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Quant版 - 请教一道面试题
请教关于realized vol 和 implied vol的问题问个关于volatility的问题
请教面试题,关于varience swapwhat's local vol??
[Question] Volatility surface question, thanks!A question about Variance Swap
Heston model calibration新手请教trade volatility
有关Libor Market Mode的calibration问题为什么variance swap要说notional 'vega'?
Option price for mean reversion processGamma Trading & Vega Trading
哪里可以找到bootstrapping 程序Why implied volality has a smile effect
面试题,from Chimbo's tieIs this true?
话题: gamma话题: variance话题: bs话题: option
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6336
sell a call option with T=1 year. Then delta-hedge this option each day.
what is the P/L? I was told it is Gamma. But I think it is 2Gamma.
发帖数: 113
1/2*gamma*(realized vol-implied vol)*S^2
发帖数: 536
How/Where did you get this formula? I do not think it is correct. In my
opinion, the simple answer of the question is that the numerical factor
should be 1/2.The complicated answer is the following
P&L_t=1/2*gamma*(realized local variance-expected local variance)*S^2,
where $P&L_t$ is the instantaneous P&L and expected local variance is also called "BS forward implied variance. The derivation should be the same to
the eq.3.4 in Gatheral's book "the volatility surface".

【在 l*******1 的大作中提到】
: 1/2*gamma*(realized vol-implied vol)*S^2
发帖数: 194
what does P/L mean?
发帖数: 536
profit and loss distruibtion (or function), which is nothing but the
difference between tomorrow's price and today's price. For details, u can
check "Market Risk Analysis" by Alexander, which is one of my favoriates.

【在 L**********u 的大作中提到】
: what does P/L mean?
发帖数: 194
Thanks a lot

【在 r**a 的大作中提到】
: profit and loss distruibtion (or function), which is nothing but the
: difference between tomorrow's price and today's price. For details, u can
: check "Market Risk Analysis" by Alexander, which is one of my favoriates.

发帖数: 194
Thanks a lot

【在 r**a 的大作中提到】
: profit and loss distruibtion (or function), which is nothing but the
: difference between tomorrow's price and today's price. For details, u can
: check "Market Risk Analysis" by Alexander, which is one of my favoriates.

发帖数: 1978
o, where is the time decay?
发帖数: 536
Precisely, I take the BS equation to replace theta by something else just as the author did in the book "the volatility surface" when he derived Eq.3.4. The time decay in this derivation is hidden in the implied variance term. In fact, if u believe the BS equation and Dupire's model, then the result is rigorous, i.e. the instantaneous P&L function I mentioned is the rigorous one instead of an approximation.
Actually, the simplest way to estimate of P&L is nothing but the multi-variable Taylor expansion under variables of P&L. For example, u can also consider the delta–gamma–vega–theta–rho approximation, etc. In those kinds of approx, the time decay is more explicit. Since I am not a practitioner, I do not know which kind of approximation is more important.

【在 z****g 的大作中提到】
: o, where is the time decay?
1 (共1页)
Is this true?有关Libor Market Mode的calibration问题
问个options strategy, long vega/short gammaOption price for mean reversion process
我落伍了哪里可以找到bootstrapping 程序
what is maximum loss if you sell a put option面试题,from Chimbo's tie
请教关于realized vol 和 implied vol的问题问个关于volatility的问题
请教面试题,关于varience swapwhat's local vol??
[Question] Volatility surface question, thanks!A question about Variance Swap
Heston model calibration新手请教trade volatility
话题: gamma话题: variance话题: bs话题: option