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Running版 - 消炎药有用吗?
消炎药[合集] 跑完以后该用冷水洗澡吗?
备战芝马 – 临战篇很久没有whining了,大家包涵让我whine一下吧
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话题: ibuprofen话题: nsaids话题: healing
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发帖数: 2112
Ibuprofen and Running
Written by Coach Jeff
As a competitive runner and a coach, I am always striving to find the
perfect balance between recovery and adaptation.
If you’re reading this post, you too have probably come across your fair
share of injuries or tough workouts that made your legs feel like jello.
Like many runners before you, when faced with a slight twinge, inflamed
tendons, or delayed muscle soreness from training, you may have popped a few
over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs for short,
such as ibuprofen and Advil).
I’m ashamed to admit it, but I spent the majority of my freshmen year in
college taking enough ibuprofen to make the local CVS wonder if the science
department was conducting an experiment on the effectiveness of Ibuprofen to
subdue elephants.
While I, along with many other athletes, thought we were being tough and
helping our training by reducing inflammation with Ibuprofen and Advil,
recent research and analysis has shown that anti-inflammatory drugs can
actually limit or cancel out the very training benefits we’re so desperate
to achieve.
That notion flies in the face of everything you thought about the benefits
of anti-inflammatory drugs, right? It’s not easy to do a 180 on what we
thought was beneficial, so let’s take a look at the role of inflammation,
the science behind that statement, and how you can take steps to maximize
your training and recovery.
The role of inflammation
The word inflammation gets a bad rap with athletes of all sports. Say the
word inflammation and fellow runners will immediately give you a sympathetic
pat on the back.
However, inflammation isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Inflammation is a protective attempt by your body to remove harmful stimuli
and to initiate the healing process.
Without getting too scientific, after a hard workout or during the early
stages of an injury, the body activates specific cells that attack the
injured area by increasing blood flow, producing swelling, and stimulating
the nerves that cause pain.
In short, inflammation is actually the beginning of the healing process and
is critical to healing injuries and recovering from normal training bouts.
While inflammation is the culprit behind pain and swelling, without it, the
recover process would be much slower.
Anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit training adaptations
Since we now know that inflammation is actually an important step in the
healing process, we can begin to appreciate how taking anti-inflammatory
medications after hard workouts may inhibit training adaptations.
When you run, you actually create small micro-tears in the muscles with
every step you take. The faster or harder you run, the more forcefully you
contract the muscles and the more damage you incur.
These micro-tears stimulate an inflammatory response, signaling the body to
deliver resources such as blood, oxygen, and nutrients to begin the healing
process. By taking anti-inflammatory drugs, you prevent the inflammation
process from initiating the healing process.
Recently, numerous studies have confirmed this new theory on the harmful
effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. One study on the effects of Ibuprofen on
skeletal muscle showed that taking ibuprofen during endurance training
canceled running-distance-dependent adaptations in skeletal muscle. Another
study confirmed in the laboratory that the use of NSAIDs after exercise
slowed the healing of muscles, tissues, ligaments and bones.
Anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent pain
Another common reason runners use ibuprofen or Advil is to take the edge off
the pain of racing or to help prevent a previous injury from bothering them
during a race. If you thought you were the only one who has made this
mistake, think again. In 2008, a study of Ironman competitors showed that 50
% of racers used NSAIDs immediately prior to or during the race.
Unfortunately, the idea that NSAIDs will help take the edge of the pain of
racing or prevent an injury from getting worse doesn’t hold up to science.
Studies conducted on runners at the Western States 100 miler found that
there was no perceived or actual difference between the runners using
ibuprofen during the race and those who weren’t.
Finally, the use of NSAIDs to mask pain from an injury may allow you to
continue training in the short-term, but will ultimately lead to a more
serious and longer lasting injury down the road. I don’t think science is
needed to confirm that running while injured isn’t a great idea.
Unfortunately, it’s all to easy to mask the natural pain receptors of the
brain to trick ourselves into thinking we can still train.
When is it good to take anti-inflammatory drugs?
The question then becomes, when is it appropriate for a runner to take
Ibuprofen and Advil?
Like most real-life situations, too much of any one thing isn’t good.
During the initial stage of an acute injury (such as a muscle strain, sudden
bout of tendonitis, or an ankle sprain) NSAIDs can actually facilitate
The exact reason for the difference in healing properties between “normal”
inflammation and excess inflammation or not clearly understood by scientist
. However, research does show that during the first 2-3 days of an acute
injury, NSAIDs can help heal injuries.
What does this mean? If you have a sudden, acute running injury, taking
ibuprofen or Advil in the first 2-3 days is advised. After that 2-3 day
window, you should let your bodies own natural healing mechanisms take over.
The next time you’re about to pop the cap on a bottle of Advil before a
race or after a tough workout, or you’re thinking about taking a few
Ibuprofen to help heal your nagging IT band, think again. Not only is there
no benefit to NSAIDs in those situations, but it could actually be hindering
your recovery and performance.
If you have questions about anti-inflammatory drugs or want to share you’re
experience, pleas don’t hesitate to leave a comment.
发帖数: 2112
发帖数: 41236

【在 b***m 的大作中提到】
: 最近做功课研究消除疼痛的办法,看到下面这边文章。大意似乎是:
: 1)炎症是身体对抗伤痛的自然反应,是身体自我修复过程的正常症状;
: 2)药物消除炎症,同时也抑制了身体的自我修复过程,反而不利于伤痛的恢复;
: 3)消炎药不能明显提高比赛成绩。
: 根据这篇文章的说法,我觉得ibuprofen或Advil最大的效果可能是止痛(类似麻醉剂,
: 消除或削弱大脑对疼痛的感受)。疼痛要求人不要过度使用身体;大脑不觉得疼了,就
: 会继续正常(其实是超量)使用身体。后果可能是短时间内保持了成绩,但加速了肌肉
: 撕裂,伤病加重。
: 我英语不太好,英语好的可以再总结一下。
: Ibuprofen and Running

发帖数: 2112

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 属于应急措施吧,比如你这要比赛了,腿还瘸着...平时训练不要用...
发帖数: 1105
俺也觉得靠吃药恢复不好, 所以这次坚持不吃药直到比赛时为了应付过去。 以前都
不知道ibuprofen和advil有消炎作用, 不过止疼作用真的不错,吃了跑起来真是一点
发帖数: 2112
[在 hunahun (混啊混) 的大作中提到:]
:俺也觉得靠吃药恢复不好, 所以这次坚持不吃药直到比赛时为了应付过去。 以前都
:不知道ibuprofen和advil有消炎作用, 不过止疼作用真的不错,吃了跑起来真是一点
发帖数: 41236

【在 h*****n 的大作中提到】
: 俺也觉得靠吃药恢复不好, 所以这次坚持不吃药直到比赛时为了应付过去。 以前都
: 不知道ibuprofen和advil有消炎作用, 不过止疼作用真的不错,吃了跑起来真是一点
: 不疼了。

发帖数: 1105
本来担心跑完麻药劲过了,腿会废了, 结果好像也没啥事。


【在 b***m 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,看你的经历,我是必吃无疑^_^
: [在 hunahun (混啊混) 的大作中提到:]
: :俺也觉得靠吃药恢复不好, 所以这次坚持不吃药直到比赛时为了应付过去。 以前都
: :不知道ibuprofen和advil有消炎作用, 不过止疼作用真的不错,吃了跑起来真是一点
: :...........

发帖数: 1105

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 比赛的时候,其实吃泰诺更好些,安全一点...伤疼消炎用ibuprofen..
发帖数: 41236
忘了在哪儿看的了,Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAIDs)
PROBLEM "My Achilles bothers me one day, but it's fine the next."
PILL TO POP Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
MED SENSE Acetaminophen doesn't impair the healing process like other drugs
may. Take 325 to 1,000 milligrams, twice a day. But never exceed 2,000
milligrams in 12 hours.
WARNING LABEL Don't use if you're drinking. Alcohol increases acetaminophen'
s liver toxicity.

【在 h*****n 的大作中提到】
: 为嘛泰诺更安全?
1 (共1页)
a couple thoughtsLHR问题
[just another Wednesday morning] mid-long run刚看了一遍文章:低糖原情况下锻炼有助于提高燃脂能力
消炎药[合集] 跑完以后该用冷水洗澡吗?
备战芝马 – 临战篇很久没有whining了,大家包涵让我whine一下吧
话题: ibuprofen话题: nsaids话题: healing