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Returnee版 - China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quake
这个关于ABC大家也是有偏见转基因玉米诱导癌变, 需要引起科学界的重视, 而不是打压
zz萨拉•杜吉德: 我是世界上最年轻的教授请问Christchurch生活成本如何
在美国的困惑:回国还是不回?新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)
China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quakelooking for a project coordinator in Christchurch,New Zeal
China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quake[转载] new zealand, australia 11 days trip, 请大侠指教,谢了先
作为一个有良蜘的人,我只要求【新西兰】有关方面解释以下几个问题:Need help! Who knows Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology ?
LA to Cook Island via Air New Zealand以后去新西兰玩儿也方便便宜了
新西兰大地震 被困妈妈手机求生:我要活下去(图)新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)
话题: new话题: zealand话题: chinese话题: key
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32828
China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quake
(03-13) 23:45 PDT WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) --
A Chinese official said Monday that New Zealand should consider special
compensation to parents of Chinese students killed in an earthquake last
month because their loss was magnified under the country's one-child policy.
Seven students from China have been identified among the 166 confirmed
deaths in the quake that devastated Christchurch city on Feb. 22, and as
many as 20 others are still missing.
Chinese Embassy official Cheng Lei said Monday that Chinese quake victims
had lost not just their only child, but also a future breadwinner.
He said New Zealand should consider providing additional financial
assistance to those families.
"You can expect how lonely, how desperate they are ... not only from losing
loved ones, but losing almost entirely the major source of economic
assistance after retirement," Cheng told Radio New Zealand.
Such compensation would be consolation for the families of the victims "but
also a demonstration of the importance the New Zealand government attaches
to the Chinese international" students, he said.
Prime Minister John Key said New Zealand had the greatest sympathy for the
Chinese families and that they were eligible for compensation under an
existing government accident insurance fund.
"The government's made it clear it will help in terms of repatriation of
bodies and helping families so, outside of that, at this stage we don't have
any intention to make any other changes," Key told reporters.
Key also confirmed on Monday that a planned government inquiry into the
disaster would be a royal commission, a sub-judicial format that is the
highest-level investigation New Zealand's parliamentary and justice system
While the inquiry will be broad-ranging, Key said it would focus on the
collapse of the Canterbury Television and Pyne Gould Guinness Corp.
buildings in downtown Christchurch where many people died.
"We understand the need to provide answers about why such loss of life
occurred in these buildings. The government is determined to get those," Key
told a news conference.
The inquiry would thoroughly examine building codes and construction methods
, and whether they were followed.
The inquiry will make a preliminary report within six months and deliver its
final report within a year.
发帖数: 32828
but losing almost entirely the major source of economic
assistance after retirement
现在中国政府很自信,好像也能在世界上指点江山一下。 就是有的时候忘记自己的猴
发帖数: 4577


【在 r*******g 的大作中提到】
: China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quake
: (03-13) 23:45 PDT WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) --
: A Chinese official said Monday that New Zealand should consider special
: compensation to parents of Chinese students killed in an earthquake last
: month because their loss was magnified under the country's one-child policy.
: Seven students from China have been identified among the 166 confirmed
: deaths in the quake that devastated Christchurch city on Feb. 22, and as
: many as 20 others are still missing.
: Chinese Embassy official Cheng Lei said Monday that Chinese quake victims
: had lost not just their only child, but also a future breadwinner.

1 (共1页)
新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quake
新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)作为一个有良蜘的人,我只要求【新西兰】有关方面解释以下几个问题:
爆料! 新西兰地震爆料了以国的间谍活动LA to Cook Island via Air New Zealand
新西兰失业率创13年新高,买卖提上鼓吹新西兰的就歇了吧新西兰大地震 被困妈妈手机求生:我要活下去(图)
这个关于ABC大家也是有偏见转基因玉米诱导癌变, 需要引起科学界的重视, 而不是打压
zz萨拉•杜吉德: 我是世界上最年轻的教授请问Christchurch生活成本如何
在美国的困惑:回国还是不回?新西兰地震至少65人遇难 震前2天上百巨头鲸搁浅死亡[图] (转载)
China wants 'one-child' compensation over NZ quakelooking for a project coordinator in Christchurch,New Zeal
话题: new话题: zealand话题: chinese话题: key