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Quant版 - [合集] job - phd dilemma
Advice appreciated: where should my career go?[合集] 请问,找Quan工作的是不是女生极少极少阿?
[合集] 给个Career建议[合集] 请教: TimeSeries在Quan里主要应用在什么方向?
When do you think you are ready[合集] new cop 需要前辈的建议,谢谢
[合集] Stat Ph.D, how much hope do I have to get a Quan job?[合集] quant是一个适合女生的有前途的职业吗?
[合集] 有没有谁在Morgan Stanley Investment Management 面试过呀[合集] black rock怎么样?
[合集] 数学本科,化工PhD(2007毕业),5年国内期货交易员,申请读MF是[合集] PhD in Finance Offer
[合集] 大家帮忙看看关于申请deshaw的.[合集] 女生,CS专业,R&D背景,无business类经验,数学不牛,想转Quan
[合集] 大家对读完MFE再读金融PhD有啥看法?所有热心大虾们: 请帮我策划一下我接下来该学什么技能吧.
话题: phd话题: dilemma话题: professor话题: fri
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 286
quentincroft (quentin) 于 (Fri Jun 1 17:59:16 2007) 提到:
Hi all,
I recently found myself in this awkward situation: just a few days ago I got
an email from a professor saying that he's interested in taking me on as a
phd student, the school/department is definitely one of the best and I'm
currently doing masters there, the phd topic will be something on quant
finance, and the professor is very good. But the trouble is, I've already
accepted a desk quan
1 (共1页)
所有热心大虾们: 请帮我策划一下我接下来该学什么技能吧.[合集] 有没有谁在Morgan Stanley Investment Management 面试过呀
菜鸟问:quant analyst和quan developer有什么区别?[合集] 数学本科,化工PhD(2007毕业),5年国内期货交易员,申请读MF是
无论男女,如果单身,作QUAN前最好先找好GF/BF[合集] 大家帮忙看看关于申请deshaw的.
刚看了NYU 2011 student profile,PHD过气了阿[合集] 大家对读完MFE再读金融PhD有啥看法?
Advice appreciated: where should my career go?[合集] 请问,找Quan工作的是不是女生极少极少阿?
[合集] 给个Career建议[合集] 请教: TimeSeries在Quan里主要应用在什么方向?
When do you think you are ready[合集] new cop 需要前辈的建议,谢谢
[合集] Stat Ph.D, how much hope do I have to get a Quan job?[合集] quant是一个适合女生的有前途的职业吗?
话题: phd话题: dilemma话题: professor话题: fri