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QueerNews版 - Obama advisers debating gay marriage
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话题: obama话题: advisers话题: democrats话题: gay话题: president
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Posted at 12:33 PM ET, 03/23/2012 TheWashingtonPost
Obama advisers debating gay marriage
By Greg Sargent
Obama’s top political advisers have held serious discussions with leading
Democrats about the upsides and downsides of coming out for gay marriage
before the fall election, a Democratic strategist who has discussed these
matters directly with Obama's campaign inner circle tells me.
This does not mean that it will happen, and there are plenty of reasons to
assume it won’t. Indeed, it would be political malpractice if Obama’s top
advisers didn’t discuss every permutation and possibility, no matter how
far fetched. However, the fact that it has been discussed seriously at high
levels means it’s not out of the question.
Those advisers are convinced that Obama will make this call based on his gut
, and ultimately without regard to the fine-grained political analysis of
the situation, the source says.
Some top Democrats have privately advised Obama’s inner circle that such a
move could energize Democrats far beyond the gay community. The discussions
have centered on Obama’s successful repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and
how it has signaled that major advances on gay rights energize young voters
and other progressive Democrats,by helping recapure the historic and foward-
looking aura of 2008, the source says.
“This would help in terms of reinvigorating some of the excitment from 2008
,” the source says, characterizing the discussions. “It’s not just about
gay people. There’s an upside with the progressive community and young
people in general. Obama's advisers are in listening mode.”
Obama’s advisers are also well aware that various state-based initiatives
will continue forcing this issue into the news, the source says.
However, some top Democrats worry about the impact of such a move among
older blue collar voters in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt declined to confirm any internal
“There’s been a lot of uninformed speculation in the news on this,” he
said. “The President and the President alone will come to a decision. From
allowing hospital visitation rights for gay partners to repealing Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell, President Obama has done more to advance equal rights for gays
and lesbians than any other President — a record we intend to highlight.”
Indeed, the source says that Obama’s top advisers are convinced he will
make this call on his own. “They don’t think he’s going to make this
decision based on the polling,” the source says. “He’s just going to make
it. They do not know at the end of the day where he’s going to end up.”
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a debate about same-sex marriageNever-Wrong Pundit Picks Obama to Win in 2012
有关政经的两段ESSAYSAngry LGBTs Could Sway Election
US gay couples pay thousands more TAX $ than straight coupRI marriage bill reintroduced
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Obama总统父亲节致词提及同性恋父亲们How Prop 8 And Same-Sex Marriage Debate Affects the Economy
话题: obama话题: advisers话题: democrats话题: gay话题: president