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Reunion版 - b2-->h4,still waiting, Expired b2 could stay?
URGENT- QUESTION 3 mo. to apply for new visaparent extension question
Help!! About the letter to custom! Wait online!visa PIN not working ???
stay time vs passport expiration date为婆婆办延期的一些问题
B1 visa 's I- 94 card妈妈B2签证有效期内回国再次来美
parents got visa in shenyang 10-28-2011父母来美6个月后, 多久可以中信代签?
給大家發一個邀請函的模板吧~ 算贊個rp~求助---父母洛杉矶入海关的HARD问题
有没有中信代签被拒的?B2 Extension
B2 延期 可以 等 240 天??这个靠谱吗?W-7, 6c type of U.S. visa, number, and expiration date (转载)
话题: b2话题: expired话题: stay话题: h4话题: waiting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 193
I filed a b2-->h4 application last month, but the current b2 is expired on
the beginning of this August. If I can not get h4 approval, could I stay in
USA for waiting?
Or, should I file another b2 extension for that situation?
Will the two applications be conflict?
发帖数: 375
based on my understanding you can stay in the US when your visa under
pending status.
发帖数: 12623
What is expired? Visa? Or Duration of stay (I-94)? When visa expires doesn't
matter after you've entered the U.S. If it's after I-94 expires, yes, you
can stay as long as the Change of Status is pending.


【在 T****m 的大作中提到】
: I filed a b2-->h4 application last month, but the current b2 is expired on
: the beginning of this August. If I can not get h4 approval, could I stay in
: USA for waiting?
: Or, should I file another b2 extension for that situation?
: Will the two applications be conflict?
: Urgent..

1 (共1页)
W-7, 6c type of U.S. visa, number, and expiration date (转载)parents got visa in shenyang 10-28-2011
高人指点:539表有expire date?!现在USCIS网站的是2/29 expires給大家發一個邀請函的模板吧~ 算贊個rp~
Re: Urgent!! Re: 在那儿办未婚证明有没有中信代签被拒的?
Re: Urgent HELP about parents visitingB2 延期 可以 等 240 天??这个靠谱吗?
URGENT- QUESTION 3 mo. to apply for new visaparent extension question
Help!! About the letter to custom! Wait online!visa PIN not working ???
stay time vs passport expiration date为婆婆办延期的一些问题
B1 visa 's I- 94 card妈妈B2签证有效期内回国再次来美
话题: b2话题: expired话题: stay话题: h4话题: waiting