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Quant版 - a frustrating interview question for a major investment bank
Quant面试问题求问一个option adjusted spread的问题
[合集] an interview question请教OAS的问题
Math Interview Question Helpcfa 能直接考2级3级吗,一级太贵了
a brainteaser【整理】CFA相关考试资料合集分享
equity research analyst interviewoas高好还是低好
问一个面试的问题求推荐fixed income Quant的工作机会
过了 CFA LV1贴一个西部Quant工作机会
A question on OASrisky(corp) bond怎么算risk measure(duration,convexity)的
话题: placement话题: question话题: private话题: major话题: bank
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38
Interviewed with a major bank, OTC position.
All went well, except one question:
Assume you have a convertible bond for a firm issued from PRIVATE PLACEMENT.
Tell me how you will price it. Private placement here means that there are
no public traded securities or credit rating for the firm, and you don't
even have financial reporting from SEC Edgar.
I was totally dumbfounded, because it seemed that there was no information
at all! How could you come up something from "zero"?
Any hint?
发帖数: 248
So you did not even ask for hint from the interview? It looks like an open
发帖数: 1028
relative value pricing based on competing firm's similar security, or an
convertible index.
or simply use market standard credit premium and vol, then adjust the fi
nal price with a really conservative OAS.
basically a question this open-ended is intended to gauge your personali
ty and your response to real-world questions.
how did you respond?


【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: Interviewed with a major bank, OTC position.
: All went well, except one question:
: Assume you have a convertible bond for a firm issued from PRIVATE PLACEMENT.
: Tell me how you will price it. Private placement here means that there are
: no public traded securities or credit rating for the firm, and you don't
: even have financial reporting from SEC Edgar.
: I was totally dumbfounded, because it seemed that there was no information
: at all! How could you come up something from "zero"?
: Any hint?

发帖数: 6336
cft, experienced?
thank you for sharing.


【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: Interviewed with a major bank, OTC position.
: All went well, except one question:
: Assume you have a convertible bond for a firm issued from PRIVATE PLACEMENT.
: Tell me how you will price it. Private placement here means that there are
: no public traded securities or credit rating for the firm, and you don't
: even have financial reporting from SEC Edgar.
: I was totally dumbfounded, because it seemed that there was no information
: at all! How could you come up something from "zero"?
: Any hint?

发帖数: 646
This is not asking you risk-neutral pricing theory. This is asking more like
economics stuff. (If I remembered correctly, CFA LV2 covers something
related to this, not exactly but related). It is actually an open question.
For example, I can go get a similar bond from industry, same industry sector
, similar cap size. And compare the P/E, leverage, bond rating, etc. And
charge for a risk premium and a liquidity premium to the private placed bond.


【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: Interviewed with a major bank, OTC position.
: All went well, except one question:
: Assume you have a convertible bond for a firm issued from PRIVATE PLACEMENT.
: Tell me how you will price it. Private placement here means that there are
: no public traded securities or credit rating for the firm, and you don't
: even have financial reporting from SEC Edgar.
: I was totally dumbfounded, because it seemed that there was no information
: at all! How could you come up something from "zero"?
: Any hint?

发帖数: 2847
find firms with similar characteristics
use their bonds as a benchmark


【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: Interviewed with a major bank, OTC position.
: All went well, except one question:
: Assume you have a convertible bond for a firm issued from PRIVATE PLACEMENT.
: Tell me how you will price it. Private placement here means that there are
: no public traded securities or credit rating for the firm, and you don't
: even have financial reporting from SEC Edgar.
: I was totally dumbfounded, because it seemed that there was no information
: at all! How could you come up something from "zero"?
: Any hint?

发帖数: 38
That's what I responded.
The only issue is that I don't even know the balance sheet information! How
do I know the P/E ratio, leverage ratio, blah, blah to "compare" with the
other firms and find a " similar" one.
发帖数: 185
then you don't trade.
Why the fuck someone wants to trade such a stupid convertible bond?
1 (共1页)
risky(corp) bond怎么算risk measure(duration,convexity)的equity research analyst interview
工业界buy side一般用什么方法算callable bond risk?问一个面试的问题
BNP Quant Analyst Interview过了 CFA LV1
S79的一道题A question on OAS
Quant面试问题求问一个option adjusted spread的问题
[合集] an interview question请教OAS的问题
Math Interview Question Helpcfa 能直接考2级3级吗,一级太贵了
a brainteaser【整理】CFA相关考试资料合集分享
话题: placement话题: question话题: private话题: major话题: bank