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Quant版 - database startup の 广告~ (不是骗子) (转载)
请教trading平台的数据是连的什么数据库?a hash embedded with another hash in R (转载)
请教求职面试题:如何写一个SQL query求N行N列表中对角线的和海归机会 要求经验 500rmb+Commission+
Ask for help on SQL databaseJob: Quant Developer (Java)
SQL server optimal query designi am looking for a quant analyst (转载)
change year format in Access by SQL query求购绿皮书“A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews”
SQL and Yahoo Finance databasehiring 2 model managers (转载)
an interview question, find mode in a rolling window along data sequenceRe: 随便跳出来爆人姓名骂街应该犯法了 (转载)
话题: database话题: data话题: vertica话题: sql话题: rstudio
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
【 以下文字转载自 DataSciences 讨论区 】
发信人: SQyue7 (SQ), 信区: DataSciences
标 题: database startup の 广告~ (不是骗子)
关键字: database,high performance
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Aug 24 05:03:20 2014, 美东)
小弟我所在的公司叫做 LightMiner Systems,是坐落在Palo Alto的一个小小的
我们的产品是类似 Vertica 的 data analytic platform ,简单来说就是包括一个
database,一个 web based workspace 可以运行 SQL 和 Rstudio,一些重新写的
paralleled machine learning R function
相比 Vertica,我们的 database 做 Query 更快,而且便宜一些(公司目前需要
sales 来做 user case 用于第二轮的 fund raising,所以卖良心价)我手上有公司的
paper,里面有和其他公司产品比较的 test case。就我看到的数
据,我们比 Vertica 有几百倍的 speedup。
。所以我相信老板是找了差距最大的 test case 写进 white paper。虽然我目前很菜,
有兴趣的可以和我 follow up 呀,我给你们看 white paper~
我的工作邮箱是 [email protected]
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Our current solution is an integrated platform to perform big data discovery
and data science
It includes:
1. proprietary in-memory columnar database that can handle up to a 30TB
data model in a single node
2. simple user interfaces of SQL and RStudio accessible from the web
3. a library of super-charged machine learning algorithms in R
1. fast query speed – proprietary in-memory columnar database uses high
RAM and PCIe NAND uniquely to achieve the fastest query response times that
are up to 500 times faster than comparable solutions in the market today.
There is no need to pre-optimize any queries – all ad-hoc queries perform
at same highest speeds.
2. large data models – RStudio and our supercharged stats algorithms can
run against 30TB data models in our high-memory single-node environment.
Returns accurate results in seconds and minutes, not hours and days –
allowing for more frequent model iterations.
3. high performance computation setting – the algorithms have been
optimized wherever possible to run in parallel across the multi-core
architecture, and the best combination of compilers and libraries are used
to achieve highest compute speeds.
4. fastest communication between RStudio and the database – the read/
speed maxes out at the “limit speed” of the hardware – we achieve over 2M
IOPS across a single server.
Target Business Users:
1. those who perform a lot of complex SQL queries
2. those who transport huge amounts of data from/into database
3. those who want to run predictive analytics and modeling against very
large data sets
4. R users who need to perform research experiments interactively over
several model iterations
1 (共1页)
Re: 随便跳出来爆人姓名骂街应该犯法了 (转载)change year format in Access by SQL query
Walk in central park when lunch timeSQL and Yahoo Finance database
一个 quant position请问大牛公司如何组织处理数据?
SAS Quant Developer - Los Angeles (转载)an interview question, find mode in a rolling window along data sequence
请教trading平台的数据是连的什么数据库?a hash embedded with another hash in R (转载)
请教求职面试题:如何写一个SQL query求N行N列表中对角线的和海归机会 要求经验 500rmb+Commission+
Ask for help on SQL databaseJob: Quant Developer (Java)
SQL server optimal query designi am looking for a quant analyst (转载)
话题: database话题: data话题: vertica话题: sql话题: rstudio