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QueerNews版 - Michael Moore: Mitt Romney Will Win In November
Karl Rove could see GOP candidate supporting gay marriage in 2016NOM slandering LGBT community
Mitt Romney Discloses Contributions to Antigay GroupsGOP州长:非基督徒不是我的兄弟姐妹
Mitt Romney Is a NOM Donor, Document ShowsPerry是民主党?!
Poll: Most People Don't Care If Romney Was an Antigay BullyZach Wahls Lobbies Congress To Support Families Like His
Ann Romney: 'We've Given All You People Need To Know'John Travolta Had Gay Relationship With His Pilot
Romney Promises to Honor the Institution of MarriageOBAMA把MIDDLE CLASS卖了
昨天O8辩论的时候,明显比上次好一些了同性平权政治记录片:Outrage (2009)
The Big Lie: 'I Love My Gay Friends, but I'm Voting for Romney Anyway'John Waters 10 Best Quotes( ZT )
话题: moore话题: romney话题: mitt话题: november话题: michael
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4174
Filmmaker Michael Moore joined HuffPost Live Thursday and predicted that the
influence of money in politics would lift Mitt Romney to victory over
President Barack Obama in November.
"Mitt Romney is going to raise more money than Barack Obama. That should
guarantee his victory," Moore told host Josh Zepps. "I think people should
start to practice the words 'President Romney.' To assume that the other
side are just a bunch of ignoramuses who are supported by people who believe
that Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs 6,000 years ago is to completely
misjudge the opposition."
Moore said he believes that if the election were conducted "American Idol"-
style, and Americans were able to vote from their couches, Obama "would win
hands down."
"That's not what's gonna happen," he told Zepps. "This election's going to
be decided on who gets out the most people that day. Who's up at four in the
morning, making sure that dozens, hundreds, thousands of people in their
communities are getting out to vote. And the Republican machine that is set
up and the money behind it to guarantee [what] is really the only important
thing -- turnout on that day -- that's what looks pretty scary here."
发帖数: 24887
But isn't GOP always better at organizing its people to vote? Moore's
warning is legitimate but is there anything new in his point?
The many newly-imposed voter's laws can be a big issue for the DEM, for sure
发帖数: 4174
The new point is that GOP has a much greater financial advantage this year.


【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: But isn't GOP always better at organizing its people to vote? Moore's
: warning is legitimate but is there anything new in his point?
: The many newly-imposed voter's laws can be a big issue for the DEM, for sure
: .

发帖数: 19713
你的point就是让大家捐钱呗 lol

【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: The new point is that GOP has a much greater financial advantage this year.
: sure

发帖数: 697
republican 真有钱啊!这几天的national convention 在cbs,nbc,abc 的黄金时间
段一直在播,搞得我celebrity 花边新闻都看不上。 不过cnn上有个poll问你将通过什
么了解RNC - TV,radio,social network?结果是70% not interested。

【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: Filmmaker Michael Moore joined HuffPost Live Thursday and predicted that the
: influence of money in politics would lift Mitt Romney to victory over
: President Barack Obama in November.
: "Mitt Romney is going to raise more money than Barack Obama. That should
: guarantee his victory," Moore told host Josh Zepps. "I think people should
: start to practice the words 'President Romney.' To assume that the other
: side are just a bunch of ignoramuses who are supported by people who believe
: that Adam and Eve rode on dinosaurs 6,000 years ago is to completely
: misjudge the opposition."
: Moore said he believes that if the election were conducted "American Idol"-

发帖数: 24887
Citizen United真"厉害"! Koch Brothers, Adelson之流疯狂得很!

【在 g********d 的大作中提到】
: The new point is that GOP has a much greater financial advantage this year.
: sure

发帖数: 19713

【在 m*****t 的大作中提到】
: republican 真有钱啊!这几天的national convention 在cbs,nbc,abc 的黄金时间
: 段一直在播,搞得我celebrity 花边新闻都看不上。 不过cnn上有个poll问你将通过什
: 么了解RNC - TV,radio,social network?结果是70% not interested。

发帖数: 24887
The only "cure" is for November to come asap, then she will be fine.

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 我LP只要看到共和党,对着屏幕就骂,都快疯了这人。。
发帖数: 19713

【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: The only "cure" is for November to come asap, then she will be fine.

发帖数: 24887
Keep a close watch on her.......

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 要是赢不了呢?那可就真是要了亲命了。。
1 (共1页)
John Waters 10 Best Quotes( ZT )Ann Romney: 'We've Given All You People Need To Know'
东京同志电影节 2011Romney Promises to Honor the Institution of Marriage
SF艾兹病历史( 纪录片 )昨天O8辩论的时候,明显比上次好一些了
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Mitt Romney Is a NOM Donor, Document ShowsPerry是民主党?!
Poll: Most People Don't Care If Romney Was an Antigay BullyZach Wahls Lobbies Congress To Support Families Like His
话题: moore话题: romney话题: mitt话题: november话题: michael