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Quant版 - 刚出炉的几道题目
讨论一下ihtw大牛的几道题目问个外行问题,如果derivative 可以用underlying和risk free来replicate,为啥还有存在的必要
[合集] 谁能讲讲 knock-in put?问道题目
关于replicating portfolio怎样用knock-in, knock-out复制普通的call?
Cost of protect a call[合集] 几道经典的面试老题
【Finance】dynamic/static replicating portfolio[合集] Quant 的工资该要多少 ?
有人有关于fund replication的经验不?[合集] 提问:几道面试题请教?
how to hedge asian option?(phone interview problem)[合集] onsite失败,俺就来贡献几道题吧
话题: rainy话题: chance话题: what话题: cloudy话题: windy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1741
1. Replicate an “Easygoing Double No-Touch Option” given four barriers A,
B, C, and D.
A B S(now) C
An Easygoing Double No-Touch knocks out after the second barrier is touched
or crossed. You may use barrier and/or touch options. S(now) is the current
spot. State your assumptions.
2. Replicate a Double No Touch using a portfolio of double knock out calls
and puts. State your assumptions.
3. In Quantville the weather follows a peculiar pattern described in the
table below:
Tomorrow's Weather
Sunny Cloudy Windy Rainy
Today's Weather Sunny 40% 40% 20% 0%
Cloudy 20% 20% 30% 30%
Windy 25% 25% 25% 25%
Rainy 10% 40% 20% 30%
The highlight row means: If today’s weather is rainy, tomorrow there is a
10% chance of being sunny, 40% chance of being cloudy, 20% chance of being
windy, and 30% chance of being rainy.
What percent of days in Quantville are sunny, cloudy, windy, and rainy?
4. Simulate the following situation. Attach the code as part of your
At a post office, customers enter a single line waiting to be served by
any one of two clerks. Every minute there is a 60% chance that a new
customer arrives. If there is no one in line and a server is free, the
customer does not wait to be served. When a customer is being served there
is a 25% chance every minute that they complete their business and leave.
When the clerk is free he will take the next customer in line, in the order
that they arrived. Every minute, there is a 5% chance that a person
standing in line will give up and leave. The post office is always open (24
Note: For simplicity you can assume customers will always arrive at the
beginning of the minute and if they leave they do so at the end of the
a) What is the average amount of time a customer spends in the post office (
including those not served)?
b) What percentage of customers leave without being served?
c) What percentage of time are the clerks idle?
发帖数: 1741
发帖数: 7103
they really like markov ah
1 (共1页)
[合集] onsite失败,俺就来贡献几道题吧【Finance】dynamic/static replicating portfolio
请教两个面试题有人有关于fund replication的经验不?
讨论下bullettooth的几道题目how to hedge asian option?(phone interview problem)
讨论一下ihtw大牛的几道题目问个外行问题,如果derivative 可以用underlying和risk free来replicate,为啥还有存在的必要
[合集] 谁能讲讲 knock-in put?问道题目
关于replicating portfolio怎样用knock-in, knock-out复制普通的call?
Cost of protect a call[合集] 几道经典的面试老题
话题: rainy话题: chance话题: what话题: cloudy话题: windy