Du Lanlan (Shanghai Jiaotong)
Panel #4 Images of Asia - Stewart Center 310 3:30-5:15 p.m.
Moderator –Charles Ross (Purdue)
• Performing Rural Chineseness: Mo Yan and World Literature /Chengzhou
He (Nanjing)
• Adorno’s View of Mass Culture and the Chinese Practice / Zhu Guohua
(East China Normal)
• Image, Text, and the Ideology: Meta-pictures in Chinese Propaganda
Posters / Yuhan Huang (Purdue)
• Women Adrift: Narratives and Memories of Women and Empire in Modern
Japan / Noriko J. Horiguchi (Tennessee)
Cultural Event Performance - Mallett Theatre, Pao Hall 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Panel #5 Comparative Literature through the Centuries- Stewart Center 310 9:
Moderator – Angelica Duran (Purdue)
• Don Quixote Goes to China / Howard Mancing (Purdue)
• World Literature, Religion, and Dumas’s The Count of Monte Christo
/ Charlie Ross(Purdue)
Cultural Event Swaim Room, HSSE Library, Stewart Center 10:45 -11.45 a.m.
Purdue Archives and Special Collections Exhibit, Religious and Chinese
Sponsored Lunch Stewart Center 264 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Purdue University Press and Modern Fiction Studies Exhibit
Panel #6 Keynote - Stewart Center 310 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Moderator – Angelica Duran (Purdue)
• Mo Yan’s Well-deserved 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature / Howard
Goldblatt (Colorado)
Panel #7 Religions in Literature and Culture - Stewart Center 310
2:00-3:30 p.m.
• The Supreme God in the “Da Ya” Section of The Book of Songs /
Chi-ying Alice Wang (Purdue)
• Religion and the Chinese Spiritual Life: Retrospect and Prospect /
Liao Kebin (Peking)
• The Influence of Christian Culture on the Literary Views Held by
Zhou Zuoren and Shen Congwen / Qin Xu (Yangzhou)
Panel #8 Textual Representations of Eastern Religions- Stewart Center 310 3:
30-5:00 p.m.
• Eastern Religions Textbooks / Don Mitchell (Purdue)
• Surviving the Dragon: A Tibetan Lama’s Account of 40 Years of
Chinese Rule / Arijia Rinpoche (Indiana and Purdue)
• The Impact of New Media on Academic Book and Journal Publishing in
the Humanities /Steven Totosy de Zepetnek (Purdue University Press)
Panel #9 Ways of Reading - Stewart Center 310 5:00-6:00 p.m.
• Variation Study inComparative Literature /Cao Shunqing (Beijing
Normal) Wang Miaomiao (North China Electric Power)
• An Ecological Analysis of Leslie M. Silko’s Stories / Sheng Anfeng
Saturday, May 4, 2013 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Moderator – Fenggang Yang (Purdue)
Planning Session for 7th SAS Formal Closing Stewart Center 310
9:30-10:00 p.m.
Moderator – Fenggang Yang (Purdue)
Shuttle check in Purdue Memorial Hotel Driveway, just outside the hotel
10:45 a.m. Free shuttle to symposium registrants with free passes
Cultural event Indianapolis Museum of Art, 4000 Michigan Rd., Indianapolis;
(317) 923-1331
12:30-5:30 p.m. Permanent Collections and Special Exhibits “Ai Weiwei:
According to What?” and “Timeless Beauty
1 (共1页)
给常年往返Purdue Chicago的大家建个群~嗯~~普度还是不要娱乐自己了,叫什么普渡众生,简直是滑天下之大稽
求ride,12月1日或2日,从Chicago去PurduePurdue moving sale (转载)
转兰蔻的眼霜Progres eye cream 0.5OZ 14g,送黄油小样或契尔氏想了解下 Córdova
出租Avenue North一個房間哪个同学科普下尹湛锤杀韩国姐妹花的案子
[通知] Purdue 版举办投票:版面是否改名为“普渡众生”[公告] Purdue 版的投票结果
[通知] Purdue 版举办投票:版名先在主流大概都是用普渡了吧
话题: purdue话题: literature话题: 8226话题: center话题: stewart