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Quant版 - 问两个概率题
一道老题,spide爬cube问个掷骰子的概率问题 (转载)
看看这道题(probability)another interesting probability question
【Brain Teaser】ants on a circleone probability question
a questin about Markov Chain问几个老题
问一到markov chain的题目Goldman Sachs面试
一个markov chain问题一个 brainteaser
interview question, martingale贡献Goldman Sachs 面试题
话题: roll话题: result话题: expected话题: sum话题: x1
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19
1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
expected value of this game?
2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
the cube.
发帖数: 278
这些都是基本的markov chain的题目.你可以search "one-step analysis".

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 77
第一题我觉得是dynamic programming吧?
请问如果用markov chain的话,第二题的状态空间如何定义?
多谢指教 ~~

【在 f********y 的大作中提到】
: 这些都是基本的markov chain的题目.你可以search "one-step analysis".
发帖数: 278
因为求optimal action,

【在 w*********i 的大作中提到】
: 第一题我觉得是dynamic programming吧?
: 请问如果用markov chain的话,第二题的状态空间如何定义?
: 多谢指教 ~~

发帖数: 77

【在 f********y 的大作中提到】
: 你对的,应该用DP,:-(
: 因为求optimal action,

发帖数: 19

【在 w*********i 的大作中提到】
: 第一题我觉得是dynamic programming吧?
: 请问如果用markov chain的话,第二题的状态空间如何定义?
: 多谢指教 ~~

发帖数: 637
发帖数: 157
发帖数: 163
第二题不同的状态之间转换好算吗?即使知道是MARKOV CHAIN,怎么能够确保转移矩阵
发帖数: 278
跟coupon collection有点类似阿。

【在 b******n 的大作中提到】
: 第二题感觉不是很trivial啊,求解
一个markov chain问题问个掷骰子的概率问题 (转载)
一道概率题another interesting probability question
interview question, martingaleone probability question
发帖数: 30
For the first problem, observe the fact that if you are allowed to re-roll
every time for whatever result, then you will roll the die until 'n' comes
out to achieve maximum outcome. Hence, the optimal strategy is to re-roll
every time if you satisfy the re-roll criterion. Under this strategy, we
For k=2,...,n-1, the probability that you will get k as the outcome is (k-2)
For P(X=n) = 1-P(X=2)-...-P(X=n-1)
then you can get the expected value easily.

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 30
但是比coupon collection难,每次能选到的‘coupon’depend on the last ‘coupon

【在 f********y 的大作中提到】
: 跟coupon collection有点类似阿。
发帖数: 196
是比coupon collection难,用monte carlo先试试再说
发帖数: 19
No. Because the objective is to maximize the expected value, and you can
only roll a limited number of times. For example, on the n-th roll,
although you can re-roll for whatever result, but the optimal strategy is
to re-roll only if the result is smaller than (n+1)/2 (the expected value
of the (n+1)-th roll)


【在 p*b 的大作中提到】
: For the first problem, observe the fact that if you are allowed to re-roll
: every time for whatever result, then you will roll the die until 'n' comes
: out to achieve maximum outcome. Hence, the optimal strategy is to re-roll
: every time if you satisfy the re-roll criterion. Under this strategy, we
: know
: For k=2,...,n-1, the probability that you will get k as the outcome is (k-2)
: !/n^(k-1)
: For P(X=n) = 1-P(X=2)-...-P(X=n-1)
: then you can get the expected value easily.

发帖数: 135
发帖数: 19
最多可以roll n+1次

【在 d****r 的大作中提到】
: 第一题一共能roll几次啊?是不是n次,还是说没上限啊?
发帖数: 135
发帖数: 30
I misunderstood for rolling as many as you want...
If the maxmimum roll is n+1, then the optimal strategry shall be stop as
soon as you get some value larger or equal to the ceiling of (n+1)/2, denote
which as m.
Then P(X=1) = (m-1)! (m-1)^(n-m+1)/n^(n+1)
for k = 2,...,m-1
P(X=k) = sum_{i from 2 to k} (i-2)!/n^(i-1) + P(X=1)
for k = m,...,n
P(X=k) = sum_{i from 2 to m} (i-2)!/n^(i-1) + (m-1)!/n^m [1+ (m-1)/n + (m-1)
^2/n^2 + ... + (n-m)^(n-m+1)/n^(n-m+!)]

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 最多可以roll n+1次
发帖数: 19


【在 p*b 的大作中提到】
: I misunderstood for rolling as many as you want...
: If the maxmimum roll is n+1, then the optimal strategry shall be stop as
: soon as you get some value larger or equal to the ceiling of (n+1)/2, denote
: which as m.
: Then P(X=1) = (m-1)! (m-1)^(n-m+1)/n^(n+1)
: for k = 2,...,m-1
: P(X=k) = sum_{i from 2 to k} (i-2)!/n^(i-1) + P(X=1)
: for k = m,...,n
: P(X=k) = sum_{i from 2 to m} (i-2)!/n^(i-1) + (m-1)!/n^m [1+ (m-1)/n + (m-1)
: ^2/n^2 + ... + (n-m)^(n-m+1)/n^(n-m+!)]

发帖数: 6336
E(X_k)= (k-1)*E(X_{k+1})/n +(n+k)(n-k+1)/(2n);
with boundary condition

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

Goldman Sachs面试贡献Goldman Sachs 面试题
一个 brainteaser绿书概率,圆上N点的问题
发帖数: 300
For 1:
f(n+1) = (n+1)/2.
t(k) = min(k, floor(k+1)) - the threshold to determine whether a re-roll is
allowable and better
f(k) = (\sum_{i = t(k) + 1}^{n} i + f(k+1) * t(k)) / n

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 19
要比较扔出的结果X_k和 E(X_{k+1}),只有当点数小于E(X_{k+1})的时候才重新扔。递
E(X_k)= f(k+1)*f(k+1)/n +(f(k+1)+n+1)(n-f(k+1))/(2n);
where f(k+1)=min{k, E(X_(k+1))}
可是写出通式,得到boundary condition,还是推不出解来啊:( 想了好多天了

【在 x******a 的大作中提到】
: 第一题通式是不是这样的
: E(X_k)= (k-1)*E(X_{k+1})/n +(n+k)(n-k+1)/(2n);
: with boundary condition
: E(X_(n+1))=(n+1)/2.

发帖数: 300
For 2, I can only think of a dumb approach: define a unique state by the
nodes traversed so far and the location of the current step and define the
traversal time for each unique state, you can then have an equation
according to first-step analysis that links the traversal times for
different states, note that there are many isometry here which may simply
things a little bit. Still this approach seems to be too complicated to work
out ...

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 19
可恶的是,2 还有一个扩展版,
Let the spider be in a corner of a regular polyhedron with n sides. What
is the expected number of seconds until the spider has visited every


【在 c******r 的大作中提到】
: For 2, I can only think of a dumb approach: define a unique state by the
: nodes traversed so far and the location of the current step and define the
: traversal time for each unique state, you can then have an equation
: according to first-step analysis that links the traversal times for
: different states, note that there are many isometry here which may simply
: things a little bit. Still this approach seems to be too complicated to work
: out ...

发帖数: 48
define a markov chain with 4 states (total steps + 1), state s=0,1,2,3
contains points that are s steps away from the start point.
state 0: start point
state 3: end point
state 1 and 2 contains 3 points each.
P = [
0 1 0 0
1/3 0 2/3 0
0 2/3 0 1/3
0 0 0 1
X0 X1 X2 X3 are the expected steps from state s to state 3; so
X0 = 1+X1
X1 = 1+(X0+2*X2)/3
X2 = 1+(2*X1+X3)/3
X3 = 0
[X0 X1 X2 X3] = [10 9 7 0]
If by regular polyhedron you mean an n-dim cube, then
X0 = 1 + X1
X_k = 1 + [ k*X_{k-1} + (n-k)*X_{k+1} ] / n , k=1...n-1
X_n = 0
If by regular polyhedron you mean one of the nine regular polyhedra in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_polyhedron, you'll have to do some counting first before forming your own equations.
For 1,
Denote X_k the k-th result (if ever reached this point) and T_k its
threshold to proceed to the next round, ie, if X_k<=T_k; also E_k the
expectation starting from k-th round, then E_1 is what we want to calculate.
E_{n+1} = (n+1)/2
T_k = min ( k, floor(E_{k+1}) )
E_k = [ T_k*E_{k+1} + sum(T_k +1 to n) ] / n
Matlab script is rather simple (at least the result matches with manual
calculation when n=2)
for k=n:-1:1
A closed form solution may be impossible due to the non-linear min() and
floor() functions.
Just found 1 has been solved in a previous post.

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 可恶的是,2 还有一个扩展版,
: Let the spider be in a corner of a regular polyhedron with n sides. What
: is the expected number of seconds until the spider has visited every
: corner.
: 。。。。。。
: 这几天就为了这几道题,吃不好,睡不好。。。
: the
: simply
: work

发帖数: 19

【在 x*a 的大作中提到】
: define a markov chain with 4 states (total steps + 1), state s=0,1,2,3
: contains points that are s steps away from the start point.
: state 0: start point
: state 3: end point
: state 1 and 2 contains 3 points each.
: P = [
: 0 1 0 0
: 1/3 0 2/3 0
: 0 2/3 0 1/3
: 0 0 0 1

发帖数: 470
2就是个random walk的cover time.
有standard的方法,running time 是 图的size的指数

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 3564
结果好像是 Sum_{n!=i} pi_n/pi_i

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 可恶的是,2 还有一个扩展版,
: Let the spider be in a corner of a regular polyhedron with n sides. What
: is the expected number of seconds until the spider has visited every
: corner.
: 。。。。。。
: 这几天就为了这几道题,吃不好,睡不好。。。
: the
: simply
: work

发帖数: 1280
well, think about the second in terms of random walk, for clockwise +1, for
counterclockwise -1, then the problem transfer to what is the expected time
to first reach +3 or -3, and this is easy.

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 3
it should be:
f(n+1) = (n+1)/2.
f(k) = (k+1+k+2+...+n)/n + (\sum_1^k max(i, a(k+1))/n
请问哪位朋友有过GS IBD Strats部门电话面试的经历?看看这道题(probability)
[合集] 请问有人作financial risk management 方面的工作吗?【Brain Teaser】ants on a circle
一道老题,spide爬cubea questin about Markov Chain
发帖数: 163


【在 c****o 的大作中提到】
: well, think about the second in terms of random walk, for clockwise +1, for
: counterclockwise -1, then the problem transfer to what is the expected time
: to first reach +3 or -3, and this is easy.

发帖数: 646
why do I find the 1st one is so hard....I don't think it is easy to come up
a final answer during an interview...

【在 d***u 的大作中提到】
: 1. You roll an n sided die. If the result is 1, you may re-roll or take
: the result. Otherwise (i.e., the result is 2,3,...,n), you can only take
: the result. On the re-roll, you may re-roll if the result is a 2 or less,
: then a 3 or less, ect. On the nth re-roll, you may re-roll if the result
: is n or less (any result). Each re-roll is optional. What is the maximum
: expected value of this game?
: 2. A spider starts at one corner of a cube. Each second, he randomly
: chooses one of the edges he is adjacent to and walks along it. What's the
: expected number of seconds before the spider has visited every corner of
: the cube.

发帖数: 35
how can there be a maximum expected value for number 1. This is a trick
1 (共1页)
贡献Goldman Sachs 面试题问一到markov chain的题目
绿书概率,圆上N点的问题一个markov chain问题
请问哪位朋友有过GS IBD Strats部门电话面试的经历?一道概率题
[合集] 请问有人作financial risk management 方面的工作吗?interview question, martingale
一道老题,spide爬cube问个掷骰子的概率问题 (转载)
看看这道题(probability)another interesting probability question
【Brain Teaser】ants on a circleone probability question
a questin about Markov Chain问几个老题
话题: roll话题: result话题: expected话题: sum话题: x1