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RUC版 - [转载] WISH YOU GUYS A ROMANTIC V-DAY!--and a small gift
Merry Christmas[合集] 老乡聚会
Are you guys watching NBA?[合集] about the party!
a new alumGuys, be careful, could be a Black Friday
Romanticif you guys dont see me watering here anymore
拥护政府拥护党,坚信股市天天涨!lower low ahead guys
板蓝根大师 你加AAPL的空仓了吗?See you guys in 6 months
2012, Follow your heartGuys, I'm going back to China... wish me luck.
[合集] 挖坑了,怎么反扑喜欢的哥哥。Wish you guys happy in 2001
话题: guys话题: day话题: romantic话题: wish话题: view
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 845
【 以下文字转载自 PKU 讨论区 】
【 原文由 LonelyCat 所发表 】
There is a great flash at http://www.interviewwithgod.com
View the presentation!
I am not Christian but I was deeply shocked by the breath-taking view and
meaningful words (Read the carefully and think!).
I think that flash does make a difference to a person's life. That's the best
thing I have ever found on internet.
1 (共1页)
Wish you guys happy in 2001拥护政府拥护党,坚信股市天天涨!
thank you guys so much板蓝根大师 你加AAPL的空仓了吗?
Merry X'mas2012, Follow your heart
既然有人要往哲学啊世界观啊那些蛋痛的方向扯[合集] 挖坑了,怎么反扑喜欢的哥哥。
Merry Christmas[合集] 老乡聚会
Are you guys watching NBA?[合集] about the party!
a new alumGuys, be careful, could be a Black Friday
Romanticif you guys dont see me watering here anymore
话题: guys话题: day话题: romantic话题: wish话题: view