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Running版 - Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is
跑个头最近这个月老排第一的扭腰半马流水 Haile Gebrselassie DNF
South Mountain 100K Race report终于dnf了
追寻IRENE - 来自扭腰的特别报道纽约出战Vermont 100的队伍周五出发
这里的黎明静悄悄 - NYCM大名单简要Bear Mountain 50 miler
芝加哥*北京*扭腰 三马 之 北京/扭腰篇TNT Bear Mountain 50M 报告
芝加哥马拉松名额转让Race Report: Reach the Beach Relay
knickerbocker报告NYCM live tracking
话题: mountain话题: section话题: last话题: trail话题: race
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 819
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles
to the maximum. The only experience close enough is to swim against freezing
Atlantic Ocean current or dive 100 ft under the Caribbean water. So
naturally I was hooked immediately and stopped doing marathon. Road marathon is
still fun, but it’s more like partying with thousands of people on the city
street. Maybe I will go back to push for BQ when I am tired of the ultras.
After the Bear Mountain DNF, I started serious running training first time
even though I had already done a few marathons before that. The result is
that I finished Vermont 100KM and Central Park 60KM with fairly easy efforts
. Regardless, the DNF at Bear Mountain was still hunting me and it’s my
major goal this year.
One of the fun components of trail ultra race is that runners usually camp
close to the start line the night before the race instead of staying at some
fancy hotels. So this year I proposed the idea among our group. Despite
difficulties such as transportation, weather uncertainty, and tourist group
interference, five of us made the camping trip in the end, with the help
from pangzi for contributing his van, Tonyprince for helping me organize and
Jcstrive for contributing his 9 people tent. Without this camping, the race
would lose half of its fun. It was relaxing to carb load bagels and eat
toasted chicken with the guys and trash talked whatever we want.
It was a bit unfortunate that I wasn’t able to have enough sleep a week
before the race because of work. To make my body awake during the day, I
still ran 30 miles without tapering. This was definitely a big mistake.
The day started at 2am when I waked up amongst snoring and bird warbling.
It kind of felt surreal. I was nervous, which hadn’t happen for me for
quite a while. I guess it was because of little sleep over the week and
mainly the DNF last year.
Two bagels downs the throat, we arrived at the start line at 4am. And in no
time, we were ready to start at 5am.
1. Start (0) to Anthony Wayne (3.9), 3.9m
Last year I finished 34.2 miles in 10 hours and missed cut off by about 15
minutes. I didn’t believe this would happen again this year. But I probably
aimed too high at finishing in 10 hours. Robinup kept abetting me that I
should rush out. Maybe it was him or maybe it was the adrenaline, I did rush
out at a fast pace and got very ahead. This was definitely a huge mistake.
This section mostly trends uphill and I barely took any walk break, even on
the rocky part. This foreshadowed my quad failure at later part of the race.
2. Anthony Wayne (3.9) to Silvermine (8.6), 4.7m
This section starts with a 1 mile technical trail section. I was still
moving forward at a fast pace. One guy has already sprint his ankle here. In
the next section of pavement and ski trail, I was running at probably 8
minute pace. And then it was first major technical descent to silvermine and
I was running down all the way without too much. Here is the thing about
technical descent, it is really enjoyable when the legs are fresh and you
are confident. But if either of the two is missing, it’s even worse than
walking down the stairs.
3. Silvermine (8.6) to Arden Valley Rd (13.9), 5.3m
The third section starts with an easy 1.5 miles of fire road, and then turns
harsh as it traverse a ridge on the Long Path. There was a lot of climbing
here. I still felt ok and kept at a reasonable pace in a single line with a
group of runners. Robinup caught up with me here as he rushed to find a
toilet. Here I witness the benefit of light body weight on a technical trail
. I can still keep up with him on the uphills. But at decent, he flew away
like a bird, maybe the call of the nature also helped.
4. Arden Valley Rd (13.9) to Lake Skannatati (20.7), 6.8m
The race manual said that the fourth section serves as the nicest leg of the
course. Yet I feel it’s the toughest part of the race. Last year I started
to tumble at this section. And this year it happened again.
The trail starts out meandering past swamps and over streams. The trail is
like the bottom of a stream with watermelon shape/size rocks and I had to
jump/dance on the rocks. I passed them ok, which was better than last year.
Maybe I was happy too early. When I stared to pick up the pace and pass
people around mile 16. All of a sudden, I was tripped by a tree root. I
pushed up and didn’t fall but my left calf and inner thigh muscle cramped
badly. I tried to stretch and managed to run again in a few minutes.
But next we were facing a major climb into the Bald Rocks section of the
park. I couldn’t use much of the strength on my left leg and had to rely
mainly on the right one to climb. Bald Rocks is indeed a big piece of rock
with some 360 degree views. Last year when I got here, it was raining and
windy and I could be slipping off the cliff anytime. This year it was hot
and humid. With no tree or any shade, you can feel the rock sizzling under
the sun. My 20oz water soon ran out here. Carrying one bottle only take a
toll here.
After the big rock, we are facing another major technical descend. My left
leg is still recovering. Here I didn’t have the confidence and fresh legs
needed for descend. I have to use my right leg as the support leg and walked
down carefully. By the time I got down to the aid station, both quads
started to shake by themselves without any control.
Fortunately Tonyprince was waiting here and helped to push down much needed
salt into my body. I also started to feel hungry and swallowed down some pbj
sandwich with salt water.
5. Lake Skannatati (20.7) to Camp Lanowa (27.7), 7.0m
By the time I started this section, I had given up the 10 hour goal while
watching my pace dropped hopelessly. This section starts out with a
technical track along the Long Path, followed by a short piece of pavement
and some fire road before hitting a few more trail sections. This was
supposed to be a relatively faster section but I had to take walk breaks to
recover my legs.
Whx passed me around mile 22 when I was struggling both physically and
mentally. I still firmly believed that I can finish the race before the
cutoff. But a slow finish was really discouraging. Then the trail turned
into a big forest and I was running all by myself. The hard training of last
slipped through my mind while I was wondering in the forest. And I managed
to put my mind together and determined to finish strong whatever happened.
The leg ends with a climb over Breakneck Mountain and another major
technical descend. By then, without fresh legs but with full confidence, I
managed it fine. Tonyprince was waiting for me at the aid station to pace.
The race restarted here!
6. Camp Lanowa (27.7) to Tiorati (34.2), 6.5m
With Tonyprince pacing me, it feels much more relaxing like we were running
in the Central Park Bridal path together. This section featured some old
fire road and a mile of paved road. Then it took us up Irish Mountain past
the Irish Potato (large rock). By the time we got to aid station, I felt
relieved that at least I did better that last year.
7. Tiorati (34.2) to Anthony Wayne (40.3), 6.1m
Nutrition is the key for ultra running. Either over or under eating/
hydration will be disastrous. I drank too much water and had too much to eat
at last aid station. So on this section, I had to relive myself three time
along the trail, which wasn’t a big deal by itself. But frequent break of
the running tempo was bad for the pace. The red trail took us on a nice
rolling run and cross some great streams (rocks again). Then we circled
around Owl Swamp on an old fire road and then pick up the 1779 trail to head
back to the Anthony Wayne trail. After about nine hours, I was back to the
Anthony Wayne aid station. Although I wasn’t dashing like when I passed
here in the morning, I felt more relaxed and confident than in the morning.
Time to enjoy rest of the 10 miles trails which I never explored before.
8. Anthony Wayne (40.3) to Queensboro Rd (44.7), 4.4m
Wordpress took over Tonyprince to pace me here. This section retraces the
route of the British Army as they marched to take over Ft. Montgomery. It is
mostly flat and downhill and we chatted along the way. The climb over the
Pines Mt. wasn’t too bad either. But the technical descent over the leaves
and loose rocks definitely made Wordpress alert too.
9. Queensboro Rd (44.7) to 1777 (47.2), 2.5m
When we reached Queensboro, the volunteers told us to be prepared for a
tough climb. We weren’t paying too much attention as we thought last climb
and descent was tough enough. The first mile was several climbs along a
mountain ridge. It was intimidating that the cliff was right by our right
foot, but it was still ok. Before we thought it was over soon and made a
left turn, literally a giant stone wall stand in front of us. It was later I
found out it’s called Timp Pass, the most difficult climb of the race. I
decided not look up anymore, just lowered my head and climbed. The challenge
wasn’t over after the climb. The Timp Pass Road descending from the Pass
turns very rocky. It wasn’t the kind of rocky we experienced earlier in the
course. It was lose rocks with sharp edges. Any tumbling would send a
person to the hospital if he/she was found on the trail at all. I was glad
Wordpress was with me at that point. It’s both a mental and physical
endurance challenge.
10. 1777 (47.2) to Finish (50), 2.8m
We passed last aid station without stop. Two smaller climbs await us on our
way to the Finish. Over last mile, we were back to the route we ran in the
morning. I was really amazed that I ran those rocky uphills at 8 minute pace
and now I could barely shuffle down at 12m pace.
But anyway, when we saw other spectators, we picked up the speed and dashed
last 400 yards with big smiles on our faces.
To be honest, I am not very satisfied with my time. But hey, that’s life.
And most importantly, I enjoyed the journey with a group of good friends.
Although there was pain, there was no suffering.
Next journey, Leadville 100 miles.
Special thanks to Tonyprince for help organizing the trip and pacing me;
thanks to pangzi for letting us use his van; thanks for Wordpress for pacing
me last 10 miles of most difficult section. Without you guys, there is no
way I could finish this race.
oh and btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...
发帖数: 1770
发帖数: 13580
thanks for sharing! this is amazing.


【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

发帖数: 17520
wow, 赞原创美文
发帖数: 12977
I thought for a minute before I realized what "three root" is :)
发帖数: 41236
赞, 先顶再慢慢看。。。
发帖数: 4527
Great revenge, congratulations!!
Reading your post and whx's really inspires me to think about ultra. That
must be exciting and quite different.
Good luck for your leadville.

50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

发帖数: 2009
发帖数: 531
顶一个!是完美复仇啊。非常赞同trail running "opened the door to an entirely
new world"!和road running比起来,在trail上更自我和洒脱。
发帖数: 5098

50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

芝加哥*北京*扭腰 三马 之 北京/扭腰篇扭腰半马流水 Haile Gebrselassie DNF
knickerbocker报告纽约出战Vermont 100的队伍周五出发
发帖数: 5202
发帖数: 129
发帖数: 4931
Great report! Now I've learned the names of the various mountains we ran
through. Funny how I don't
remember much of the details at all. They were all kind of blurred to me.
jcstrive told me that it was your style
to go out fast.:) I told jcstrive soon after the race start that losing a
minute or two in the first mile makes no
difference. It's more important to adjust to the right mindset, and make
sure that you can run the last mile
faster than the first mile.

50 mile journey through the Bear

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

发帖数: 2912
I may consider a 50 miler next year
There is one in my village, but it's only 2 weeks before NYCM...

【在 j******e 的大作中提到】
: 大家report写的都好牛,估计会掀起版上ultra热,一群野兽悄悄兴起,嘎嘎。。。
发帖数: 2120
What a wonderful experience and what a beautiful writing!
Congratulations! You DID it!

50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

发帖数: 7653

so you can start a new fashion in your town,i.e: Run an ULTRA before NYCM

【在 r********r 的大作中提到】
: I may consider a 50 miler next year
: There is one in my village, but it's only 2 weeks before NYCM...

发帖数: 10018

【在 w********6 的大作中提到】
: I thought for a minute before I realized what "three root" is :)
发帖数: 819
btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile
one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...
发帖数: 4931
You are nuts! Don't get injured before Leadville. You don't need that speed.
It's about pure endurance in the next 3 months.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile
: one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...

发帖数: 819
you are right. no running for a week. time for cross training.


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: You are nuts! Don't get injured before Leadville. You don't need that speed.
: It's about pure endurance in the next 3 months.

NYCMRace Report: Reach the Beach Relay
Bear Mountain 50 milerNYCM live tracking
TNT Bear Mountain 50M 报告californians...and future ultra runners!
发帖数: 13580

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile
: one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...

发帖数: 4859
哇! 禽兽啊

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile
: one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...

发帖数: 12977
you are truly an ultra deep in your heart

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile
: one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...

发帖数: 3304
Pen is legendary & invisible
Serendip and other three are our hero and wild animal
turn trail running into essential
and make bear (mountain) no animal

50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

发帖数: 389
他强,清风拂山岗。这一顿悟不得了,感觉自己也跟着厉害了很多 :)

【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: 太野兽了
发帖数: 6115

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: btw, i forget to mention that i had a pr by 2 seconds at japan run 4 mile
: one day after the 50 miler. obviously i didn't push hard enough...

发帖数: 6115

50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

发帖数: 819
i was just kidding lah. it was a nice weekend together!


【在 r*****p 的大作中提到】
: 顶一个!是完美复仇啊。非常赞同trail running "opened the door to an entirely
: new world"!和road running比起来,在trail上更自我和洒脱。
: 不过abet用重了啊,当时看你很鸡血,我一直说的是要大家一开始天还没亮之前尽量
: stick在一起,误会鸟误会鸟。。哥们可是一直力挺你的啊!

发帖数: 229
what an amazing race and nice report!! Looks like Ultra will be the next hot
topic in the board.
发帖数: 18660
yoda man! amazing race report

50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.

【在 s******p 的大作中提到】
: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, and enjoying is essential - a 50 mile journey through the Bear Mountain.
: Prologue
: Exactly one year ago, I did my first ever ultramarathon at The North Face
: Bear Mountain 50 Miles. It was a very last minute decision inspired by Pen
: and Tonyprince. It wasn’t a wise decision because I had very little
: training after 2009 NYC marathon and Bear Mountain is a rough terrain where
: I only hiked a few times. But looking back I am very glad that I did it.
: Even though I didn’t finish the race, it opened the door to an entirely new
: world for me – trail ultramarathon. I really enjoyed the solitariness of
: wondering alone in the mountain forests while pushing my lungs and muscles

1 (共1页)
NYCM live tracking这里的黎明静悄悄 - NYCM大名单简要
californians...and future ultra runners!芝加哥*北京*扭腰 三马 之 北京/扭腰篇
2009 NYC Marathon芝加哥马拉松名额转让
New York City Marathon Reportknickerbocker报告
跑个头最近这个月老排第一的扭腰半马流水 Haile Gebrselassie DNF
South Mountain 100K Race report终于dnf了
追寻IRENE - 来自扭腰的特别报道纽约出战Vermont 100的队伍周五出发
话题: mountain话题: section话题: last话题: trail话题: race