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Quant版 - [合集] An old cake problem
[合集] 帮朋友问:columbia和CMU的MFE 选哪个?[合集] 请问Quantitative research associate就是所谓的Quant position
[合集] BU 的mathmatics finance 怎么样[合集] career path
[合集] 请问61 broadway, 3rd floor, NY 10006是哪家公司?[合集] Anyone familiar with UBS?
[合集] 做simulation 的理论物理phd 怎么找entry level quant job??[合集] 问个IT的问题
[合集] Barclays 和ABN 按摩肉 这两家公司居然要合并了[合集] 一般大家是多少天得vacation days啊?
[合集] one interview question about C[合集] interview question
[合集] 有人面过Tower Research Capital么? (转载)[合集] MVO vs BS
[合集] Help needed! One question about APT model[合集] 家庭,生活方式
话题: fri话题: mar话题: problem话题: what话题: ilovelp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 800
ilovelp (nothing) 于 (Fri Mar 9 11:16:33 2007) 提到:
Saw this problem in an old post here:
A baker sells on average 20 cakes in one day. What is the probability he
will sell an even number of cakes on any given day?
What is the right way of solving this problem?
wusuowei (wuxuowei) 于 (Fri Mar 9 11:37:28 2007) 提到:
no answer.

ilovelp (nothing) 于 (Fri Mar 9 11:46:1
1 (共1页)
[合集] 家庭,生活方式[合集] Barclays 和ABN 按摩肉 这两家公司居然要合并了
[合集] 证券交易所让进去参观吧[合集] one interview question about C
[合集] 请问这里有没有考CQF的[合集] 有人面过Tower Research Capital么? (转载)
[合集] two Stochastic problems[合集] Help needed! One question about APT model
[合集] 帮朋友问:columbia和CMU的MFE 选哪个?[合集] 请问Quantitative research associate就是所谓的Quant position
[合集] BU 的mathmatics finance 怎么样[合集] career path
[合集] 请问61 broadway, 3rd floor, NY 10006是哪家公司?[合集] Anyone familiar with UBS?
[合集] 做simulation 的理论物理phd 怎么找entry level quant job??[合集] 问个IT的问题
话题: fri话题: mar话题: problem话题: what话题: ilovelp