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強烈譴責林以諾牧師公開妖魔化並岐視同性戀者方舟子又获奖了 (转载)
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肯尼亚 这破地方Miss. prom canceled after lesbian's date request
Kenya Prime Minister: Arrest All GaysACLU:Civil Unions不等于Marriage
New Zealand Labour will allow gay couples to adopt同性恋女生获白宫邀请;父亲节奥巴马公告包容两个父亲
话题: robertson话题: pat话题: pastors话题: gay话题: cooper
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 24887
Pat Robertson calls gay rights activists 'terrorists'
By Dylan Stableford
A day after his controversial comments about AIDS were obliterated by
Anderson Cooper, televangelist Pat Robertson called gay rights activists “
On his Christian Broadcasting Network show on Wednesday, Robertson blasted
Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who is gay, for issuing subpoenas to five
prominent pastors who had opposed a new anti-discrimination law.
“These people are terrorists, they're radicals, and they're extremists,”
Robertson told "700 Club" viewers. “No Christian in his right mind would
ever try to enforce somebody against their belief or else suffer jail. Now
they did that during the Inquisition. It was horrible. It was a black mark
on our history, but it isn't being done now. There's no Christian group I
know of anywhere in the world that would force somebody to do something
contrary to their deep-held religious beliefs or else face criminal
penalties, but that's what the homosexuals are trying to do here in America
and I think it's time pastors stand up and fight this monstrous thing."
Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union slammed the subpoenas, saying
they violated the pastors' civil rights.
"The government should never engage in fishing expeditions into the inner
workings of a church," the ACLU said in a statement. "And any request for
information must be carefully tailored to seek only what is relevant to the
In response, Parker said the city would clarify the subpoenas, admitting
they were “too broad.”
"If the gays want to go out and do their gay sex, that’s one thing,"
Robertson continued. "But if they want to force you to accept it and
solemnify it by marriage, then that’s a different matter and it’s an
infringement on people’s religious belief. What’s being done in Houston is
a gay — the woman they elected is a homosexual, she’s a lesbian, and she
’s trying to force pastors to conform to her beliefs. It’s wrong."
Earlier this month, Robertson was asked by a "700 Club" viewer if he should
be concerned about traveling to Kenya in light of the Ebola outbreak. The 84
-year-old televangelist replied that there was no need to worry about Ebola
in Kenya. But he added: "You have to be careful about AIDS. The towels could
have AIDS."
On Tuesday, Cooper dedicated his "Ridiculist" segment to respond to
"If, Pat Robertson, you somehow missed all the research and the depth and
information, you cannot get HIV if you share towels," the CNN host said.
Cooper mocked Robertson's advice, telling American travelers to remain in
the United States. "Except steer clear of San Francisco [because] that is,
of course, where all the gay people live, and Pat Robertson thinks they have
a way of giving you 'the stuff.'"
发帖数: 24887
How ironic that a millennium or more these religious groups have mercilessly
persecuted homosexuals in the U.S. and elsewhere, but now when finally
forced to abide by our Constitution with respect to Equal Protection and Due
Process this man (in ever more hysterical language) is calling them the "
terrorists." To gain marriage equality, homosexuals have not blocked, bombed
, or harassed clinics, suppressed women, minorities, or straights, stretched
straights on the rack, burned at the stake, planted IED's, unleashed
suicide bombers, beaten or imprisoned persons simply for being straight, or
the wide range of terrorism still being used by religion the world over. Nor
have they unleashed Crusaders or Jihad. Also, for the record, Pat: You are
not required to do any more or less than follow our Constitution. If that to
you is "terrorism" then I suppose you must include most of the Federal
Courts, the U.S. Supreme Court, The President of the United States, both
houses of Congress, and the majority of the American People. We are a
Democratic Republic Pat, not a theocracy. You are welcome to be as much of a
bigot as you want in your place of worship and in your own heart, but when
you try to impose that bigotry on a free and democratic people you will find
yourself doing exactly what you are doing today, become ever more shrill
and irrelevant.
发帖数: 24887
发帖数: 4174
发帖数: 24887

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: 我以为你说江泽民。
1 (共1页)
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強烈譴責林以諾牧師公開妖魔化並岐視同性戀者方舟子又获奖了 (转载)
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肯尼亚 这破地方Miss. prom canceled after lesbian's date request
话题: robertson话题: pat话题: pastors话题: gay话题: cooper