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QueerNews版 - New Study Says You Can Tell Sexual Orientation From the Eyes
Canadian teacher 'fired for being a lesbian'的大作中提到:] :不如你
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为什么大家不考虑教会私校? (转载)在美国可以散瞳眼光吗?
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No Surprise for Bisexual Men: Report Indicate英文不好悲催啊
Neurologic vignetteplease help me with NBME5
话题: men话题: women话题: sexual话题: savin
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19713
Add this to your gaydar: a new report in Live Science says that you can tell
a person's sexual orientation from their eyes. Pupils, that is. According
to Stephanie Pappas, a new study finds that pupil dilation is an accurate
indicator of sexual orientation. When people look at erotic images and
become aroused, their pupils open up in an unconscious reaction, which gave
researchers a much easier way to to study orientation and arousal without
traditionally invasive blood flow to the genital measurements.
Researcher Ritch Savin-Williams, a developmental psychologist at Cornell
University, says the new study is the first large-scale experiment to show
that pupil dilation matches what people report feeling aroused by.
"So if a man says he's straight, his eyes are dilating towards women," Savin
-Williams told LiveScience. "And the opposite with gay men, their eyes are
dilating to men."
Savin-Willims told Live Science that the pupils dilate slightly in response
to any exciting or interesting stimulus, a sign that the autonomic nervous
system — the system that controls involuntary actions like pulse and
breathing — is ramping up.
Savin-Williams and fellow researcher Gerulf Rieger had 325 men and women who
idetified as gay, straight, or bisexual watch one-minute videos of a man
masturbating, a woman masturbating, and neutral landscape scenes while a
camera measured tiny changes in their pupil sizes.
The results, according to Live Science, showed that pupil dilation matches
the pattern seen in genital arousal studies. In men, this pattern is
generally straightforward: Straight men respond to sexual images of women;
gay men to sexual images of men; and bisexual men to both men and women. But
women's responses were more complex, said Savin-Wiliams, because while
lesbians responded to images of other women, straight women "dilate
basically equally in response to erotic images of both sexes, despite
reporting feelings of arousal for men and not women."
Whether there's a host of closeted bisexual women or another evolutionary
answer to this straight girl dilation, it gives researchers a complex result
to try to unravel.
发帖数: 2596


【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: Add this to your gaydar: a new report in Live Science says that you can tell
: a person's sexual orientation from their eyes. Pupils, that is. According
: to Stephanie Pappas, a new study finds that pupil dilation is an accurate
: indicator of sexual orientation. When people look at erotic images and
: become aroused, their pupils open up in an unconscious reaction, which gave
: researchers a much easier way to to study orientation and arousal without
: traditionally invasive blood flow to the genital measurements.
: Researcher Ritch Savin-Williams, a developmental psychologist at Cornell
: University, says the new study is the first large-scale experiment to show
: that pupil dilation matches what people report feeling aroused by.

发帖数: 19713
August 05 2012

【在 p****u 的大作中提到】
: 这都多老的新闻了啊,你不先查一下日期就挖坟?!
: tell
: gave

发帖数: 24887
That is, barely one day old?
pipinu must be living on a very different calendar or metabolism.

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: August 05 2012
1 (共1页)
please help me with NBME5为什么同志伴侣可能是小孩最好的父母亲
马公们,屁太可来了。Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision Delayed
Re: 有多少姐妹是在美国自然分娩的?No Surprise for Bisexual Men: Report Indicate
38周第一次产检,进程好慢啊Neurologic vignette
Canadian teacher 'fired for being a lesbian'的大作中提到:] :不如你
Homophobic bullying ‘rife’ in Northern Ireland schools这女的明显是个bi
为什么大家不考虑教会私校? (转载)在美国可以散瞳眼光吗?
话题: men话题: women话题: sexual话题: savin