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QueerNews版 - 加州最高法院明天判PROP 8
Proposition 8, California Gay Marriage Ban, Faces Next Legal Hurdle Before State Supreme CourtAudio and transcript: Supreme Court Proposition 8 case
Facing Deadline, Prop. 8 Backers Seek Full Review by Appeals Court加州同志婚姻依然暂缓执行。
Supreme Court Pushes Date of Prop. 8 AnnouncementBig Announcement Coming on Prop 8
一点好消息:Prop 8 Backers Can't Hide Their Lies宪法专家预测:明年就可能同婚全国合法
U.S. Supreme Court may not hear Prop. 8 appealFederal Court Refuses To Delay Virginia Gay Marriage Ruling
Prop 8的支持者们要求最高法院维护公投结果Prop. 8 sponsors are legally entitled to defend measure, court rules
Obama Asks Supreme Court to Invalidate Prop. 8When Will The Supreme Court Rule On DOMA, Prop 8?
U.S. Supreme Court: No action yet on Prop 8, DOMA casesHarris: Don't Forget About Me
话题: court话题: california话题: initiative话题: defend
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
The California Supreme Court has announced it will issue a written opinion
Thursday on whether conservatives who sponsored Proposition 8 are entitled
to defend the measure that overturned the 2008 same-sex marriage ban.
The court's ruling, which will be made public at 10 a.m., will determine
whether all initiative sponsors in California are legally entitled to defend
their measures in state court when the governor and the attorney general
If the court rules against the initiative backers, then a federal appeals
court is more likely to rule that ProtectMarriage.com, the sponsor of
Proposition 8, also lacks standing under federal law.
Gay rights groups want the state high court to deny standing to the
initiative's sponsors. That could avoid a constitutional showdown on
Proposition 8 that gays might lose before the U.S. Supreme Court.
The League of Women Voters has urged the California court to deny standing
to initiative sponsors, as has Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris.
But several other groups have called on the court to protect the initiative
process by ensuring that elected officials cannot override the will of the
Proposition 8’s fate is in the hands of the federal courts, which must
decide whether ProtectMarriage was legally entitled to appeal the order
overturning the measure. California's then governor and attorney general
refused to appeal or defend the measure.
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals asked the California Supreme Court to
clarify whether state law gives initiative backers special status to defend
measures in court, but the appeals court won't be bound by what the
California court determines.
发帖数: 19713


【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: The California Supreme Court has announced it will issue a written opinion
: Thursday on whether conservatives who sponsored Proposition 8 are entitled
: to defend the measure that overturned the 2008 same-sex marriage ban.
: The court's ruling, which will be made public at 10 a.m., will determine
: whether all initiative sponsors in California are legally entitled to defend
: their measures in state court when the governor and the attorney general
: refuse.
: If the court rules against the initiative backers, then a federal appeals
: court is more likely to rule that ProtectMarriage.com, the sponsor of
: Proposition 8, also lacks standing under federal law.

发帖数: 1963


【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: The California Supreme Court has announced it will issue a written opinion
: Thursday on whether conservatives who sponsored Proposition 8 are entitled
: to defend the measure that overturned the 2008 same-sex marriage ban.
: The court's ruling, which will be made public at 10 a.m., will determine
: whether all initiative sponsors in California are legally entitled to defend
: their measures in state court when the governor and the attorney general
: refuse.
: If the court rules against the initiative backers, then a federal appeals
: court is more likely to rule that ProtectMarriage.com, the sponsor of
: Proposition 8, also lacks standing under federal law.

1 (共1页)
Harris: Don't Forget About MeU.S. Supreme Court may not hear Prop. 8 appeal
Harris: Don't Forget About MeProp 8的支持者们要求最高法院维护公投结果
美国中期选举:同性恋者群体有得有失Obama Asks Supreme Court to Invalidate Prop. 8
same-sex marriage is back to CaliforniaU.S. Supreme Court: No action yet on Prop 8, DOMA cases
Proposition 8, California Gay Marriage Ban, Faces Next Legal Hurdle Before State Supreme CourtAudio and transcript: Supreme Court Proposition 8 case
Facing Deadline, Prop. 8 Backers Seek Full Review by Appeals Court加州同志婚姻依然暂缓执行。
Supreme Court Pushes Date of Prop. 8 AnnouncementBig Announcement Coming on Prop 8
一点好消息:Prop 8 Backers Can't Hide Their Lies宪法专家预测:明年就可能同婚全国合法
话题: court话题: california话题: initiative话题: defend