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Reunion版 - 第一次写邀请信,请大家帮忙看看
请大家看看我写的邀请信, 谢谢潜水一周 完成爸妈的邀请信 请各位大牛把关
请教160表上的specific travel plan被大家广泛批评了,重写了份邀请信,准备再签,麻烦看看
话题: my话题: parents话题: xxx话题: china话题: san
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 76
Dear Visa officer,
My name is xxx, and I am currently working as a software engineer at
xxx in California. I am writing this letter to invite my parents, xxx and
xxx, to visit
U.S. for a period of three months.
The purpose of their visit is family reunion and travel. They also want to
see what our lives are really like here. My parents will stay with my
family at xxx. I would like to take my parents around San Francisco, Lake
Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, and, if time permitted, we would like to take
a trip to Los Angeles and San Diego. We plan to take a cruise to Mexico
during the Christmas holiday week. I will pay for the air tickets and be
responsible for all the expenses during the stay in U.S.
My parents travels every couple of years. They’ve been to lots of cities in
China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, etc. I joined them on the trip
to Hangzhou and Zhouzhuang. We really enjoyed the time spent together.
My father retired last year, and my mother is a housewife. They enjoy health
insurance coverage and generous pension in China. Before retirement, my
father had been a senior high-school English teacher for thirty years. Now
he is mainly focusing on the education of my ten-year-old nephew. My sister
and nephew have been living with my parents since he was born. After the
trip to U.S., my parents will go back to China in January to celebrate
Spring festival with them and also my brother's family. The other reason
that my parents wont stay here long is that my mother need see her doctor
every three months for health check and adjustment of her medicine.
I greatly appreciate your taking time to process their application. For your
convenience, I prepared a list of documents about me. If you need further
information, please feel free to contact me at xxx or x*[email protected].
Sincerely yours,
发帖数: 76
ding yi xia

【在 z******e 的大作中提到】
: 打算给爸妈约8月底的签证,我们全家会在10月份回去,然后再和父母一起回来。这
: 个需要提吗?
: Dear Visa officer,
: My name is xxx, and I am currently working as a software engineer at
: xxx in California. I am writing this letter to invite my parents, xxx and
: xxx, to visit
: U.S. for a period of three months.
: The purpose of their visit is family reunion and travel. They also want to
: see what our lives are really like here. My parents will stay with my
: family at xxx. I would like to take my parents around San Francisco, Lake

1 (共1页)
smallfox 和有经验的朋友帮忙看看我的邀请信请教160表上的specific travel plan
Re: 急:关于父母探亲的邀请信小外甥探亲北京签证顺利过关,签经加邀请信
请大家看看我写的邀请信, 谢谢潜水一周 完成爸妈的邀请信 请各位大牛把关
话题: my话题: parents话题: xxx话题: china话题: san