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Quant版 - A question on OAS
A question on agency callable bondfixed income以外的derivative pricing都是用什么discounting curve?
问个简单的问题如何去除rate curve历史数据中的坏点?
求问一个option adjusted spread的问题请问到底什么是 basis curve
oas高好还是低好bond trade "on special"是什么意思呢?谢谢
工业界buy side一般用什么方法算callable bond risk?问个简单的问题
bond spread的疑惑,大家给看看一个关于option market making的问题
Question on bond durationHelp to determine the yield rate
如何construct跟12m Libor对应的swap curve?Zero Coupon bond value from short term interest rate structure
话题: spread话题: oas话题: curve话题: callable话题: zero
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
When you calculate OAS of a callable bond, assume the market price is known,
there are two ways:
1. to build a interest rate tree, and add a spread to each node of the tree
and price the bond cash flows without the callable feature and until you
match the market price; the spread is on top of the forward rate
2. just use the bond (zero) curve, add spread on each curve instrument until
you match the market price. the spread is on top of the zero rate
so when to use each method and difference?
发帖数: 295
OAS, by its name, is the option adjusted spread. you turn off the callable
feature, which is the option part, what you are calculating.
with the callable feature, 1 is oas, 2 is zvol oas, which means what spread
you will make if there is no vol. the difference between 1 and 2 is the
spread you are paying for the vol.
in fact as i remember the spread is on top of the short rate.
发帖数: 20
This is really based on your product's benchmark, treasure curve or libor
curve. For example, Swap trading product probably will use libor curve.


【在 c***s 的大作中提到】
: When you calculate OAS of a callable bond, assume the market price is known,
: there are two ways:
: 1. to build a interest rate tree, and add a spread to each node of the tree
: and price the bond cash flows without the callable feature and until you
: match the market price; the spread is on top of the forward rate
: 2. just use the bond (zero) curve, add spread on each curve instrument until
: you match the market price. the spread is on top of the zero rate
: so when to use each method and difference?

发帖数: 58
Didn't the last statement tell you what the difference is?
The 2nd one is a fixed spread on top of zero curve, the 1st one is a fixed
spread on top of forward rates. If you then bootstrap the forward rates to
construct the zero curve, the spread won't be fixed across terms.


【在 c***s 的大作中提到】
: When you calculate OAS of a callable bond, assume the market price is known,
: there are two ways:
: 1. to build a interest rate tree, and add a spread to each node of the tree
: and price the bond cash flows without the callable feature and until you
: match the market price; the spread is on top of the forward rate
: 2. just use the bond (zero) curve, add spread on each curve instrument until
: you match the market price. the spread is on top of the zero rate
: so when to use each method and difference?

1 (共1页)
Zero Coupon bond value from short term interest rate structure工业界buy side一般用什么方法算callable bond risk?
return of zero-coupon-bondbond spread的疑惑,大家给看看
请教一下到底什么是yield?Question on bond duration
funding spread 的问题如何construct跟12m Libor对应的swap curve?
A question on agency callable bondfixed income以外的derivative pricing都是用什么discounting curve?
问个简单的问题如何去除rate curve历史数据中的坏点?
求问一个option adjusted spread的问题请问到底什么是 basis curve
oas高好还是低好bond trade "on special"是什么意思呢?谢谢
话题: spread话题: oas话题: curve话题: callable话题: zero