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QueerNews版 - Maryland Gay Marriage Bill Advances After Joint Panel Passes Measure
马里兰州长将推动同性婚姻Md. House to Debate Marriage Bill
Marriage Bill Comes to Maryland Next WeekMaryland Governor Introduces Marriage Equality Bill
Record Maryland Support for Marriage EqualityDick Cheney Part Of Marriage Equality Lobbying Effort In Maryland
Poll: Black Voters Are Changing Their Minds on MarriageMaryland参议院本周将对同性婚姻投票
Marriage Equality Coming to Maryland?芝麻芝麻,上十大!热烈庆祝马里兰州同性婚姻合法
Maryland Marriage Equality Prospects StrongMd. Panel Advances Marriage Bill
Marriage Equality Bill Introduced in MarylandMinnesota Bride Passes Bouquet to Her Lesbian Sister
话题: maryland话题: marriage话题: measure话题: gay话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
By Ian Simpson
A joint panel of the Maryland legislature approved on Valentines's Day a
bill to legalize same-sex marriage, adding to national momentum for gay
nuptials following advances in California, New Jersey and Washington state
over the last week.
Committee approval of Governor Martin O'Malley's bill on Tuesday moves
Maryland closer to becoming the eighth state to legalize gay marriage.
The House of Delegates' Judiciary Committee and the Health and Government
Operations Committee approved the measure 25-18 in a joint vote, a judiciary
panel spokeswoman said. The measure is expected to go to the full House on
Wednesday, she said.
A similar bill died in the House last year following opposition from several
African-American lawmakers. O'Malley, a Democrat, said he had rallied
support for the measure and needed only a handful of extra votes to secure
passage this year.
The Maryland Senate, which passed the bill last year, was expected to
consider the measure as early as Friday, said Senator Brian Frosh, head of
the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.
The Maryland vote came one day after Washington became the seventh state to
legalize same-sex marriage, although the law will not take affect until June
at the earliest. The law may also face a ballot initiative in November
sought by opponents.
New Jersey's Senate also approved a gay marriage bill on Monday, with the
lower house expected to vote on Thursday. Governor Chris Christie, a
Republican, has promised to veto the measure.
Last week, a federal appeals court declared a voter-approved gay marriage
ban in California unconstitutional, opening the way for the restoration of
same sex marriage in the nation's most populous state.
The seven states which have legalized gay marriage are New York, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut and Washington state.
The District of Columbia also has legalized same-sex marriage.
The Maryland measure would allow same-sex marriages between gay and lesbian
couples, although religious institutions would not be required to perform
same-sex marriages.
A Washington Post poll published last month showed that 50 percent of
Maryland residents supported legalization of same-sex marriage, while 44
percent were opposed.
The level of support in Maryland is the highest ever in a Post poll, and is
in line with the rest of the country, the newspaper said.
Maryland Democrats, who hold majorities in both chambers of the legislature,
are sharply divided by race on the issue. Among whites, 71 percent back
same-sex unions, while 41 percent of blacks support it, the poll showed.
New York-based Reverend Al Sharpton, a national civil rights activist, is
lobbying black ministers in Maryland this year to try to reverse the
opposition that stymied the proposal in 2011.
(Additional reporting by Alice Popovici; Editing By Barbara Goldberg and
Greg McCune)
Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for Restrictions.
1 (共1页)
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马里兰州长将推动同性婚姻Md. House to Debate Marriage Bill
Marriage Bill Comes to Maryland Next WeekMaryland Governor Introduces Marriage Equality Bill
Record Maryland Support for Marriage EqualityDick Cheney Part Of Marriage Equality Lobbying Effort In Maryland
Poll: Black Voters Are Changing Their Minds on MarriageMaryland参议院本周将对同性婚姻投票
话题: maryland话题: marriage话题: measure话题: gay话题: new