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QueerNews版 - September 13 Election Projection Update
2012 Elections: Republican Anxiety Building Over Crop Of Candidates媒体聚焦支持同性婚姻的共和党人
Gay Marriage An Awkward Issue For Some GOP Presidential CandidatesN.Y. Marriage: Hey, You Never Know
纽约州长再次呼吁同性婚姻Marriage Equality Bill Stuck in New York Senate
Taking Rick Perry SeriouslyFriday morning updates
GOP leaders killed Colorado civil union bill科普一下Gay Republicans
GOP kills civil unions in Colorado special session100 Things You Can Say To Irritate A Republican
Gay Republicans Back Charlie Crist zzCampaign Windfall for 4 Republicans Who Voted for Same-Sex Marriage
话题: change话题: previous话题: current话题: party话题: switchers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2596
怎么会这么多洲的governor都是GOP啊, 对各个洲的ssm极其不利。
Electoral Votes Current Previous Change
Barack Obama 332 332 no change
Mitt Romney 206 206 no change
Party switchers: none

Popular Vote Current Previous Change
Barack Obama 50.1 50.1 no change
Mitt Romney 48.3 48.2 +0.1
Party switchers: none

U.S. Senate Current Previous Change
Republicans 52 52 no change
Democrats 46 46 no change
Independents 2 2 no change
Party switchers: none

U.S. House Current Previous Change
Republicans 233 240 -7
Democrats 202 195 +7
Party switchers: CA-7, CA-52, CO-6, IL-17, MI-1, MN-8, OH-16

Governors Current Previous Change
Republicans 32 32 no change
Democrats 17 17 no change
Independents 1 1 no change
Party switchers: none
1 (共1页)
Campaign Windfall for 4 Republicans Who Voted for Same-Sex MarriageTaking Rick Perry Seriously
Instinct: GOP And Proud?GOP leaders killed Colorado civil union bill
surrending on social security?GOP kills civil unions in Colorado special session
newt is projected to win in SC!Gay Republicans Back Charlie Crist zz
2012 Elections: Republican Anxiety Building Over Crop Of Candidates媒体聚焦支持同性婚姻的共和党人
Gay Marriage An Awkward Issue For Some GOP Presidential CandidatesN.Y. Marriage: Hey, You Never Know
纽约州长再次呼吁同性婚姻Marriage Equality Bill Stuck in New York Senate
话题: change话题: previous话题: current话题: party话题: switchers