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Running版 - 105mpw walker
芝马 team competition打动全美国:底特律男子十年来每天步行八小时上下班
A not sustainable MP runJesse Jackson using Detroit crisis to pad résumé?
你能跑过70多岁的老头吗? 5000m 18:15.53真正的美国脊梁 - 每天走21mile 上班,坚决不吃福利 (转载)
back from Detroit MarathonEmail from Dr. Carson to his supporters
48.85km Exercise Report买新车到底能砍多少啊?
###此帖已应当事人要求删除###Ford recalls 363,000 F-150 trucks
报了个commitment day 5kGood News: Black unemployment at 16%
也来个菜鸟首马报告, 加点正能量现在骗子越来越高级阿
话题: robertson话题: he话题: leedy话题: work话题: people
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When James Robertson's 1988 Honda Accord broke down a decade ago, the
Detroit man didn't just go out and buy a new one.
Instead, Robertson, who makes $10.55 an hour – not enough to buy, maintain
and insure a car – decided he was going to walk to and from work, a journey
that stretches a marathon-length 21 miles.
He also takes a bus partway to his job destination: Schain Mold &
Last Sunday, the Detroit Free Press reported that the 56-year-old has been
making this long trek for years, no matter the weather.
"I don't think what I do is big deal," Robertson tells PEOPLE. "I do what I
have to do to get to work in the morning. It's just a part of my life."
What it takes, he says, is determination and faith.
"My parents taught me hard work ethic growing up in Detroit," he says. "It's
all about keeping your schedule on track and focusing your mind on what
Paying It Forward
After the newspaper article on Robertson was published, Evan Leedy, 19, a
student at Wayne State University, became inspired.
"I was blown away," Leedy tells PEOPLE. "He has been doing this for so long
and doesn't complain. I thought of myself and how most people could never do
what he does every single day."
As Leedy was looking through the readers' comments on the story, he saw
people asking how they could donate money to help Robertson get a car.
"I then decided to create a GoFundMe page where people could donate," says
Leedy. "I set the goal for $5,000, but I really didn't think many people
would see it or donate."
Before he knew it, thousands of dollars were coming in. One day later, more
5,300 people donated a total in excess of $149,000.
"We now have car dealerships and car companies saying they will donate a car
," Leedy says. "We can now use this money to truly change James' life."
Robertson currently doesn't live in a great neighborhood, and even with a
car, he lives far from work.
"We can get him a nice place to live," Leedy says. "A place he deserves."
On Monday night, Leedy and Robertson met for the first time.
"It was so amazing to finally meet James," Leedy said. "I am really just so
happy people trusted that the money was going to him so we can help turn his
life around. He deserves it."
The first word that comes to Robertson's mind when he thinks of Leedy and
the thousands that have donated: Shocked.
"I am just so stunned," he says. "Who would have thought that just a simple
walk would have turned into this? I would have told you that you were crazy
a few days ago."
Robertson is looking forward to putting his walking days behind him.
"I am taking this as a sign that it's time I start driving again," he said.
"And getting more than two hours of sleep a night."
Detroit Man Who Walks 21 Miles a Day to Work 'So Grateful' More Than $149,
000 Is Raised for Him| Good Deeds, Real People Stories
James Robertson
A Typical Work Day
Robertson leaves for work at 8 a.m. to get to work in time for his 2 p.m.
shift as an injection molder.
When he finishes work at 10 p.m, he starts his trek home.
His colleagues notice that although he never complains about having to walk,
they can see it's taking a toll on his body.
"He comes in here looking real tired – his legs, his knees," his coworker
Janet Vallardo, 59, of Auburn Hills, told the Free Press.
Robertson doesn't just make this walk for his paycheck. He also cares about
the people he has worked with for so many years.
"We're like a family," Robertson, who also gets fed dinner every weeknight
by the plant manager's wife, tells the newspaper. "I look at her food, I
always say, 'Excellent. No, not excellent. Phenomenal.'"
Despite his long and strenuous commute, Robertson is never late for work.
"I set our attendance standard by this man," Todd Wilson, plant manager at
Schain Mold & Engineering, told the newspaper. "I say, 'If this man can get
here, walking all those miles through snow and rain ….' Well, I'll tell you
, I have people in Pontiac, 10 minutes away, and they say they can't get
here – Bull!"
1 (共1页)
现在骗子越来越高级阿48.85km Exercise Report
买新车的税只有3%?报了个commitment day 5k
新车OTD包括registration fee吗也来个菜鸟首马报告, 加点正能量
芝马 team competition打动全美国:底特律男子十年来每天步行八小时上下班
A not sustainable MP runJesse Jackson using Detroit crisis to pad résumé?
你能跑过70多岁的老头吗? 5000m 18:15.53真正的美国脊梁 - 每天走21mile 上班,坚决不吃福利 (转载)
back from Detroit MarathonEmail from Dr. Carson to his supporters
话题: robertson话题: he话题: leedy话题: work话题: people