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QueerNews版 - Penguins, flying first class, delight passengers on Delta flight
这个可怜的企鹅新版标是新晋联邦参议院Kirsten Gilliband么?
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Penguins are not gay, they are just lonely (转载)川普接受媒体采访:不喜度假 就爱工作 (转载)
Boehner's DOMA Defense Denounced关于中国乘客被赶下飞机一事
Bipartisan Bill to Give Federal Workers DP Benefits Introduced这个比模仿小平,泽民的强
麻省女学生应支持同志权利被暴力攻击川普接受媒体采访:不喜度假 就爱工作
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话题: penguins话题: passengers话题: flight话题: delta话题: were
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
"Is anyone here allergic to penguins?" the captain of Delta Flight 486 from
Atlanta to New York asked passengers—including this writer—on Wednesday
night. "No? Alright, we have a surprise for you."
"How would we even know if we were?" I asked the woman seated next to me in
seat 33D.
"He can't be serious," she said, pausing briefly as she flipped through her
copy of Sky Mall.
But sure enough, after the plane reached a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet
and the seat-belt sign was turned off, a pair of penguins waddled down the
aisle from first class.
"You can take pictures, but we ask that you don't touch them," the captain
announced. The flight's 300-plus delighted passengers heeded the warning,
snapping photos and videos with camera phones lighting the aisle as if it
were a red carpet.
The foot-and-a-half tall penguins, Pete and Penny, ages 6 and 12, were en
route to the New York premiere of "Frozen Planet," a new Discovery Channel
documentary series narrated by Alec Baldwin. The screening, held Thursday at
the Lincoln Center, was followed by a "polar-themed" party, hosted by
Baldwin, Dustin Hoffman and Glenn Close, among other environmentally-
conscious luminaries.
[ SLIDESHOW: Penguins attend 'Frozen Planet' premiere ]
Oddly enough, this is not the first time penguins were allowed to roam the
cabin on a commercial flight. In fact, it happens fairly frequently, judging
by videos uploaded to YouTube.
Just last month, three penguins on Southwest's Orlando-to-LaGuardia trek
emerged from their kennels midflight, surprising passengers.
Last March, a world-traveling waddler from Sea World made an appearance on a
Southwest flight to San Diego from San Francisco, where it attended a
science convention.
发帖数: 24887
发帖数: 4174
"Is anyone here allergic to penguins?" the captain of Delta Flight 486 from
Atlanta to New York asked passengers—including this writer—on Wednesday
night. "No? Alright, we have a surprise for you."
"How would we even know if we were?" I asked the woman seated next to me in
seat 33D.
"He can't be serious," she said, pausing briefly as she flipped through her
copy of Sky Mall.
But sure enough, after the plane reached a cruising altitude of 30,000 feet
and the seat-belt sign was turned off, a pair of penguins waddled down the
aisle from first class.
"You can take pictures, but we ask that you don't touch them," the captain
announced. The flight's 300-plus delighted passengers heeded the warning,
snapping photos and videos with camera phones lighting the aisle as if it
were a red carpet.
The foot-and-a-half tall penguins, Pete and Penny, ages 6 and 12, were en
route to the New York premiere of "Frozen Planet," a new Discovery Channel
documentary series narrated by Alec Baldwin. The screening, held Thursday at
the Lincoln Center, was followed by a "polar-themed" party, hosted by
Baldwin, Dustin Hoffman and Glenn Close, among other environmentally-
conscious luminaries.
[ SLIDESHOW: Penguins attend 'Frozen Planet' premiere ]
Oddly enough, this is not the first time penguins were allowed to roam the
cabin on a commercial flight. In fact, it happens fairly frequently, judging
by videos uploaded to YouTube.
Just last month, three penguins on Southwest's Orlando-to-LaGuardia trek
emerged from their kennels midflight, surprising passengers.
Last March, a world-traveling waddler from Sea World made an appearance on a
Southwest flight to San Diego from San Francisco, where it attended a
science convention.
发帖数: 24887
1 (共1页)
这个礼拜snl的广告已经出来了Bipartisan Bill to Give Federal Workers DP Benefits Introduced
Alec Baldwin is the new Donald Trump麻省女学生应支持同志权利被暴力攻击
Alec Baldwin愿意为TRUMP演唱First open gay senator elected
这个可怜的企鹅新版标是新晋联邦参议院Kirsten Gilliband么?
再次声明:因舆论环境影响,本人暂时支持同性恋【$】Leawo PowerPoint to DVD Pro Software FREE!!
Penguins are not gay, they are just lonely (转载)川普接受媒体采访:不喜度假 就爱工作 (转载)
Boehner's DOMA Defense Denounced关于中国乘客被赶下飞机一事
话题: penguins话题: passengers话题: flight话题: delta话题: were