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Running版 - My Running Fantasy Camp
和Paula Kara一起跑!Free running sun glasses
Is Radcliffe severely underpronated?My first ever fast run
有人在生理期跑步么?A bigger run or two smaller ones?
公司里的一个牛人湾区的跑友们,什么时候去Monterey camping加running吧。
Olympian Kara Goucher's Top Running Tips (zz)High Mileage Running & Testosterone
chrissie wellington runs 2:44 marathon in ironmanMedium long run lowers blood pressure by 15mmHg.
bad running forms to avoidTech question: will two 3-mile running/day be better or worse than one 6-mile running/day?
今天18迈Wall Street journal 跑步颠覆传统的报道 我叫做新野人理论
话题: kara话题: my话题: whx话题: fantasy话题: running
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2120
Just read this from Kara's website: http://karagoucher.competitor.com/2010/04/07/my-running-fantasy-camp/
It reminds me of the time to run with whx.
Interestingly enough, I found I shared many similar thoughts and events with
Kara, except I did not cry and are not determined to be one of the best
发帖数: 1799
haha did you share that article with idle whx???


【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: Just read this from Kara's website: http://karagoucher.competitor.com/2010/04/07/my-running-fantasy-camp/
: It reminds me of the time to run with whx.
: Interestingly enough, I found I shared many similar thoughts and events with
: Kara, except I did not cry and are not determined to be one of the best
: runners-:)

发帖数: 2120
No need-:)
Your race is coming in two weeks! You must be excited, at least I am-:)

【在 A***a 的大作中提到】
: haha did you share that article with idle whx???
: with

发帖数: 4931
not sure why kara makes such a big deal out of it. she has beaten paula in a
HM, and was close to beating her in the FM.


【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: Just read this from Kara's website: http://karagoucher.competitor.com/2010/04/07/my-running-fantasy-camp/
: It reminds me of the time to run with whx.
: Interestingly enough, I found I shared many similar thoughts and events with
: Kara, except I did not cry and are not determined to be one of the best
: runners-:)

发帖数: 1799
agreed, IMHO, she has more potential than Paula. There is no question that
she will beat Paula soon.


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: not sure why kara makes such a big deal out of it. she has beaten paula in a
: HM, and was close to beating her in the FM.
: with

发帖数: 1799
Thanks. I am very sloppy recently. Didn't even have time to do my last long
run which is unbelievable. looks like an extra long taper that's for sure. I
will do my best, but unfortunately not as talented as some of the folks
here so I gave myself a 3:30 safe goal. My real focus is Chicago in the fall.

【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: No need-:)
: Your race is coming in two weeks! You must be excited, at least I am-:)

发帖数: 2120
Good attitude!
I was a little worried why you did not run well in the last several days-:)
Hope the weather gets better and you have an enjoyable one!


【在 A***a 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. I am very sloppy recently. Didn't even have time to do my last long
: run which is unbelievable. looks like an extra long taper that's for sure. I
: will do my best, but unfortunately not as talented as some of the folks
: here so I gave myself a 3:30 safe goal. My real focus is Chicago in the fall.

发帖数: 2120
Only because she is her idol-:)


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: not sure why kara makes such a big deal out of it. she has beaten paula in a
: HM, and was close to beating her in the FM.
: with

发帖数: 1301
what does "whx" mean?


【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: Just read this from Kara's website: http://karagoucher.competitor.com/2010/04/07/my-running-fantasy-camp/
: It reminds me of the time to run with whx.
: Interestingly enough, I found I shared many similar thoughts and events with
: Kara, except I did not cry and are not determined to be one of the best
: runners-:)

发帖数: 18660
hmm. I wish I could run with whx sometime... :)


【在 c*********n 的大作中提到】
: Just read this from Kara's website: http://karagoucher.competitor.com/2010/04/07/my-running-fantasy-camp/
: It reminds me of the time to run with whx.
: Interestingly enough, I found I shared many similar thoughts and events with
: Kara, except I did not cry and are not determined to be one of the best
: runners-:)

发帖数: 18660
it is a big deal.
It is her 'hero'. sometime, even you are better than your idol. it is still
your idol. that's the idol for ? hoho


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: not sure why kara makes such a big deal out of it. she has beaten paula in a
: HM, and was close to beating her in the FM.
: with

发帖数: 2120
Mark, I did not expect you are also so emotional-:)


【在 m**k 的大作中提到】
: it is a big deal.
: It is her 'hero'. sometime, even you are better than your idol. it is still
: your idol. that's the idol for ? hoho
: a

1 (共1页)
Wall Street journal 跑步颠覆传统的报道 我叫做新野人理论Olympian Kara Goucher's Top Running Tips (zz)
Just found out that I have a DaNiu friendchrissie wellington runs 2:44 marathon in ironman
说起电影 - 一个人的奥林匹克bad running forms to avoid
hand cranking and making faces今天18迈
和Paula Kara一起跑!Free running sun glasses
Is Radcliffe severely underpronated?My first ever fast run
有人在生理期跑步么?A bigger run or two smaller ones?
公司里的一个牛人湾区的跑友们,什么时候去Monterey camping加running吧。
话题: kara话题: my话题: whx话题: fantasy话题: running