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QueerNews版 - CA能不能马上重新开放同性婚姻,就看今天了!
Prop 8 ruling expected tomorrow最高法院确定Prop8案与DOMA案的听证日期
Whitman: I'd Defend Prop. 8Prop. 8 Ruling Coming Wednesday zz
Prop. 8 Standing Arguments to be TelevisedNow you can marry
新闻,我也说新闻Prop. 8 sponsors are legally entitled to defend measure, court rules
加州又允许同性婚姻了!顶!Prop. 8案主审法官今日建议最后一次法庭辩论日期
Judge Vaughn Walker: I'm Gay马里兰最大的报纸刊社论呼吁扫清所有同性婚姻的障碍
Prop 8 trail judge Vaughn Walker is gay zzProp. 8上诉案的三人裁决小组成员选定
Fed Judge Won't Throw Out Prop. 8 DecisionProp 8 supporter tells trial gays are '12 times more likely' to be paedophiles
话题: walker话题: prop话题: ruling话题: stay话题: pacific
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发帖数: 599
U.S. district judge Vaughn R. Walker will issue a ruling this morning on
whether to stay a decision in the Proposition 8 federal case pending appeal,
according to a late Wednesday e-mail from the court. The ruling will be
issued between 9 a.m. and noon Pacific time.
If Walker rules against the stay, the state of California will presumably
allow same-sex couples to wed once again. Such unions have been illegal
since voters in the state passed Prop. 8 in November 2008.
Last week Walker ruled Prop
1 (共1页)
Prop 8 supporter tells trial gays are '12 times more likely' to be paedophiles加州又允许同性婚姻了!顶!
一贴:证据争斗可能让Prop8一案推迟Judge Vaughn Walker: I'm Gay
PROP 8法官判决前的最后问题Prop 8 trail judge Vaughn Walker is gay zz
How Prop 8 And Same-Sex Marriage Debate Affects the EconomyFed Judge Won't Throw Out Prop. 8 Decision
Prop 8 ruling expected tomorrow最高法院确定Prop8案与DOMA案的听证日期
Whitman: I'd Defend Prop. 8Prop. 8 Ruling Coming Wednesday zz
Prop. 8 Standing Arguments to be TelevisedNow you can marry
新闻,我也说新闻Prop. 8 sponsors are legally entitled to defend measure, court rules
话题: walker话题: prop话题: ruling话题: stay话题: pacific