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Running版 - The Science and Art of a Tempo Run(转载)
怎样提高速度congrats to scott brown
How to Run like an Olympian: Top 5 excercises to make you R (转载)今天去学游泳了,加强CORE CROSS TRAINING.
今年第一次Tempo Run,5Khappy, runner 杂志又来了
Interval induced speedy mid-longfound this video: Mark Allen Speech Preview
advice for those who want to try triathlonChrissie Wellington也很神啊
How to avoid heel strikeHow does this tennis match compare to Triathlon?
[合集] advice for those who want to try triathlon跑累了骑骑车不错
[合集] How to avoid heel strikeI know I’m a triathlete when…
话题: tempo话题: run话题: art话题: science话题: training
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 665
Tempo runs are a popular training run. I often overhear runners commenting
on their “tempo” workouts. However, the more I listen, the more I hear how
misused, misunderstood or misapplied this training workout is by runners
and triathletes. Any of these comments sound familiar?
* I ran a 10 mile tempo run.
* I can’t maintain my tempo pace for 10 minutes.
* Every week I do lots of tempo training.
* I use tempo runs to improve my 5k times.
Let’s first define a tempo run, then descri
1 (共1页)
I know I’m a triathlete when…advice for those who want to try triathlon
Run like a triathlete!How to avoid heel strike
When the Diagnosis Is ‘Dead Butt Syndrome’[合集] advice for those who want to try triathlon
The People's Republic of Running?[合集] How to avoid heel strike
怎样提高速度congrats to scott brown
How to Run like an Olympian: Top 5 excercises to make you R (转载)今天去学游泳了,加强CORE CROSS TRAINING.
今年第一次Tempo Run,5Khappy, runner 杂志又来了
Interval induced speedy mid-longfound this video: Mark Allen Speech Preview
话题: tempo话题: run话题: art话题: science话题: training