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Quant版 - Is it good to appy for 2 positions in the same bank?
[合集] 问转行问题Banks get tough on performance (zz)
[合集] 给我个不据高盛的理由[合集] Deutsche Bank怎么样?
那位知道现在lehman Sept commerical paper/distressed debt值多少钱?[合集] How is Bank of America Securities?
谁能把ABS和ABCP的区别讲 (转载)[合集] offer取舍的问题,请大家帮忙
IB job opening : multithread programing C++[合集] Wall St banks hiring freeze?
请问internship 的用处有多大?[合集] 在IB里的IT
有在commercial bank online banking 干的兄弟么?Japanese Bank
Re: 想转investment banks,求建议What are the differences between these departments within investment bank?
话题: banking话题: ib话题: appy话题: positions话题: good
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 331
I am interested in 2 positions in the same bank which has seperate
departments: IB and commerical banking.
1. This one is with the wholesale banking(IB department), they need CS guys.
2. It is with commercial banking(retail banking), they require a degree in
any quantitative field.
Is it good to appy both of them???
The position with the IB is about technology (their requriement is quite
comprehensive) while the one with commercial banking is aboutrisk managemnet
Thank you.
发帖数: 13780
so NIU X !!!


【在 m****d 的大作中提到】
: I am interested in 2 positions in the same bank which has seperate
: departments: IB and commerical banking.
: 1. This one is with the wholesale banking(IB department), they need CS guys.
: 2. It is with commercial banking(retail banking), they require a degree in
: any quantitative field.
: Is it good to appy both of them???
: The position with the IB is about technology (their requriement is quite
: comprehensive) while the one with commercial banking is aboutrisk managemnet
: modeling.
: Thank you.

发帖数: 23
I don't think it's a problem. You are allowed to try both opportunities.
Good Luck!
发帖数: 3950
if you are on
technology side, by all means Yes,
business side, big NO NO.


【在 m****d 的大作中提到】
: I am interested in 2 positions in the same bank which has seperate
: departments: IB and commerical banking.
: 1. This one is with the wholesale banking(IB department), they need CS guys.
: 2. It is with commercial banking(retail banking), they require a degree in
: any quantitative field.
: Is it good to appy both of them???
: The position with the IB is about technology (their requriement is quite
: comprehensive) while the one with commercial banking is aboutrisk managemnet
: modeling.
: Thank you.

1 (共1页)
What are the differences between these departments within investment bank?IB job opening : multithread programing C++
is there a ranking for banks?请问internship 的用处有多大?
请问现在找quant工作,情况如何呢?有在commercial bank online banking 干的兄弟么?
请教:一个银行内部结构的问题...Corporate Areas是指什么?Re: 想转investment banks,求建议
[合集] 问转行问题Banks get tough on performance (zz)
[合集] 给我个不据高盛的理由[合集] Deutsche Bank怎么样?
那位知道现在lehman Sept commerical paper/distressed debt值多少钱?[合集] How is Bank of America Securities?
谁能把ABS和ABCP的区别讲 (转载)[合集] offer取舍的问题,请大家帮忙
话题: banking话题: ib话题: appy话题: positions话题: good