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RisingChina版 - TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (3)
TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (1)FAQ on Tibet issues
TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (2)Myth and Reality
TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (4)使藏独YOUTUBE视频下线的方法 (转载)
Free PressThe Tibet Human Rights PsyOp
good talk on Tibet and China一个在美藏人在加拿大环球邮报上的评论
need your wisdom for an interview with CNNThe Tibet Human Rights PsyOp
三番反藏独策略总结(原创) (转载)一个在美藏人在加拿大环球邮报上的评论
俄真理报文章:Foolishness Over the Olympics and Tibet非政府组织以及建立一个资料比较全的网站
话题: tibet话题: china话题: global话题: thoughts
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 68
4) "Tibet Was, Is, and Always Will Be a Part of China"
Chinese friends, in your conquest of internet forums, please come up with a
more creative slogan than this. Westerners will laugh at it. This argument
is completely based on the Chinese thought process. In many Westerners'
minds, even if Tibet 'is' and 'was' a part of China, this does not
inherently imply it should be China's forever. In your debating, please
work harder on convincing people why Tibet should STAY a part of China and
1 (共1页)
非政府组织以及建立一个资料比较全的网站good talk on Tibet and China
中国人,你真的了解西藏吗?need your wisdom for an interview with CNN
NGO性质的民间网站整理收集的西藏资料三番反藏独策略总结(原创) (转载)
给老外洗脑的三步法 (转载)俄真理报文章:Foolishness Over the Olympics and Tibet
TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (1)FAQ on Tibet issues
TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (2)Myth and Reality
TIBET - My Thoughts on the Global Debate/Catastrophe (4)使藏独YOUTUBE视频下线的方法 (转载)
Free PressThe Tibet Human Rights PsyOp
话题: tibet话题: china话题: global话题: thoughts