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话题: lgbt话题: gay话题: queen话题: charter
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Queen Elizabeth 'Stands Up' for Gay Rights Without Mentioning Them
While Britain's Queen Elizabeth II is being hailed as a progressive leader
for signing a new Commonwealth charter that opposes discrimination based on
gender, LGBT activists note that the monarch has never actually uttered the
words 'gay' or 'lesbian.'
Queen Elizabeth II on Sunday backed a new commonwealth charter for the
United Kingdom, which some are saying indicated the monarch's support for
LGBT equality. But as Zack Ford at ThinkProgress LGBT points out, the queen
didn't actually use the words "gay" or "lesbian" in her much-touted
commitment to civil rights and gender equality.
"We are implacably opposed to all form of discrimination," the charter reads
. "Whether rooted in gender, race, colour, creed, political belief or other
The reference to 'other grounds' is intended to refer to sexual orientation,
writes Ford, but was kept ambiguous because more than 41 countries of the
54 within the commonwealth still criminalize homosexuality. Many of those
African nations in the commonwealth have staunchly antigay climates
originally fostered by British colonial rule, reports LGBT blog Pam's House
Prominent U.K. LGBT activist Peter Tatchell similarly points out that the
Queen has apparently never publicly acknowledged the LGBT community.
"Astonishingly, since she became Queen in 1952, the words ‘gay’ and ‘
lesbian’ have never publicly passed her lips. There is no record of her
ever speaking them," said Tatchell in a statement. "Even when she announced
government plans for gay law reform in her Queen’s Speeches, she did not
use the words lesbian or gay. Apparently, mentioning LGBT people is beneath
the dignity of the monarch."
U.K. newspaper The Daily Mail hailed the queen's signature on the new
charter as "one of the most controversial acts of her reign."
But columnist Patrick Strudwick at The Guardian also chastised the monarch
for her silence about LGBT people. Strudwick half-heartedly accepts the Mail
's premise that the charter is, in fact, alluding to gay and lesbian people,
but refuses to accept the monarchy's continued blissful ignorance.
"This charter isn't a fight for gay rights, it's a vague whisper muffled by
the screams of gay people awaiting the noose," writes Strudwick. "By
refraining from using the word gay or gay rights, the head of the
Commonwealth will in fact silence opponents of equality! I will not
celebrate silence. I will not join those cheering this supposed historic nod
in our direction. Gay people of the Commonwealth deserve more than an
inference; they need its head to speak of them and to them, to protect them.
1 (共1页)
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话题: lgbt话题: gay话题: queen话题: charter