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Reader版 - half-skinned steer question
the half-skinned steer by annie proulx求陆文夫的《美食家》
Shipping Newsfinished report to boss!
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington这篇文章里指出了Ford故事里漏洞
有人可以推荐一本可读性较强、比较公正的中国通史吗?Re: [转载] Re: 哪个高人指点一下 欧洲为什么没有形成一个统一的国家
Did anyone know those books?为啥不把转向轮放后面?
anybody finished the Great Books?共济会礼仪 Masonic Etiquette
话题: steer话题: skinned话题: mero话题: half话题: past
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 121
reading close range wyoming stories now
i don't think i get the point of the half-skinned steer
anyone can analyze the short fiction?
i am thinking the steer represents the past that everyone wants to forget and
cannot...the past either for memory, worship or for despise, escape...but can
never go back to...
i like the narrative for the folktale part...
not the part of mero
maybe i would change my mind after finishing every single one of book
发帖数: 4445

Never read a Proulx before.
What I noticed as interesting is that the steer story is really lame by
itself, without being completed by the following two:
(1) the sexual tension when the story was told (which calls mero's earlier
memory about the indian paintings)
(2) Mero's entire trip can be seen as an elaboration on the sudden conclusion
of the steer story ("all went against him too").

【在 r*******w 的大作中提到】
: reading close range wyoming stories now
: i don't think i get the point of the half-skinned steer
: anyone can analyze the short fiction?
: i am thinking the steer represents the past that everyone wants to forget and
: cannot...the past either for memory, worship or for despise, escape...but can
: never go back to...
: i like the narrative for the folktale part...
: not the part of mero
: maybe i would change my mind after finishing every single one of book

发帖数: 121
thanks for reading it~~~
yeah, i feel something is missing too
john updike put this one into best short stories of 20th century
so kind of feeling weird
i think "the mud below" is a better proulx short fiction
cant find its content on the net ;(
i almost finished "close range" now
have a better appreciation of her...
plan to read it the second time ;)


【在 t*******n 的大作中提到】
: and
: can
: Never read a Proulx before.
: What I noticed as interesting is that the steer story is really lame by
: itself, without being completed by the following two:
: (1) the sexual tension when the story was told (which calls mero's earlier
: memory about the indian paintings)
: (2) Mero's entire trip can be seen as an elaboration on the sudden conclusion
: of the steer story ("all went against him too").

1 (共1页)
共济会礼仪 Masonic Etiquette在哪里能买到零售的纽约客,譬如只买一期?
共济会礼仪 Masonic Etiquette (转载)有人可以推荐一本可读性较强、比较公正的中国通史吗?
all the chicks on mitbbsDid anyone know those books?
Re: 孙海英和吕丽萍公开倡导恐同言论anybody finished the Great Books?
the half-skinned steer by annie proulx求陆文夫的《美食家》
Shipping Newsfinished report to boss!
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington这篇文章里指出了Ford故事里漏洞
话题: steer话题: skinned话题: mero话题: half话题: past